


1. 衰 [shuāi]2. 衰 [cuī]衰 [shuāi]事物发展转向微弱:~微。~弱。~老。盛(shèng )~。兴(xīng )~。衰 [cuī]等次,等级,等差:等~(等次)。同“缞”。……


输,失利,不成功,与“胜”相对:~北。~退。~绩(a.连队溃败;b.事业的失利)。~诉。~笔。~局。两~俱伤。战胜,使失败:大~敌军。毁坏:~坏。~露。解除,消散:~火。~毒。破旧,衰落,腐烂:~絮。~落。~兴(xìng )(情绪低落)。腐……



汉语拼音:shuāi bài








  1. 衰落败坏。

    唐 卢纶 《早春游樊川兼呈崔峒补阙司空曙主簿耿湋拾遗》诗:“韶光偏不待,衰败巧相仍。” 明 沉德符 《野获编补遗·外国·也先夸国宝》:“自昔 尧 、 舜 、 禹 、 汤 、 文 、 武 主天下,岂有此宝?如必以此为宝,则 元氏 当永保天位,何至衰败如此!” 巴金 《秋》十五:“我活一天就不忍看着 高 家衰败。”



  1. It is unconscionable to leave the next generation with a crushing burden of debt and a nation in decline.


  2. Even so, Boosaaso is still a crumbling, broke, rough-and-tumble place, decaying after years of neglect like so much of war-ravaged Somalia.


  3. The wind was blowing the autumn decay around the forest, stirring up a symphony of sounds my attention drew increasingly closer to.


  4. But it's also clear that new generations of Singaporeans are ready to move onto a new era, and the PAP will have to reflect that or wither.


  5. It will be a time of the sword, of warfare, not of peace, because there is so much corruption and decay.


  6. Where the marriage culture begins to erode, social pathologies of every sort quickly manifest themselves.


  7. If the office itself is starting to look run down and like its in need of an upgrade, it's indicative of excessive belt-tightening measures.


  8. ANOTHER annual report sent out in the season when countless companies worldwide are publishing them is at risk of being filed in the bin.


  9. Anglo-Saxon poets wrote things about war, exile, the sea with its hardship and its fascination, ruined cities and minstrel life.


  1. 生意衰败。

    Business is on the down grade.

  2. 使腐烂。使衰败

    To cause to decay.

  3. 衰败, 退化, 堕落

    Degenerate into

  4. 旧工业的衰败

    the decay of the old industries.

  5. 国家衰败的原因

    causes of national decay

  6. 显出衰败的迹象

    to show the signs of declines

  7. 衰败的教育制度

    an effete system of education

  8. 制造业的衰败

    Decline in decline of the decline of manufacturing

  9. 衰败的原因衰落

    The reason for ones ruindownfall.

  10. 森林破坏。森林逐渐衰败

    FW foraminifera FD forest deterioration

  11. 这些建筑物开始衰败。

    The buildings had started to fall into decay.

  12. 他的光景日见衰败。

    His prosperity is on the decline.

  13. 那时,罗马帝国已经衰败。

    At that time, the Roman Empire had already decayed.

  14. 巨大的繁荣,巨大的繁荣,急剧的衰败,急剧的衰败

    Huge boom. Huge boom. Huge bust. Huge bust.

  15. 同样的情况渔业在衰败

    Same deal. The fishery is crashing.

  16. 这样会造成他们的衰败。

    That may lead to their downfall.

  17. 以怪诞, 凄凉, 衰败为特征

    With its combination of romance, Gothic horror

  18. 骄傲导向灭亡,傲慢必衰败。

    Pride goeth before destruction and an haughty spirit before a fall.

  19. 闲置不用的房子会渗漏衰败。

    Idle houses deteriorate.

  20. 陋室破旧,衰败或肮脏的住宅

    A dilapidated or unsanitary dwelling.

  21. 物体与有机体的老化和衰败。

    The ageing and decay of things and organisms.

  22. 然后你示意一切极度枯萎衰败

    Then you motion badly wither fail

  23. 连同花苞枝条一块枯朽衰败。

    Blossom and bough lie withered with one blight.

  24. 衰落的处于衰败或腐败的状态的。

    Being in a state of decline or decay.

  25. 一个在重压下衰败的时代

    An ego that crumbles under pressure.

  26. 看来所有国家都会逐渐衰败的。

    It seems that all countries decay in time.

  27. 试论昆剧衰败的经济原因

    The Economic Cause of the Decline of Kun Ju

  28. 好了,事实上,艺术并没有衰败。

    Well, in fact, the arts are not in decline.

  29. 到这时, 罗马帝国已日益衰败。

    By now the power of the Roman Empire was on the wane.

  30. 美国纺织业和服装业衰败了吗?

    Have textile and apparel industries in U.S.A declined?


  1. 问:衰败拼音怎么拼?衰败的读音是什么?衰败翻译成英文是什么?

    答:衰败的读音是shuāibài,衰败翻译成英文是 decline




拼音:shuāibài 词义:形容事物的发展具有衰退和败落的样子。衰落: 衰弱


反义词:兴盛,昌盛,繁荣 基本解释 [decline; wane] 衰落, 衰弱 现在这深秋的傍晚,更是处处显得零落衰败的样子。——曹禺《北京人》 详细解释 衰落败坏。 唐 卢纶 《早春游樊川兼呈崔峒补阙司空曙主簿耿湋拾遗》诗:“韶光偏不待,衰败巧相仍。” 明 沈德符 《野获编补遗·外国·也先夸国宝》:“自昔尧、舜、禹、汤、文、武主天下,岂有此宝?如必以此为宝,则 元氏 当永保天...