




大,有力,强盛:强~。~士。~心。~烈。~美。兵强马~。增加勇气和力量:~胆。~行(xíng )。以~声势。中国少数民族,主要分布于广西壮族自治区及云南、四川、贵州等省(旧作“僮”):~族。~锦。~歌。……



汉语拼音:xióng zhuàng









  1. 雄伟勇武。

    《三国志·吴志·陆绩传》:“ 绩 容貌雄壮,博学多识。” 元 高文秀 《襄阳会》第四折:“将士勇人人雄壮,扫羣雄西驰东荡。”《西游记》第三十回:“罗纹石上,护法威严;玛瑙滩前, 木叉 雄壮。” 陈其通 《万水千山》第五幕第一场:“一队全副武装、身材威武雄壮的战士,手持船桨跑上。”

  2. 声音洪亮有气势。

    《北史·长孙览传》:“ 览 有口辩,声气雄壮,凡所宣传,百僚属目。”

  3. 雄伟壮观。

    《全唐诗》卷八五一载 吴越 僧《武肃王有旨石桥设斋会进一诗》之二:“石磴嵌空神匠出,瀑泉雄壮雨声来。”《警世通言·宿香亭张浩遇莺莺》:“所居连簷重阁,洞户相通,华丽雄壮,与王侯之家相等。” 茅盾 《子夜》一:“我需要的是另一种,是狂风暴雨,是火山爆裂……是宇宙混沌那样的大刺激,大变动!啊,啊,多么奇伟,多么雄壮!”



  1. If the national anthem rings, You must be able to hear the sound of thunder in the cry which will certainly feel excited!

  2. With his hands-on approach, he brings to life the mystery and majesty of these giant wonders of the botanical world.

  3. This technique does not pass this mortal, Ran Wei-I described the concept of Ru, utensils majestic, when the Xi's can be.

  4. But they lied to me. Their music led me to believe all boys were romantic and sensitive underneath that masculine exterior. They aren't.

  5. I am very stronger, and I'm sure I can be a good player. If I can join it, please call me at 113113.

  6. At once he thought, "This noble bullock looks like he has the strength and the will to pull my carts across the river. "

  7. The mountains are Sendai are solid and with the crisp air we can see them silhouetted against the sky magnificently.

  8. until we, like Paul, even though going to our death, go with triumphant mien, with assured faith, and with serene and shining face.

  9. Henry did not tell me about you. Your fisherman muscles. Can I touch? Sure. Yes. The Beach Boys?


  1. 雄壮的演奏

    a virile performance

  2. 雄壮的军乐

    majestic martial music

  3. 声音严峻雄壮。

    It was a stern strong voice.

  4. 这骊山高大、雄壮。

    The mountain is high and magnificent.

  5. 古城墙巍峨雄壮。

    It has a magnificent ancient city wall.

  6. 我们的队伍威武雄壮。

    Our army is full of power and grandeur.

  7. 雄壮保护者被移出。

    Stalwart Protector has been removed.

  8. 雄壮的乐曲回响在空中。

    The majestic music reverberated in the sky.

  9. 我跟随着那激昂的雄壮战鼓,

    I am in the drums loud and grand

  10. 战马骠悍, 雄壮, 镇定自如, 巍然挺立。

    The horse appears brave, strong, placid and firm.

  11. 公狗显得雄壮, 母狗则显得柔和。

    Dogs appear masculine, while bitches are distinctly feminine.

  12. 雄性明确显示出雄壮而不粗糙

    Males are decidedly masculine without coarseness.

  13. 下弦能够产生雄壮浑厚的音响效果。

    The lower strings contribute a splendid richness of sonority.

  14. 这部电影具有雄壮史诗的一切特点。

    The film has all the earmarks of an epic.

  15. 秀珀人正以雄壮的步伐奔向未来。

    Perkin show are majestic in pace towards the future.

  16. 雄壮,有生气以雄壮有生气的方式,主要用作指挥

    in an animated or lively manner,used chiefly as a direction

  17. 它长的很大,是黑色的,像熊一样雄壮。

    He was huge, black, as majestical as a bear.

  18. 庄子眼中的鲸是雄壮的, 势不可挡甚至神圣的。

    The whale in the eyes of Zhuangzi is gallant, heroic and holy.

  19. 首长在广场上检阅了威武雄壮的仪仗队。

    On the square, the commander reviewed the powerful and grandiose guard of honor.

  20. 一只小小的老鼠能帮助向我这样雄壮的狮子?

    A little mouse can help a big lion like me?

  21. 船未靠岸, 我们也只是能遥望他的高大雄壮。

    As the boat hadn't reached island, we could only see the grand image.

  22. 船未靠岸,我们也只是能遥望他得高大雄壮。

    As the boat hadn't reached island, we could only see the grand image.

  23. 这段乐曲的开始部分要演奏得更加雄壮有力。

    This piece of music needs to be played with more attack.

  24. 但官僚主义,却借国家的壳子,漫山遍野雄壮起来。

    But bureaucratism, the carapace that lends a country however child, all over the mountains and plains rises magnificently.

  25. 我是威武雄壮的鼓,踏过草原无边的纳格兰。

    Iam in the drums loud and grand, the thundrous hooves across Nagra

  26. 我是威武雄壮的鼓,踏过无限草原纳格兰。

    I am in the drums loud and grand, the thousandrous hooves across Nagrand.

  27. 我是威武雄壮的鼓,踏过无边的纳格兰草原。

    I am in the drums loud and grand, the thunderous hooves across Nagrand.

  28. 看看在我后面建立一群又美丽又雄壮的冰屋。

    I see behind the establishment of a group of magnificent and beautiful and Ningwu.

  29. 本人是威武雄壮的鼓,踏过无限草原纳格兰。

    I am in the drums loud and grand, the thunderous hooves across Nagrand.

  30. 机修工们在歌唱,每个人都在唱着快乐雄壮得歌。

    Those of mechanics, each one singing his as It'should be blithe and strong.


  1. 问:雄壮拼音怎么拼?雄壮的读音是什么?雄壮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雄壮的读音是xióngzhuàng,雄壮翻译成英文是 majestic




拼音:xióng zhuàng

近义词:雄健----雄浑----雄壮 基本

解释:[full of power and grandeur] 勇武壮盛