


1. 衰 [shuāi]2. 衰 [cuī]衰 [shuāi]事物发展转向微弱:~微。~弱。~老。盛(shèng )~。兴(xīng )~。衰 [cuī]等次,等级,等差:等~(等次)。同“缞”。……


1. 亡 [wáng]2. 亡 [wú]亡 [wáng]逃:逃~。流~。失去:~佚。~羊补牢。死:伤~。死~。灭:灭~。~国奴。救~。兴~。亡 [wú]古同“无”,没有。……



汉语拼音:shuāi wáng








  1. 衰落灭亡。

    《韩非子·爱臣》:“是以姦臣蕃息,主道衰亡。”《后汉书·西羌传》:“ 战国 世, 大荔 、 义渠 称王,及其衰亡,餘种皆反旧为酋豪云。” 郁达夫 《别戴某》诗:“故国衰亡事纵休, 子房 终欲报 韩 仇。”



  1. After three years of struggle against secret societies, has made significant achievements, the Chinese secret societies began to decline.


  2. The decline and fall of the American car industry is relatively easy to summarise, and the Hummer is its reductio.


  3. The "pioneer Project" was an immigration plan that was a necessary due to the eminent destruction of mother planet.


  4. There would be a mass migration area in the warm airflow shear area in the southeast of typhoon during the collapse of the typhoon.


  5. At present, China is, in fact, facing a rapid decay of this traditional industry directly due to the industrial expansion of the West.


  6. China's manipulation of its currency is a popular scapegoat both for the financial crisis and for the extinction of US manufacturing.


  7. Hardly a month passes without the appearance of a new book or learned article on the decline and imminent demise of a once proud country.


  8. Egg sparked a tradition among Russian Czars for the next three decades, until the demise of the Imperial Court.


  9. The Arisugawa branch of the royal household died out for lack of a male heir more than 90 years ago, Kyodo said.


  1. 生长与衰亡

    Growth and death.

  2. 帝国在衰亡。

    The empire is in decay.

  3. 衰亡沉水植物

    submerged macrophyte decay.

  4. 艺术衰亡论

    Decline of Art.

  5. 衰亡期, 衰退期

    decline phase

  6. 生物衰亡率

    biological decay rate.

  7. 罗马帝国的衰亡

    the decline of the Roman Empire

  8. 论哈达衰亡原因

    The Declining Reason of Hada Tribe

  9. 罗马帝国为何衰亡?

    What made the Roman Empire decay?

  10. 罗马帝国衰亡的影响

    The Consequences of the Fall of the Roman Empire

  11. 论墨学衰亡的原因

    The reasons of the decline and fall of Mohism

  12. 生长和衰亡是生命过程。

    Growth and decay are vital processes.

  13. 叙述罗马帝国衰亡的书。

    A book which traces the decline of the Roman empire.

  14. 封建制度在缓慢地衰亡。

    The feudal system slowly fell into decay, ie stopped working.

  15. 徽商衰亡与私有财产权

    Decline and Fall of the Hui Merchants and the Right of Private Property

  16. 罗马帝国在那时已经衰亡。

    At that time, the Roman Empire had already decayed.

  17. 衰亡的不会公平地混合。

    Whatever dies was not equally.

  18. 旧政体衰亡和过渡民主。

    The breakdown of the Old Regime and Transition to Democracy. Valenzuela, Arturo.

  19. 瘟疫与西罗马帝国的衰亡

    The Plague and the Decline of Western Roman Empire

  20. 我们正在研究古罗马的衰亡。

    We are studying the decline and fall of ancient Rome.

  21. 衰亡是分子终止振动的结果。

    Decay is the result of molecules that have ceased to vibrate.

  22. 民族的衰亡关系到每个人。

    The nation's deterioration affects everyone.

  23. 这一切不会使帝国提前衰亡。

    All this is not to antedate the demise of the empire.

  24. 门阀士族的衰落与衰亡原因

    Of causes of the decline and fall of the family of power and influence

  25. 峨眉山冷杉衰亡原因的初步研究

    A preliminary research on the dieback of Abies fabri in Emei Mountain

  26. 清末江苏书院的变革与衰亡

    The Reform and Decline of Jiangsu Academy of Classical Learning In The Last Years of Qing Dynasty.

  27. 法家思想衰亡原因的法理学思考

    The Reasons of the Decline of the Legalism Ideology in Terms of Jurisprudence

  28. 人们现在担心煤炭工业会逐步衰亡。

    The coal industry is now feared to be in terminal decline.

  29. 工人党的兴起和它的衰亡一样快。

    The rise of the worker's party was as rapid as its fall.

  30. 权威视角下的苏联衰亡及其启示

    The Decline and Fall of the Soviet Union and Its Enlightenment from the Visual Angle of Authority


  1. 问:衰亡拼音怎么拼?衰亡的读音是什么?衰亡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:衰亡的读音是shuāiwáng,衰亡翻译成英文是 deteriorate

  2. 问:衰亡期拼音怎么拼?衰亡期的读音是什么?衰亡期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:衰亡期的读音是shuāi wáng qī,衰亡期翻译成英文是 decline phase



词目衰亡 拼音shuaī wáng 基本解释 [become feeble and die;decline and fall] 衰落以至灭亡 古风衰亡 详细解释 1衰落灭亡 韩非子·爱臣是以奸臣蕃息主道衰亡后汉书·西羌传 战国 世 大荔 义渠 称王及其衰亡馀种皆反旧为酋豪云 郁达夫 别戴某诗故国衰亡事纵休 子房 终欲报 韩 仇  2不复存在 书·五子之歌惟彼陶唐有此冀方今失厥道乱其纪纲乃厎灭亡 唐 姚合从军行又无远筹略坐使虏灭亡 清 蒲松龄聊斋志异·胡四姐四姐因言阿姊狠毒业杀三人矣惑之罔不毙者妾幸承溺爱不忍见灭亡当早绝之 老舍茶馆第二幕 王利发真像个圣之时者也不但没使裕泰灭亡而是使它有了新的发展 3使不存在 公羊传·僖公元年上无天子下无方伯天下诸侯有相灭亡者汉书·张耳陈馀传赞及据国争权卒相灭亡何乡者慕用之诚后相背之盭也 唐 元稹人道短诗 仲尼留得孝顺语千年万岁父子不敢相灭亡东周列国志第一百七回诚得将军之首以献于秦秦王必喜而见臣臣左手把其袖右手斫其胸则将军之仇报而燕亦得免于灭亡之患矣蔡东藩 清史演义第三回努尔哈赤得胜班师尚恨长白山下二部结连叶赫趁势蚕食把他灭亡 毛泽东中国革命和中国共产党第二章第一节中国人民百年以来不屈不挠再接再厉的英勇斗争使得帝国主义至今不能灭亡中国也永远不能灭亡中国