


1. 兴 [xīng]2. 兴 [xìng]兴 [xīng]举办,发动:~办。~工。~学。~建。~叹(发出感叹声,如“望洋~~”)。百废待~。起来:夙~夜寐(早起晚睡)。旺盛:~盛。~旺。~隆。~衰。复~。~替(兴衰)。天下~亡,匹夫有责。……


1. 亡 [wáng]2. 亡 [wú]亡 [wáng]逃:逃~。流~。失去:~佚。~羊补牢。死:伤~。死~。灭:灭~。~国奴。救~。兴~。亡 [wú]古同“无”,没有。……



汉语拼音:xīng wáng








  1. 兴盛和衰亡。多指国家局势的变迁。

    《书·太甲下》:“与治同道罔不兴,与乱同事罔不亡。” 汉 董仲舒 《春秋繁露·精华》:“故吾按《春秋》而观成败,乃切悁悁於前世之兴亡也。” 唐 刘知几 《史通·载文》:“夫观乎人文以化成天下,观乎国风以察兴亡。”《东周列国志》第一回:“英雄五霸闹 春秋 ,顷刻兴亡过手!”

  2. 专指衰亡。

    唐 杜甫 《壮游》诗:“国马竭粟豆,官鸡输稻粱。举隅见烦费,引古惜兴亡。” 唐 罗邺 《登凌歊台》诗:“高臺今日竟长閒,因想兴亡自惨颜。” 清 秋瑾 《宝剑歌》:“世无平权祗强权,话到兴亡眦欲裂。”



  1. 'Rise and fall of every man's duty', here are the responsibility of every student.


  2. The rise and fall of countries, the Rise and Fall of dynasties, are bound to the history of the road.


  3. Gu said the good, the world is everyone is responsible for the rise and fall, so I support you.


  4. My experience playing this variant is that you definitely get to see the "ebb-and-flow" of an empire.


  5. The lost of ethical politics was an important reason why the Xin Dynasty crumpled so quickly.


  6. As a market economy and a symbol of trade credit notes in the rise and fall of China is a case in point.


  7. Tea attained the prime in Tang Dynasty , which spread from southwest China through Yangtze River over thousands of years.


  8. The minister took up the theme and discoursed mellifluously on the ebb and flow of empires.


  9. Scientific discovery and technological inventions have brought about new civilizations, modern industries, and the rise and fall of nations.


  1. 一国的兴亡

    the rise and fall of a country.

  2. 齐国兴亡浅说

    On the Prosperity and Decline of Qi State

  3. 蜀汉人士与蜀汉兴亡

    The Extern Gentry and Rise and Fall of Shu Han

  4. 国家兴亡,匹夫有责。

    Every man has a share of responsibility for the fate of his country.

  5. 国家兴亡,匹夫有责。

    Every man has a share of responsibility for the fate of his country.

  6. 文化冲突与天国兴亡

    The Cultural Conflict and the Rise and Fall of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

  7. 越南丁, 黎朝的兴亡

    The Rise and Fall of Ding and Li Dynasties of Viet Nam

  8. 黑海生态系统的兴亡

    Fall and Rise of the Black Sea Ecosystem

  9. 他的兴亡如冬天的小麦。

    Men rise and fall like the winter wheat.

  10. 简论太平天国的兴亡

    Views on the Rise and Fall of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

  11. 莺颠燕狂关甚兴亡!

    The oriole dips, the swallow madly wings. Ah, but birds care nothing for the fate of an empire!

  12. 莺颠燕狂关甚兴亡!

    The oriole dips, the swallow madly wings. Ah, but birds care nothing for the fate of an empire!

  13. 天下兴亡,我的责任。

    Everybody is responsible for the rise of fall of the nation.

  14. 天下兴亡,匹夫有责。

    Everyone shares a responsibility of enriching his own country.

  15. 阿道夫?希特勒的兴亡

    The Rise and Fall of Adolf Hitler

  16. 通过这一切,兴亡,尸体在街道。

    And through it all, the rise and fall, the bodies in the streets.

  17. 或它们所有的或其一的盛衰兴亡

    or they all, or each their date have run

  18. 秦朝兴亡的文化探讨评述

    Comment on the Cultural Discussion of the Evolution of Qin Dynasty

  19. 社会道德的兴衰与罗马帝国的兴亡

    Rise and Decline of Social Morals and Ups and Downs of Rome Empire

  20. 它们所有或其一的盛衰兴亡。

    Or how they all, or each their dates have run.

  21. 从政党政治的特性看苏共的兴亡

    Inspect the Rise and Fall of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from the Characters of the Party

  22. 论南诏的兴亡及其和唐, 吐蕃的关系

    On the Rise and Fall of the Nanzhao Regime and Its Relationship with the Tang Dynasty and the Ancient Tibetan Regime

  23. 兴亡悲剧的主题是家国之恨、兴亡之叹。

    The theme of the Rise and Fall tragedy is hatred of loss of home and county and lament of rise and fall.

  24. 法家思想与秦朝兴亡关系浅论

    A Tentative study of Legalism and the rise and fall of Qin Dynasty

  25. 大秦帝国写的是秦帝国崛起兴亡的故事。

    The Qin Empire describes the rise and fall of the Qin Empire.

  26. 应从国家和民族兴亡的高度看待发展问题

    Look on Development at the Angle of Rising and Falling of the Nation

  27. 古老的英国快要灭亡啦。国家兴亡,匹夫有责。

    Old England is dying. Every man has a share of responsibility for the fate of his country.

  28. 作为前朝遗民, 他总有更多的兴亡之感。

    As an adherent of the former dynasty, he always has more feelings about the rise and fall of the country.

  29. 作为前朝遗民,他总有更多的兴亡之感。

    As an adherent of the former dynasty, he always has more feelings about the rise and fall of the country.

  30. 许多最重要的货币交易双双兴亡的每桶石油价格。

    Many of the most important currency trading pairs rise and fall on the price of a barrel of oil.


  1. 问:兴亡拼音怎么拼?兴亡的读音是什么?兴亡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兴亡的读音是xīngwáng,兴亡翻译成英文是 rise and fall; flourish and decay




【读音】xīng wáng


【出处】《书·太甲下》:“与治同道罔不兴,与乱同事罔不亡。” 汉·董仲舒 《春秋繁露·精华》:“故吾按《春秋》而观成败,乃切悁悁於前世之兴亡也。” 唐·刘知几 《史通·载文》:“夫观乎人文以化成天下,观乎国风以察兴亡。”

【示例】宋·辛弃疾《水龙吟·过南剑双溪楼》:“千古兴亡,百年悲笑,一时登览。”《东周列国志》第一回:“英雄五霸闹春秋,顷刻兴亡过手!” 蔡东藩 《清史演义》第一回:“现在清朝二字,已成过去的历史,中国河山,仍然照旧,要想易乱为治,须把清朝的兴亡,细细考察,择善而从,不善则改,古人说的‘殷鉴不远’便是此意。”