


1. 兴 [xīng]2. 兴 [xìng]兴 [xīng]举办,发动:~办。~工。~学。~建。~叹(发出感叹声,如“望洋~~”)。百废待~。起来:夙~夜寐(早起晚睡)。旺盛:~盛。~旺。~隆。~衰。复~。~替(兴衰)。天下~亡,匹夫有责。……


1. 盛 [shèng]2. 盛 [chéng]盛 [shèng]兴旺:兴~。繁~。旺~。~世。~衰。茂~。全~时期。炽烈:年轻气~。~怒。~气凌人。丰富,华美:~产。~宴。~装。热烈,规模大:~大。~况。~典。~举。广泛,程度深:~传(c……



汉语拼音:xīng shèng








  1. 兴旺发达。

    北魏 郦道元 《水经注·河水一》:“两岸平地,有国名 毗荼 ,佛法兴盛。” 毛泽东 《抗日时期的经济问题和财政问题》:“对于这种人,我们用不着和他们辩论,他们是永远也看不到我们‘塌台’的日子的,我们只会兴盛起来。”



  1. Its success made it a target for attack by the British during the War of 1812 and by the Confederates during the Civil War.


  2. if it were prosperous or expanding, it would have to continue to offer high wages to increase its labor force.


  3. Many reasons lead us to ponder the rise and decline of the United States of America. I shall list only a few.


  4. As the Han people emigrated from the city center to the city outside the front door business district began to thrive.


  5. The rest of your world is likewise more than ready to put personal freedom to use to demonstrate how success can thrive.


  6. If this is an era of the rejuvenation of great art, then we won't forget a fine artist and leave him crying on the stage of this era.


  7. From the end of Ming to that of Qing, it was brought to a conclusion eclipsing.


  8. Yuan Dynasty rulers of this line of thought, then no doubt the orthodox theory of the rise has important implications.


  9. a period in Chinese porcelain, when many famous kilns were set up and high-quality ceramics with distinctive features began to be produced.


  1. 兴盛的时代

    halcyon years.

  2. 兴盛的出口贸易。

    A thriving export trade.

  3. 墨家学派兴盛刍议

    Discuss on the Prosperity of Mohist School

  4. 玄学、佛学的兴盛。

    Prosperity of metaphysics and Buddhism.

  5. 经济伦理学何以兴盛?

    Why is Business Ethics Widespread?

  6. 袋鼠不仅兴盛, 它主宰。

    The kangaroo not only thrived, it dominated.

  7. 汉代歌谣兴盛的原因

    The reasons for the prosperity of han dynasty s ballads.

  8. 爵士乐兴盛的代价环顾世界

    Key To Keep The Jazz Hot

  9. 元杂剧兴盛原因之我见

    My opinion on the cause of the rise and decline about zaju in the Yuan Dynasty

  10. 武侠文化兴盛的历史原因

    Historical Analysis on Reasons of the Prosperity of Chivalry Culture

  11. 龙年代表着财运和兴盛。

    The year of Dragon represents good fortune and prosperity.

  12. 他出生于和平的兴盛时期。

    He was born in the palmy days of peace.

  13. 他们的生意似乎很兴盛。

    Their business seemed to flourish.

  14. 汉代造型艺术兴盛的动因

    Causes of the prosperity of plastic art in the Han Dynasty

  15. 生活因谵妄而兴盛, 因倦怠而荒芜。

    Life creates itself in delirium and is undone in ennui.

  16. 论晚明家班兴盛的原因

    Causes for the Rise of Family Opera Troupe in the Late Ming Dynasty

  17. 这是国家兴盛或衰落的原因

    That's why nations rise and fall.

  18. 北京联兴盛业印刷有限公司。

    Beijing Lian Xing Sheng Ye Printing Co., Ltd.

  19. 北齐文学兴盛及其原因初探

    Flourishing Literature of the North Qi Dynasty and a Causal Analysis of its Prosperity

  20. 论墨辩之辩墨家学派兴盛刍议

    Discuss on the Prosperity of Mohist School

  21. 武力与法律不有同时兴盛。

    Arms and laws do not flourish together.

  22. 武力与法律不能同时兴盛。

    Arms and laws do not flourish together.

  23. 论宛梆艺术兴盛的原因及特征

    On the cause and character of the Clapper Opera in Nanyang

  24. 浅析西夏河西佛教兴盛的原因

    An Analysis of the Cause of the Flourishing of Buddhism in Xixia

  25. 绿色贸易壁垒的兴盛与我国的对策

    The Gree Trade Vallum and Countermeasure of Our Country

  26. 词谱兴盛为创作词提供了方便。

    The rise of the ci spectrum to provide for the creation of a convenient ci.

  27. 铜镜的铸造业因此十分兴盛。

    The foundry industry of bronze mirror was therefore very thriving.

  28. 其次分析伪满修志兴盛的原因。

    Second the author analyses the causes of compiling local chronicles on a large scale.

  29. 元代神仙道化剧兴盛原因考

    On the Rise and Fall of the Immortals Drama of the Yuan Dynasty The Reason

  30. 它们的兴盛和肥壮正是地方的贫瘠。

    Their prosperity and their fatness mean the impoverishment of the country.


  1. 问:兴盛拼音怎么拼?兴盛的读音是什么?兴盛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兴盛的读音是xīngshèng,兴盛翻译成英文是 prosperous

  2. 问:兴盛的拼音怎么拼?兴盛的的读音是什么?兴盛的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兴盛的的读音是,兴盛的翻译成英文是 golden




拼音:xīnɡ shènɡ

反义词:兴盛--------衰败 诗文谜:《网络灯谜信息》,癸未兴盛呈祥。 (猜:打唐诗人连诗句一) 谜底: 罗隐、尽道丰年瑞。 名言警句:清·张之洞: 振兴教育,必先广储师范,师资不敷,学校何以兴盛。