如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 兴 [xīng]2. 兴 [xìng]兴 [xīng]举办,发动:~办。~工。~学。~建。~叹(发出感叹声,如“望洋~~”)。百废待~。起来:夙~夜寐(早起晚睡)。旺盛:~盛。~旺。~隆。~衰。复~。~替(兴衰)。天下~亡,匹夫有责。……
汉语拼音:xīng fèn
明 刘基 《祀方丘颂》:“提三尺剑,由一旅兴奋于长 淮 。”中国近代史资料丛刊《辛亥革命·黎元洪布告山东人民文》:“曷勿及时兴奋,共襄大业?”
鲁迅 《书信集·致郑振铎》:“‘兴奋’我很赞成,但不要‘太’,‘太’即容易疲劳。” 巴金 《灭亡》第十四章:“他异常兴奋,浑身发烧,头脑也有点昏迷。”
At last he tossed his head with an air intended to be merely satisfied, but which was triumphant, in reality.
最后他终于仰起了头,他那神气,原只想表示满意,而他实际表现的却是极大的兴奋。Excited by his new skill, Micky quickly dashes home, anxious to get back to his hole before the tide comes in and covers it.
米奇对于他的新技能大感兴奋,米奇飞奔回家,急著在他的洞在被涨潮淹没前到达。The music isn't just background; it's part of the show. The song seems to turn the males on, according to the research.
这种声音已经不仅仅是背景音乐了,而是和好戏融为一体。根据研究表明,这种叫鸣声能够让雄性兴奋。Wang seemed excited to be back with his teammates and ready to contribute. Even Joe Torre had a little fun th his ace when he first saw him.
小民似乎很兴奋回来跟他的队友们一起打拼并且也已经准备好要有所贡献。甚至连会长第一次看到他时都跟他开了个小玩笑。As you can probably tell I'm really excited about this record. I've just so much music to share and I can't wait for you to hear it.
你可以说我真的对这张唱片很兴奋。我有太多的音乐来分享,我等不及你来听了。It would have been easy to get caught up in excitement and business and forget how these new opportunities came to be.
陷入兴奋和繁忙中,忘记这些新的机会是怎样到来的是很容易的。My husband was especially excited because he is younger than I, and he got to join, too!
我丈夫也特别兴奋,因为他比我年轻,也能加入这个组织!He was the most exciting man-beyond anyone she had even dreamed of knowing, at least in that way.
他是个最能令人感到兴奋的人,她做梦都想不到有谁会比他更令人兴奋,至少在那方面是这样。By the time he got to my window I was already pretty flustered. He said, 'You know why I've pulled you over, don't you? '