


1. 强 [qiáng]2. 强 [qiǎng]3. 强 [jiàng]强 [qiáng]健壮,有力,与“弱”相对:~壮。~健。~人。~力。~大。~劲。刚~。富~。列~。~弩之末。年富力~。程度高:~手。~烈。~酸。能力~。胜过,优越,好:……


1. 盛 [shèng]2. 盛 [chéng]盛 [shèng]兴旺:兴~。繁~。旺~。~世。~衰。茂~。全~时期。炽烈:年轻气~。~怒。~气凌人。丰富,华美:~产。~宴。~装。热烈,规模大:~大。~况。~典。~举。广泛,程度深:~传(c……



汉语拼音:qiáng shèng








  1. 亦作“彊盛”。强大兴盛。

    《史记·匈奴列传》:“ 冒突 既立,是时 东胡 彊盛,闻 冒突 杀父自立,乃使使谓 冒突 ,欲得 头曼 时有千里马。” 晋 干宝 《搜神记》卷十四:“时 戎吴 强盛,数侵边境,遣将征讨,不能擒胜。”《新五代史·唐臣传·李严》:“又闻 契丹 日益彊盛,大国其可无虑乎?” 柔石 《二月》五:“ 中国 不久就可以强盛起来。”

  2. 谓青壮年。

    《二刻拍案惊奇》卷三二:“那公子青春正当强盛,衙门独处无聊。” 明 唐顺之 《都察院都事秦君墓表》:“君乃鋭然自割於强盛之年。”

  3. 犹强健。




  1. Thanks to his extraordinary vision and talent, Samaranch was the architect of a strong and unified Olympic Movement.


  2. The little one shall become a thousand, and the small one a strong nation; I, Jehovah, will hasten it in its time.


  3. But after Israel was grown strong he made them tributaries, and would not destroy them.


  4. To call China a great power was "an absolute farce" , Churchill observed.


  5. On frequently and four or five hundred age SLATE road, stroking age trace, as if the air has past great empire of strong breath.


  6. This scenario, of this civilization, was about becoming powerful, intelligent, like this idea we have invented, this concept of God.


  7. After Rehoboam's position as king was established and he had become strong, he and all Israel with him abandoned the law of the Lord .


  8. He made me free from my strong hater, and from those who were against me, because they were stronger than I.


  9. Only a decade ago, Thailand was one of Asia's strongest democracies.


  1. 国家富足, 兵力强盛

    Make a country rich and build up its military power

  2. 和最强盛的经济体。

    And the world's greatest economy.

  3. 我们强盛的祖国永长存!

    Our mighty fatherland will ever endure!

  4. 这个王国曾经很强盛。

    The kingdom used to be puissant.

  5. 底气来自于祖国的强盛。

    Confidence comes from the strength and prosperity of our motherland.

  6. 我们的国家日益繁荣强盛。

    Our country is increasingly prosperous and strong.

  7. 均田制与唐朝的强盛

    A Powerful and Prosperous Tang Dynasty Associated with the System of Equal Distribution of Land

  8. 美国有着强盛的幽默写作传统。

    America has a puissant tradition of humorous writing.

  9. 美国有着强盛得幽默写作传统。

    America has a puissant tradition of humorous writing.

  10. 去罢,因为你比我们强盛得多。

    For thou art much mightier than we.

  11. 恶人为何存活, 享大寿数, 势力强盛?

    Why do the wicked live on, growing old and increasing in power

  12. 科学发展国强盛, 和谐社会惠民众。

    Scientific development and the country strong and prosperous, harmonious society the public benefit.

  13. 没有名声和财富,国家不会强盛。

    Sine fama et fortuna patria non valet.

  14. 罗马曾是世界上最强盛的城邦。

    Rome was the most powerful city in the world.

  15. 也就是说, 只有经济的强盛, 民族才能振兴。

    That is to say, only economic strength, the nation can revive.

  16. 有了强盛的国, 家才会富起来。

    Only when the country becomes powerful and prosperous can families become rich.

  17. 有了强盛得国, 家才会富起来。

    Only when the country becomes powerful and prosperous can families become rich.

  18. 但是,宏伟壮丽,我会说,纯粹的美国强盛

    But the grandeur, I would say, of sheer American powerfulness.

  19. 难怪埃及王会担心他们的势力过于强盛。

    No wonder the kind of Egypt finally became afraid of them.

  20. 四季分明, 季风强盛, 气候温和, 雨热同季。

    Four seasons, strong winds, moderate climate, with hot rainy season.

  21. 罗马曾是世界上最强盛得城邦。

    Rome was the most powerful city in the world.

  22. 公义使国家强盛, 但罪恶是民族的耻辱。

    Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a disgrace to any people.

  23. 驱邪意味着驱除病邪以恢复正气的强盛。

    Eliminating pathogens means getting rid of pathogenic factors to facilitate and recover the strength of qi.

  24. 虎形象威风凛凛,象征勇敢坚强、雄伟强盛。

    Tiger image is powerful and prestige, represents braveness, persistence, majesty, strength and flourishing.

  25. 任何政府玩忽这一点都将付出强盛的代价。

    Any government which is shutter to this point may pay great price.

  26. 任何政府看轻这一点都将付出强盛的代价。

    Any government which is shutter to this point may pay a whopping price.

  27. 他既强盛,就心高气傲,以致自招毁灭。

    But when he had become strong, his heart became uplifted, to his own destruction.

  28. 尽管出现了战争, 但罗马帝国依然繁荣强盛。

    The Roman Empire continued to thrive despite the war.

  29. 驱邪意味着驱除病邪以恢复正气得强盛。

    Eliminating pathogens means getting rid of pathogenic factors to facilitate and recover the strength of qi.

  30. 我们的国家国势日益强盛,人民生活水平不断提高。

    The strength of our country is increasing, and the standard of living is constantly improving.


  1. 问:强盛拼音怎么拼?强盛的读音是什么?强盛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:强盛的读音是qiángshèng,强盛翻译成英文是 powerful and prosperous

  2. 问:强盛的拼音怎么拼?强盛的的读音是什么?强盛的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:强盛的的读音是,强盛的翻译成英文是 puissant

  3. 问:强盛大国拼音怎么拼?强盛大国的读音是什么?强盛大国翻译成英文是什么?

    答:强盛大国的读音是,强盛大国翻译成英文是 Strong and Prosperous Nation


