


1. 繁 [fán]2. 繁 [pó]繁 [fán]复杂:~杂。~乱。删~就简。~难。~嚣。多:~多。~重(zhòng )。纷~。频~。~星。~忙。~芜。~博。兴盛:~茂。~荣。~华。生物增生新个体:~殖。~育。~衍。繁 [pó]〔~台〕中……


1. 盛 [shèng]2. 盛 [chéng]盛 [shèng]兴旺:兴~。繁~。旺~。~世。~衰。茂~。全~时期。炽烈:年轻气~。~怒。~气凌人。丰富,华美:~产。~宴。~装。热烈,规模大:~大。~况。~典。~举。广泛,程度深:~传(c……



汉语拼音:fán shèng









  1. 繁荣兴盛。

    汉 王充 《论衡·宣汉》:“彼凤凰虽五六至,或时一鸟而数来,或时异鸟而各至,麒麟、神雀、黄龙、鸞鸟、甘露、醴泉,祭后土天地之时,神光灵耀,可谓繁盛累积矣。” 宋 周煇 《清波杂志》卷四:“ 扬州 为 淮甸 一都会,自 唐 已名繁盛。” 清 姜埰 《效行路难》诗之二:“一朝失势去国门,昔何繁盛今萧索。” 茅盾 《秋收》三:“离开 老通宝 的村坊约有六十多里远的一个繁盛的市镇上,就发生了饥饿的农民和军警的冲突。”

  2. 繁多昌盛。

    《北齐书·慕容绍宗传》:“ 洛 中人士繁盛,骄侈成俗。” 宋 朱弁 《曲洧旧闻》卷一:“ 昭陵 时, 京东路 有一镇,其户繁盛,在本路为最。” 清 刘大櫆 《吴君墓志铭》:“ 豫章 旧游最重君,念君家口繁盛,合白金千两,以相补助。”

  3. 繁多茂盛。

    宋 周煇 《清波别志》卷上:“然海棠富艷, 江 浙 则无之……先中植一株,继益於四隅。岁久,繁盛袤延至三两间屋。” 明 袁宏道 《墨畦》:“时牡丹繁盛,约开五千餘,平头紫大如盘者甚伙。”



  1. Summer brimmed over the sky, and sunshine reached out her arms everywhere to the top of her bent.


  2. But these investments will flourish only if governments are prepared to put a price on carbon.


  3. But now, greater efforts are being made to see that wild pandas are able to live and thrive in their Chinese mountain homes.


  4. Their house was a great cube of old brick with a dormered roof, a fine specimen of the prosperous early farmhouses of the region.


  5. Yangzhou had its special location and literary atmosphere and it was one of the economical centers during Qianlong Dynasty.


  6. during the boom times, nobody told them this was an unsustainable bubble until it was already too late.


  7. The Timber rattlesnake is now on the endangered species list, and is extinct in two eastern states in which it once thrived.


  8. Scientists call it a "living fossil" because it has probably been thriving since earliest oceans were formed millions of years ago.


  9. Conversationalists and letter writers flourished in literary circles and gathered in London clubs.


  1. 草木繁盛, 浊水泱泱。

    Thriving was the vegetation, and inundated was the land.

  2. 草木繁盛,浊水泱泱。

    Thriving was the vegetation, and inundated was the land.

  3. 蕨类植物的繁盛生长

    a riotous growth of ferns.

  4. 到今时今日仍然繁盛。

    Where it still flourishes today.

  5. 昆虫繁盛的原因探析

    Analyse the cause of the insect thriving

  6. 哦那些芳香的繁盛的日子。

    Oh the balmy days and palmy days.

  7. 海藻繁盛对沿海水质的影响

    Algal bloom effects on coastal water quality

  8. 商业繁盛地, 道德沦丧处。

    Honour sink, where commerce long prevail.

  9. 他们无法解释私营企业的繁盛。

    They fail to account for the boom in private enterprise.

  10. 他们无法解释私营企业的繁盛。

    They fail to account for the boom in private enterprise.

  11. 文艺创作的繁盛时期已经来到。

    The period of literary and artistic efflorescence has come.

  12. 雨水使庭院中的植物长得繁盛

    rains that made the yard bloom.

  13. 不提倡勤俭节约就不会有繁盛。

    You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.

  14. 繁盛于富含石灰质土壤中的植物

    a plant that thrives in soil rich in lime

  15. 去年是游戏产业最繁盛的一年。

    Last year was the biggest year.

  16. 唐代是人物画非常繁盛的时代。

    Portrait painting boomed in the Tang Dynasty.

  17. 谷类植物在温和气候中生长繁盛。

    Corn plants grow well in moderate weather.

  18. 谷类植物在温和气候中生长繁盛。

    Corn plants grow well in moderate weather.

  19. 这一海港曾经有繁盛的海外贸易。

    This harbour teemed with oceangoing commerce.

  20. 看见了国王和这个王国的繁盛和衰落。

    sees the prosperity and decadence of the king as well as the empire.

  21. 夏季的草原,草木菁菁,一片繁盛的景象。

    The meadow in summer is covered with green grass and looks lush.

  22. 夏季的草原,草木菁菁,一片繁盛的景象。

    The meadow in summer is covered with green grass and looks lush.

  23. 雪貂在夏威夷的大岛上很繁盛。

    Ferrets heavily populate the Big Island of Hawaii.

  24. 一些地方的市场仍呈现出一片繁盛景象。

    Some local markets are still buzzing.

  25. 近古是我国戏曲和小说的繁盛期。

    The period between the 10th and mid-19th centuries was a flowering period for dramas and novels.

  26. 这处原始景观就在红鹳繁盛的红湖南边。

    This nature view is beside the south of red lagoon with booming red storks.

  27. 诗歌的繁盛和古文运动的兴起促成诗文分途。

    The division between poetry and prose contributed to busy writing of poetry and the rise of movement.

  28. 这一时期由于文学创作繁盛,出现了大量别集。

    During this period the literary flourish, the emergence of a large number of works.

  29. 学校的柳树每到夏天就会变得格外的繁盛。

    The willow of school time up to summer will become particularly of flourish.

  30. 元代书院的繁盛离不开宋遗民的贡献。

    The prosperous of academy in Yuan Dynasty can not be separated from the contribution of the adherent of Song Dynasty.


  1. 问:繁盛拼音怎么拼?繁盛的读音是什么?繁盛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:繁盛的读音是fánshèng,繁盛翻译成英文是 prosperous; luxuriant

  2. 问:繁盛期拼音怎么拼?繁盛期的读音是什么?繁盛期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:繁盛期的读音是fán shèng qī,繁盛期翻译成英文是 epacme

  3. 问:繁盛期的拼音怎么拼?繁盛期的的读音是什么?繁盛期的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:繁盛期的的读音是fán shèng qī de,繁盛期的翻译成英文是 epacmastic



繁盛(fán shèng),繁荣兴盛;繁多昌盛;繁多茂盛。