


1. 强 [qiáng]2. 强 [qiǎng]3. 强 [jiàng]强 [qiáng]健壮,有力,与“弱”相对:~壮。~健。~人。~力。~大。~劲。刚~。富~。列~。~弩之末。年富力~。程度高:~手。~烈。~酸。能力~。胜过,优越,好:……





汉语拼音:qiáng hàn








  1. 亦作“彊悍”。强横勇猛。

    《魏书·李苗传》:“ 陇 兵强悍,且群聚无资。” 宋 苏辙 《七代论》:“留孺子孱将以抗四方彊悍之虏,则天下之势已遂去矣。” 清 刘献廷 《广阳杂记》卷四:“而 黎世屏 尤为强悍,此南土之隐忧也。” 康濯 《春种秋收·灾难的明天》:“就从这时起,她从痛苦中站立起来,她变得更强悍、更狠毒。”

  2. 指强横凶暴的人。

    元 柳贯 《渡湖宿麻子港口》诗:“旧闻萑蒲间,弱肉饱强悍。时平道路清,跋涉得无患。”



  1. The only difference was that the outgoing guy seemed to have eaten more business lunches and looked tougher.


  2. There seems to be a very vague definition within our dog sport as to exactly what constitutes strong working dog temperament.


  3. I had to do a scene with another girl, really tough, who played a shop clerk. I was supposed to be trying to return something.


  4. He did not dream how ardent and masculine his gaze was, nor that the warm flame of it was affecting the alchemy of her spirit.


  5. You are really big brother. How much could I adore you?


  6. If it is possible to be a good defender and good rebounder without toughness, then the Lakers should settle for rebounders and defenders.


  7. It may also recognise that presenting a flawless juggernaut is not in its own interests, especially if the evidence suggests otherwise.


  8. Even as a rookie, Bynum showed he had tenacity and grit, muscle and speed, and tons of potential oozing out of him.


  9. And so he grew like an oak-tree, and acquired a strong pair of hands and afresh colour.


  1. 这叫做强悍。

    And this is called Toughness.

  2. 主要是,他需要更强悍点。

    Basically he needs to toughen up a little bit.

  3. 变成赤龙军最强悍的战士。

    A warrior of the red dragon army.

  4. 这是最强悍的另类推广方法。

    This is the most powerful promotion of alternative methods.

  5. 我曾看到过一些强悍的战士。

    I've seen grim warriors.

  6. 不强悍的图俺一般是不发滴!

    No intrepid picture be not a droplet like me!

  7. 你真是强悍,我到底该怎么崇拜你?

    You are really big brother. How much could I adore you.

  8. 想要打败大卫很难。他很强悍。

    It's impossible to beat David. He a tough guy.

  9. 老鹰是一种很强悍的吃荤的鸟类。

    An eagle is a very large strong meateating bird.

  10. 他们变得更加强悍,但集团减少了

    They're more robust. There is less groups.

  11. 强悍的女孩是我喜欢的那一型。

    But tough girls are my type.

  12. 我们也不是最快或最强悍的球队。

    We may not have the household names that many other teams have.

  13. 这个强悍的数据搜索发现了匹配结果。

    And this brute force data search found a match.

  14. 温特夫人块头很大,个性也较强悍。

    Mrs. Winter was large and somewhat overpowering.

  15. 帕奎奥也这么强悍 吗 我没法打包票。

    Can the same be said about Pacquiao I'm not 100 percent sure.

  16. 很显而易见的, 德鲁伊在野外很是强悍。

    For obvious reasons, druids thrive in the wild outdoors.

  17. 使用柔软的方式来征服一个强悍的对手

    Use a soft approach to subdue a tough opponent.

  18. 我希望我可以成为最强悍的亚洲之鹰!

    My name is Aquila, I hope I will be the strongest eagle in Asia!

  19. 签名档我跑只因我渴望拥有强悍的人生!

    I run because I am keen to live a doughty life!

  20. 宇民是粗野和强悍的, 但他却是人性的。

    Woomin is rough and tough. But he is human.

  21. 一场强悍的暴雨,让烈阳温柔了许多。

    After a sudden storm, the searing sun turned much tender.

  22. 他是个威风凛凛发号施令的强悍的家伙,是个大人物。

    He was the tough guy, the big shot, who gave orders with the crack of a whip.

  23. 他们是神民在战争中强悍凶猛的例证。

    They exemplify the unbridled ferocity of the protoss at war.

  24. 差不多是我们军火库里最强悍的军用炸药。

    Just about the most powerful military explosive we have in our arsenal.

  25. 我希望我能把兽族的强悍发挥得淋漓尽致!

    I wish to show I can play strong with the Orcs.

  26. 在决赛中我们跟强悍的对手进行了对抗。

    We encountered a difficult opponent in the finals.

  27. 们是棒球界中的精英队伍,最强悍的打线。

    They're the toughest team in probably all of baseball, the toughest lineup.

  28. 她希望公司的形像强悍、时髦并且女性化。

    She wanted the company's image to be strong, chic and feminine.

  29. 萝珊那可是面对对方强悍防守球员得成绩。

    Roxanne And that was against some tough defenders.

  30. 萝珊那可是面对对方强悍防守球员的成绩。

    Roxanne And that was against some tough defenders.


  1. 问:强悍拼音怎么拼?强悍的读音是什么?强悍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:强悍的读音是qiánghàn,强悍翻译成英文是 valiant


