




1. 闷 [mèn]2. 闷 [mēn]闷 [mèn]心烦,不舒畅:愁~。沉~。郁~。~懑。~~不乐。密闭,不透气:~子车。闷 [mēn]因空气不流通而引起的感觉:~气。~热。密闭,使不透气:茶刚沏上,~会儿再喝。不吭声,不声张:他只是~头……



汉语拼音:hóu mèn








  1. 亦作“ 愁惛 ”。忧虑烦闷。

    汉 司马相如 《长门赋》序:“ 孝武皇帝 陈皇后 ,时得幸,颇妒,别在 长门宫 ,愁闷悲思。”《南史·刘述传》:“ 述 又尝有緦惨,或诣之,问其母安否。 述 曰:‘惟有愁惛。’” 宋 朱淑真 《菩萨蛮》词:“愁闷一番新,双蛾只旧顰。”《东周列国志》第三一回:“ 重耳 已失窠巢,又没盘费,此时情绪,好不愁闷!” 峻青 《秋色赋·爆炸远征队五》:“看到这种情况,队长愁闷起来了。”



  1. things did not come to their height with him , and i observed he became pensive and melancholy.


  2. In sorrow after sorrow it is his steps that press upon my heart, and it is the golden touch of his feet that makes my joy to shine.


  3. She looked back to the freedom and the beggary of the old studio in Soho with so much regret.


  4. i make so many beginnings " , he said dolefully" .


  5. "Our physician is very knowledgeable, " Nora said sadly. "He has never been wrong before. "


  6. The more adult writers DO not indulge in such wanton exhibitions of spleen.


  7. A lot of times when I was depressed, music helped me. So I would like to create music that's going to help people and fans.


  8. Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness.


  9. On blue days you feel like you're amphibian in an ocean of anguish.


  1. 那是十分愁闷的,十分忧郁。

    It had been dull and sombre enough.

  2. 那是十分愁闷的,十分忧郁的。

    It had been dull and somber enough.

  3. 那是十分愁闷得,十分忧郁。

    It had been dull and sombre enough.

  4. 那是十分愁闷得,十分忧郁得。

    It had been dull and somber enough.

  5. 他的病使我感到愁闷。

    His illness caused me to feel gloomy.

  6. 她并不伤心,只是愁闷,苍白无力。

    She was not sad, only wistful, blanched.

  7. 我心情愁闷, 不想和任何人讲话。

    I am out of spirits and don't want to speak to anyone.

  8. 我虽然心里愁闷, 姑且强作欢容。

    I am not merry, but I do beguile the thing I m by seeming otherwise

  9. 他工作不顺利,心里愁闷得很。

    He was very cast down by setbacks in his work.

  10. 我有过那么多新开端, 他愁闷地说道。

    I make so many beginnings, he said dolefully.

  11. 这里中风把最后几根愁闷的灰发摇晃

    Where palsy shakes a few, sad, last gray hairs

  12. 这里中风把最后几根愁闷得灰发摇晃

    Where palsy shakes a few, sad, last gray hairs

  13. 当你愁闷不畅的时候我就陪伴在你身旁。

    I'll be there when you're feeling down.

  14. 更成熟的作家不会这样放纵地发泄愁闷。

    The more adult writers do not indulge in such wanton exhibitions of spleen.

  15. 更成熟得作家不会这样放纵地发泄愁闷。

    The more adult writers do not indulge in such wanton exhibitions of spleen.

  16. 但助手说他们察觉到他声音里一丝愁闷。

    But aides say they detect a bit of wistfulness in his voice.

  17. 到了早晨, 约瑟进到他们那里, 见他们有愁闷的样子。

    And Joseph came in unto them in the morning, and looked upon them, and, behold, they were sad.

  18. 在愁闷的日子里, 你会感到自己在悲伤的海里沉沉浮浮。

    On blue days you feel like youre amphibian in an ocean of anguish.

  19. 那天晚上, 她跟裘德有约会, 他好象很愁闷。

    That evening she kept an appointment with Jude, who seemed sad.

  20. 每当我愁闷疑惑, 疲劳不堪时, 我只能给本人一个吻。

    Every time when I was upset or tired, I can only kiss by myself.

  21. 你们要愁苦,悲哀,哭泣。将喜笑变作悲哀,欢乐变作愁闷。

    Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom.

  22. 他们所得到的,是许多艰难,各样的诱惑,极大的愁闷。

    Instead, they had many afflictions, temptations of various kinds, and great desolation.

  23. 那群人全离开后, 我在巴斯过了许多愁闷的时光。

    I had many melancholy hours at bath after all the company was gone.

  24. 那群人全离开后,我在巴斯过了许多愁闷得时光。

    I had many melancholy hours at Bath after all the company was gone.

  25. 这么多年来她灌到我们头脑里全是些阴郁、愁闷的东西。

    And it was glum and gloomy things she put there all those years.

  26. 苔丝狄蒙娜我虽然心里愁闷, 姑且强作欢容。来, 你怎麽赞美我

    Desdemona. I am not merry but I do beguile The thing I am, by seeming otherwise. Come, how wouldst thou praise me

  27. 她留恋从前在苏霍画室里自由自在的穷日子, 说不尽的愁闷。

    She looked back to the freedom and the beggary of the old studio in Soho with so much regret.


  1. 问:愁闷拼音怎么拼?愁闷的读音是什么?愁闷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:愁闷的读音是chóumèn,愁闷翻译成英文是 gloomy

  2. 问:愁闷的拼音怎么拼?愁闷的的读音是什么?愁闷的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:愁闷的的读音是,愁闷的翻译成英文是 lackadaisical



详细解释 亦作“愁惛”。忧虑烦闷。 汉 司马相如 《长门赋》序:“孝武皇帝陈皇后,时得幸,颇妒,别在长门宫,愁闷悲思。”《南史·刘述传》:“述又尝有缌惨,或诣之,问其母安否。述曰:‘惟有愁惛。’” 宋 朱淑真 《菩萨蛮》词:“愁闷一番新,双蛾只旧颦。”《东周列国志》第三一回:“重耳已失窠巢,又没盘费,此时情绪,好不愁闷!” 《红楼梦》第一回:“虽我未学,下笔无文,又何妨用假语村言,敷演出一段故事来,亦可使闺阁昭传,复可悦世之目,破人愁闷,不亦宜乎?”峻青 《秋色赋·爆炸远征队五》:“看到这种情况,队长愁闷起来了。”