







汉语拼音:tuí fèi








  1. 倾圮荒废。

    《后汉书·翟酺传》:“太尉 赵熹 以为太学、辟雍皆宜兼存,故并传至今。而顷者頽废,至为园採芻牧之处,宜更修缮,诱进后学。”一本作“ 穨废 ”。 唐 高彦休 《唐阙史·太清宫玉石像》:“丞相 范阳公 为 太清宫 使,因命葺修頽废之所,工役掘地,得玉石人。” 明 李介 《天香阁随笔》卷一:“且其地原有 二贤祠 ,今虽頽废,而双冢屹然见存。” 冰心 《寄小读者》十六:“虽然有的只是颓废剥落的城垣宫殿,却都令人起一种‘仰首欲攀低首拜’之思,可爱可敬的五千年的故国呵!”

  2. 衰颓废弛。

    《明史·周嘉谟等传赞》:“ 光 熹 之际,朝廷多故。又承 神宗 頽废之餘,政体怠弛,六曹罔修厥职。”

  3. 意志消沉,精神委靡。

    杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第十一章:“一个穿着灰布棉袍、留着一头颓废的长发、有个长而难看的驴脸,约莫三十岁的男子说了话。”

  4. 穨廢:颓毁荒废。《后汉书·翟酺传》:“太尉 赵熹 以为太学、辟雍皆宜兼存,故并传至今。而顷者穨废至为园採芻牧之处。”



  1. however, lagged far behind scholarship. Buildings continued to be put up in an effete , decorative Gothic style .


  2. Those who appeared to be a scum of the "waste" has helped me achieve the boring, the formation of decadent ideas, mature.


  3. After the decadence of the last period hairstyles experienced a sort of toning down in the Victorian era.


  4. She was always unhappy , or in one of her slumps- perhaps ' cause she spent so much time down in the dumps .


  5. Is often lost, is learned to decadent, is no lack of fitness goals, warn you, don't fall, you have no right! ! ! ! !


  6. Directed by Feroz Khan, the movie tells the story of a gangster and a prostitute (Madhuri) and their attempt to live an honourable life.


  7. I can see clothes of silk, if materials that do not hide the body, nor even one's decency, can be called clothes.


  8. This time, the European aestheticism and the dispirited principle idea have had the widespread influence in the literature domain.


  9. No longer freshmen, as decadent, and may not be, I work hard, but to work forward in the promotion of me.


  1. 颓废的艺术

    effeminate art

  2. 感伤颓废情调

    sad dispirited affective tone.

  3. 衰微,堕落,颓废。

    decadence, decadency, decline, degeneracy, degeneration, loss.

  4. 只有成熟和颓废。

    Only mature and decadence.

  5. 颓废倘若是催眠曲。

    If it is decadent lullaby.

  6. 我们随意但不颓废。

    We are optional but not decadent.

  7. 甜蜜来自颓废和堕落

    Sweet comes from decadence and corruption.

  8. 比如麻木,颓废和自私。

    like numbness, or decadence or selfishness.

  9. 试论颓废的现代性

    On the Modernity of Decadence.

  10. 那是个颓废的时代。

    It was an age of decadence.

  11. 他颓废地走了回来。

    He walked back with decadent sentiments.

  12. 颓废是一种精神状态。

    Decadence is a state of mind.

  13. 懒惰是通向颓废的桥。

    Lazy is the bridge to decadent.

  14. 目前他生活得很颓废。

    He lived improvidently for the moment.

  15. 他猛烈抨击颓废派文化。

    He hits out at hippie culture

  16. 虚无、颓废、厌世的人生观。

    Their similar nihilistic, decadent and pessimistic philosophy of life.

  17. 懒惰是通向颓废的桥梁。

    Laziness is the bridge to decadence.

  18. 依然只是颓废式的工具。

    Is still only a decadent style tool.

  19. 论现代主义中的颓废主义

    On the Decadence in Modernism

  20. 现代西方社会的颓废现象

    the decadence of modern Western society

  21. 我以为我颓废, 原来我报废了!

    I thought I decadence, I scrapped the original!

  22. 他是个颓废派的成员。

    He is a member of beat generation.

  23. 深埋着颓废狂野的季节。

    Cover a decadent and wild season.

  24. 你说颓废艺术是指什么?

    Just what do you mean by degenerate art?

  25. 颓废堕落是爱唯一的结果!

    Decadence is the only product of love!

  26. 它是皇室颓废生活的温床

    Home to decadence on a truly royal scale.

  27. 别让颓废的思想侵蚀你们。

    Don't let decadent ideas eat into yourselves.

  28. 欣赏颓废中忠于自我的另类

    Enjoy decadent win to be loyal to the ego alternative

  29. 富裕的西方国家中的颓废行为。

    the decadence of the rich Western countries

  30. 颓废是种心理状态还种生活状态。

    Decadent be kind of mentation return kind of life condition


  1. 问:颓废拼音怎么拼?颓废的读音是什么?颓废翻译成英文是什么?

    答:颓废的读音是tuífèi,颓废翻译成英文是 decadent

  2. 问:颓废地拼音怎么拼?颓废地的读音是什么?颓废地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:颓废地的读音是,颓废地翻译成英文是 effeminately

  3. 问:颓废派拼音怎么拼?颓废派的读音是什么?颓废派翻译成英文是什么?

    答:颓废派的读音是,颓废派翻译成英文是 decadent

  4. 问:颓废的拼音怎么拼?颓废的的读音是什么?颓废的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:颓废的的读音是,颓废的翻译成英文是 decadent

  5. 问:颓废派艺术形式拼音怎么拼?颓废派艺术形式的读音是什么?颓废派艺术形式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:颓废派艺术形式的读音是tuí fèi pài yì shù xíng shì,颓废派艺术形式翻译成英文是 decadent style