


大,有力,强盛:强~。~士。~心。~烈。~美。兵强马~。增加勇气和力量:~胆。~行(xíng )。以~声势。中国少数民族,主要分布于广西壮族自治区及云南、四川、贵州等省(旧作“僮”):~族。~锦。~歌。……





汉语拼音:zhuàng shi








  1. 健壮结实。

    晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·极言》:“唯怨风冷与暑湿,不知风冷暑湿不能伤壮实之人也。” 洪深 《香稻米》第一幕:“我们从前年轻的时候,身体壮实得真象一头牛。” 叶君健 《火花》十二:“正如 兰兰 说的一样,纸上的蚕儿确实很活泼、壮实。”



  1. I stood alone outside, watching some of the stronger girls playing, trying to forget the bitter cold, and thinking about my life.

  2. They were pleased to see how much stronger some of us had become.

  3. Julia had come across to his side; together they gazed down with a sort of fascination at the sturdy figure below.

  4. Mr. Thompson was a tough weather-beaten man with stiff black hair and a week's growth of black whiskers.

  5. it was Africa distilled up through six thousand feet. like the strong and refined essence of a continent.

  6. Make it an experience to remember by feedingyourself from the abundance of a vegan diet and growing a strong, healthy childin confidence.

  7. The elder always encouraged to marry someone with a huge body to keep warm yourself during winter back in the old day.

  8. In his broad bed n uncle Richie, pillowed and blanketed, extends over the hillock of his knees a sturdy forearm.

  9. A stout man, with a red sweater that sagged generously at the neck, came out and signed the book for the driver.


  1. 这驴很壮实。

    The donkey is strong.

  2. 他身材矮而壮实。

    He is short and sturdy.

  3. 她不很胖, 但很壮实。

    She was not fat, but solid.

  4. 她不很胖,但很壮实。

    She was not fat ,but solid.

  5. 你是壮实的庄稼汉的后代。

    You come from sturdy, peasant stock.

  6. 他长得高大壮实,浓眉大眼。

    He was tall and strong, with heavy features.

  7. 我之前很壮实,有很多肌肉。

    I used to be much bigger, much more muscular.

  8. 我们的体育老师又高大又壮实。

    Our PE teacher is a tall and strong man.

  9. 要么他很壮实要么箱子不是很重。

    Either he is very strong or the case isn't very heavy.

  10. 他是个魁梧壮实, 粗野的人。

    He was a great brawny brute of a man.

  11. 他是个壮实的孩子, 很健康。

    Hes a very sturdy child and very healthy.

  12. 他是个魁梧壮实, 冷酷无情的人。

    He was a great brawny brute of a man.

  13. 实际上他生得魁梧壮实,大手大脚。

    In point of fact he was broad and heavy, with large hands and feet.

  14. 那条狗又壮实又活跃, 欢蹦乱跳的。

    The dog was bouncing with health and vitality.

  15. 那条狗又壮实又活跃,欢蹦乱跳得。

    The dog was bouncing with health and vitality.

  16. 她身子壮实多了,气色也很好。

    She has got much stouter and lookd very well.

  17. 他是个壮实的孩子,长的很健康。

    He's a very sturdy child and very healthy.

  18. 他壮实的在冬天不需要穿棉袄。

    He is very strong and he neednt wear cottonpadded jacket.

  19. 选用芽头壮实茸毛多的制高档茶。

    Yatou love fuzz choose the system more upmarket tea.

  20. 等你长壮实了, 就会破卵而出。

    As soon as you are strong enough, break out of it.

  21. 看到我们长得这么壮实,他们很高兴。

    They were pleased to see how much stronger some of us had become.

  22. 这就是我, 一个壮实的小男子汉。谢谢老师!

    This is me a strong manly boy. Thank you.

  23. 我丈夫斯基普是一个很壮实、性感的男人。

    My husband Skip is a teddy bear of a man.

  24. 他们的地刚上过栏肥,种出来的庄稼格外壮实。

    Mole crickets are harmful to crops.

  25. 我的马体型非常壮实, 马鞍都很难装上去。

    My horse has a very compact build which makes it very hard to fit a saddle.

  26. 我的马体型非常壮实,马鞍都很难装上去。

    My horse has a very compact build which makes it very hard to fit a saddle.

  27. 我得马体型非常壮实,马鞍都很难装上去。

    My horse has a very compact build which makes it very hard to fit a saddle.

  28. 他长得很壮实,穿着深色衣服,亮光下显得很苍白。

    He was solid enough, wearing dark clothing, and in the odd lighting he appeared very pale.

  29. 他们的地刚上过栏肥,种出来的庄稼格外壮实。

    They have spread barnyard manure, so the crops are especially hardy.

  30. 医生说他受伤的肩膀需要一段时间才能变壮实。

    Doctors say his injured shoulder will take time to strengthen.


  1. 问:壮实拼音怎么拼?壮实的读音是什么?壮实翻译成英文是什么?

    答:壮实的读音是zhuàngshi,壮实翻译成英文是 sturdy

  2. 问:壮实鹿角珊瑚拼音怎么拼?壮实鹿角珊瑚的读音是什么?壮实鹿角珊瑚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:壮实鹿角珊瑚的读音是zhuàngshilùjiǎoshānhú,壮实鹿角珊瑚翻译成英文是 Acropora robusta


