




1. 靡 [mí]靡 [mí]浪费,奢侈:~荡。~费。侈~。分散:~散(消灭)。古同“糜”,糜烂。……



汉语拼音:wěi mǐ








  1. 精神不振作;意志消沉。

    孙中山 《大亚洲主义》:“到近几百年以来,我们 亚洲 各民族才渐渐萎靡, 亚洲 各国家才渐渐衰弱。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第二部第三七章:“ 燕 ,你怎么搞的?精神越来越萎靡。”

  2. 衰退。

    徐特立 《读<苏联社会主义经济问题>笔记》七:“如果没有新的生产关系,生产力就注定要萎靡下去。”



  1. Just over a year after the recovery started, its initial vigor has abruptly subsided, thrusting the world into a new period of uncertainty.


  2. The same story is now unfolding across the entire German economy, even in the long-ailing construction industry.


  3. She was always unhappy , or in one of her slumps- perhaps ' cause she spent so much time down in the dumps .


  4. UNTIL recently the jobs market had been one of the livelier parts of a mostly spiritless economy.


  5. But it has one redeeming feature: the irresistible impulse to see one's writings in print exhausts itself during early life.


  6. A severe case of senioritis may actually sink an ordinarily cheerful and energetic senior into a bottomless pit of listlessness and languor.


  7. The sporadic violence is not only a symptom of this economic malaise , but a contributing factor to it.


  8. Getting excited about something is the best way to get out of those unmotivated doldrums. Find your passion, and pursue it!


  9. This year, the week economy has a mission of offers(officers) nervous that some families may not be able to pay for college as planned.


  1. 他精神萎靡。

    His spirits drooped.

  2. 一张萎靡的脸庞

    an inanimate face

  3. 不要萎靡不振。

    Don't let your spirits droop.

  4. 萎靡不振的儿子!

    His powers nil!

  5. 病人逐渐变得萎靡。

    The sick person gradually falls into a torpor.

  6. 消除嗜睡和精神萎靡。

    Relieves lethargy and mental sluggishness.

  7. 黑人萎靡不振地招呼。

    The negro answered wearily.

  8. 萎靡的生命如同死亡本身。

    A life unlived is no different than death.

  9. 萎靡得生命如同死亡本身。

    A life unlived is no different than death.

  10. 那时候你正萎靡不振。

    When you fell into that big depression.

  11. 那时候你正萎靡不振。

    When you fell into that big depression.

  12. 一个个看起来都萎靡不振

    You all look like hell.

  13. 这些天我疲惫不堪, 精神萎靡。

    I'm whacked to the wide those days, out of spirits.

  14. 不过我总嫌他有点萎靡。

    Well, I've always found him to be a little limp.

  15. 他躺在床上,显得萎靡疲惫。

    He lay on his bed, looking pinched and worn.

  16. 久病之後,他显得萎靡不振。

    He cut a sorry figure after his long illness.

  17. 久病之后, 他显得萎靡不振。

    He cut a poor figure after his long illness.

  18. 我军士气高扬,敌军萎靡不振。

    Our soldiers are in high spirits while the enemy is in low spirits.

  19. 我们在烈日下变得萎靡不振。

    We were wilting under the burning sun.

  20. 虽然需求萎靡可能缓解价格压力, 但。

    When demand stumbles, price pressures are likely to ease too. However.

  21. 脱水会导致虚弱、精神萎靡以致死亡。

    Dehydration can lead to weakness, mental fatigue and eventually death.

  22. 几年前, 唐娜曾一度萎靡不振。

    Several years ago, Donna had been feeling very depressed.

  23. 弗朗西斯看来好像很萎靡不振。

    Francis seemed to be in a state of mental doldrums.

  24. 宝贝终于摆脱了萎靡不振的状态。

    The baby has come out of his slump.

  25. 新的规定让我们爆棚的自尊心瞬间萎靡

    and our egos have been wounded by new laws.

  26. 我不想在你萎靡失意时徘徊那里。

    I don't wanna be there when your, coming down.

  27. 受到打击后他有点萎靡不振了。

    His spirits sagged after that strike.

  28. 花儿在乾热的天气里显得萎靡无力。

    The flowers looked limp in the hot dry weather.

  29. 花儿在干热得天气里显得萎靡无力。

    The flowers looked limp in the hot dry weather.

  30. 我没有鬼迷心窍在萎靡和疯狂之间摇摆

    i m not losing my mind. ping ponging between comatose and homicidal


  1. 问:萎靡拼音怎么拼?萎靡的读音是什么?萎靡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萎靡的读音是wéimǐ,萎靡翻译成英文是 downhearted

  2. 问:萎靡拼音怎么拼?萎靡的读音是什么?萎靡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萎靡的读音是wěimí,萎靡翻译成英文是 dejected, dispirited

  3. 问:萎靡地拼音怎么拼?萎靡地的读音是什么?萎靡地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萎靡地的读音是,萎靡地翻译成英文是 dejectedly



萎,草木枯死。靡, 消失;通“糜”, 烂也。“精神萎靡”是精神不振作;意志消沉。