


烦恼,悔恨:~丧(sàng )。~恼。~恨。~悔。……


1. 丧 [sāng]2. 丧 [sàng]丧 [sāng]跟死了人有关的事:~事。~礼。~亡。~假(jià)。~乱。治~。吊~。丧 [sàng]丢掉,失去:~失。~生。~偶。~胆。~气(不吉利,倒霉。“气”读轻声)。颓~(情绪低落,精神委……



汉语拼音:ào sàng








  1. 懊恼沮丧。

    清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·姑妄听之一》:“ 李生 意气懊丧,益落拓不自存,仍附舟南下觅外舅。” 茅盾 《色盲》一:“ 林白霜 颇有些懊丧的气色,好像做坏了一件什么事。”



  1. I should have been quite disappointed if I had not found you here still.


  2. Did not get medicine prescribed in a dejected expression, mouth repeatedly murmured: "retribution, this is retribution. "


  3. The fox was very dejected. So he turned his body heartrending. The tiger was looking at him.


  4. I remember sitting there, feeling helpless and depressed to see the teacher finally just put my name in public to wipe mind was a blank.


  5. Maintaining a sense of humor about these new frustrations can be helpful.


  6. A good teacher should be very alert to hellos students' progress. If their progress is ignored, the students will feel discouraged.


  7. We will all have our own suspicions about which practices will someday prompt people to ask, in dismay: What were they thinking?


  8. These drivers create such frustration that six out of ten motorists feel stress rise and about half are tempted to 'undertake'.


  9. I was upset by the loss of my wallet, but I could only console myself---it could have been worse.


  1. 我们都感到懊丧。

    We are all involved in the regrets.

  2. 老年遗憾懊丧。

    manhood a struggle, old age a regret.

  3. 他因失败而懊丧。

    He was chagrined at his failure.

  4. 他因失业而懊丧。

    Losing his job left him rather despondent.

  5. 他因过失感到懊丧。

    He is mortified by his mistake.

  6. 没有进展,他们感到懊丧。

    They felt frustrated at the lack of progress.

  7. 自我圆满与懊丧之冲突

    ego integrity vs

  8. 她因遭拒绝而感到懊丧。

    She felt chagrin at being rejected.

  9. 别为失去的机会懊丧不已。

    Don't brood over lost opportunities.

  10. 他没赶上火车,很懊丧。

    He seethed with frustration as the train left without him.

  11. 加布里埃尔懊丧之极。

    Gabriel was greatly depressed.

  12. 但是, 那时我太生气, 也太懊丧了。

    But I was too angry and too sick.

  13. 但是他有时候总觉得有点懊丧。

    But still he is a little balked at times.

  14. 不出今天我们就会懊丧的。

    We shall be laughing on the wrong side of our mouth before the day is over.

  15. 我想到那件事就懊丧。

    It makes me sick to think of it.

  16. 什么是懊丧的秋天那里发生了什么?

    What's Chagrin Falls and what happened there?

  17. 她考试不及格感到很懊丧。

    She was sick at failing to pass the examination.

  18. 她因丢失了小猫而懊丧不已。

    She sorrowed over the lost kitten

  19. 爱神会让人流泪与懊丧痛心。

    Shall be by him amearst with penance dew.

  20. 他没能赢那场比赛, 大为懊丧

    Much to his chagrin, he do not win the race

  21. 觉得中了圈套的那种懊丧情绪。

    The frustration of feeling caught in a trap.

  22. 我把眼镜打碎了,他懊丧地说。

    I've broken my glasses, he said plaintively.

  23. 她因错过聚会而面露懊丧之色。

    Her face showed her dejection at missing the party.

  24. 最令我懊丧的是某天我父亲的解释。

    What depressed me most was my dad's explanation to me one day.

  25. 错过了这场足球赛我很懊丧。

    I was rather sick at missing the football match.

  26. 马丁混乱得懊丧心情变成了乐观情绪。

    Martin's confused sorrows turned to optimism.

  27. 马丁混乱的懊丧心情变成了乐观情绪。

    Martin's confused sorrows turned to optimism.

  28. 复活节不穿新衣裳, 日后不免要懊丧。

    At Easter let your clothes be new, or else be sure you will it rue.

  29. 他不留情面的批评终于让我懊丧不已。

    His remorseless criticism finally started to get me down.

  30. 这可怜的小虫子,此刻将会被懊丧淹没。

    The worm struggled for a while before starting to crawl again.


  1. 问:懊丧拼音怎么拼?懊丧的读音是什么?懊丧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:懊丧的读音是àosàng,懊丧翻译成英文是 despondent



懊  ào(1) ㄠˋ(2) 烦恼,悔恨:~丧(s刵g )。~恼。~恨。~悔。(3) 郑码:UNUG,U:61CA,GBK:B0C3(4) 笔画数:15,部首:忄,笔顺编号:442325431234134同义词 :沮丧 丧气 懊恼反义词 : 振作 振奋参考词汇regretful remorseful vexed详细注解懊  ào〈形〉(1) (形声。从心,奥声。本义:失悔,认识到错了而烦恼) 同本义 [deeply regret;annoyed]