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1. 衰 [shuāi]2. 衰 [cuī]衰 [shuāi]事物发展转向微弱:~微。~弱。~老。盛(shèng )~。兴(xīng )~。衰 [cuī]等次,等级,等差:等~(等次)。同“缞”。……
汉语拼音:shuāi ruò
《战国策·楚策四》:“今王疾甚,旦暮且崩,太子衰弱,疾而不起。” 明 王守仁 《传习录》卷中:“窃意觉精力衰弱不足以终事者,良知也。” 柔石 《二月》一:“医生说他心脏衰弱,他自己有时也感到对于都市生活有种种厌弃。”
《汉书·魏相传》:“上与后将军 赵充国 等议,欲因 匈奴 衰弱,出兵击其右地,使不敢復扰 西域 。” 宋 苏辙 《议论》:“公室既微,则三 桓 之子孙,天下之所谓宜盛者也,而终以衰弱而不振。” 清 魏源 《圣武记》卷一:“ 大同 巡抚 张宗衡 力言 插 部衰弱无能为。” 洪深 《戏剧导演的初步知识》下篇三:“两线衔接愈近波形,运动的气势便愈见衰弱。”
The door was unlocked. She went inside and sat in a stupor. She was near collapse, barely able to move her swollen feet.
门没锁上,她走了进去,呆呆地坐了下来,极度的衰弱几乎使她无力挪动她那红肿的双脚。Mr Putin has positioned himself as the symbol of a resurgent nation recovering from years of humiliation and weakness.
普京把自己定位在从多年的羞辱和衰弱中恢复过来的复兴国家的象征。But the decline is so broad and so striking that it would be presumptuous of me to take responsibility for it.
如今,微软的衰弱是如此的深远和显著,以至于如果我声称对此负责的话,就显得太自以为是了。Europe is likely to go through a weak period as governments implement more austerity measures in the face of a weak economy.
欧洲可能会经历一段疲弱期,而欧洲政府面对衰弱的经济,将实施更多节约措施。Oliver nearly swooned after this frightful scene, and was so weak that for an hour or more, he had not the strength to walk.
目睹了这样一个可怕的场面,奥立弗险些晕过去。他是如此衰弱,足有一个小时连步子都迈不开。Terror that he had lost her; it had debilitated him for a moment.
他惧怕失去她;这让他在一瞬间变得衰弱无比。I decide to adopt a more positive outlook after realizing how much my children still wanted and loved me despite my debilitating injures.
当我意识到尽管伤痛让我衰弱无力,可孩子们还是那么需要我,那么爱我时,我决定更加积极地面对生活。Weak and lethargic still, hardly able to talk, he appeared to take the luxurious treatment quite for granted.
他还衰弱,渴睡,几乎不能说话。他对这种优待似乎受之无愧。Years went by, and the giant became very old and weak. He sat in his armchair and watched the children play in the garden.