


年纪大,时间长,有经验,陈旧的:~当益壮。~朋友。~练。~化。少年~成。~马识途。对年纪大的人的尊称:吴~。~人家。~大爷。极,很:~早。~羞成怒。老年人:敬~院。扶~携幼。~有所为(wéi )。晚年:~年。~境。敬老,养老:“~吾老,以及……


罩在外面的东西:褥~。手~。外~。加罩:~裤。~袖。重叠的:~版。~耕。~种(zhòng )。装在衣物里的棉絮:被~。同类事物合成的一组:一~制服。~路。~数。~曲。配~。模拟,照做:~用。~语。生搬硬~。用绳子等做成的环:牲口~。圈~(喻……



汉语拼音:lǎo tào









  1. 陈旧的形式或办法。

    鲁迅 《且介亭杂文末编·<孩儿塔>序续记》:“他仍在玩着骗取文稿的老套。” 毛泽东 《中国革命战争的战略问题》第三章第一节:“然而当着敌人改变其军事原则使之适合于同红军作战的情况的时候,我们队伍中却出现了回到‘老套’的人们。”

  2. 犹老詷。陈旧的言辞、议论。

    鲁迅 《故事新编·出关》:“‘道可道,非常道’……哼,还是这些老套。真叫人听得头痛,讨厌。” 毛泽东 《<中国工人>发刊词》:“我希望这个报纸好好地办下去,多载些生动的文字,切忌死板、老套,令人看不懂,没味道,不起劲。” 叶圣陶 《感同身受》:“说一句老套的话,你如果能给我解决三分之一,我真是‘感同身受’呢!”



  1. Before the game when I read an article said Yao said he found the weakness of the GS I thought it was the usual "it's on me" kind of talk.


  2. One of these government officials will preside - captain of the ship, quick ceremony, that type of thing.


  3. Track 10 "Empty Valley" may be one of the saddest songs you'll ever hear, but not in a sappy tear-jerker sort of way.


  4. It's a cliche image: the solo drinker, belly up to the bar, pouring out his (or her) soul to a sympathetic bartender.


  5. The "business people on white background" look is nice, but it's overdone and tends to look a bit stock art-ish or flat out cliche.


  6. Also, it might seem corny, she says, but it's good to have signs up in public places about hygiene and safety information.


  7. So music videos are something that I always found interesting, but they always seem to be so reactive.


  8. All good-girl Catherine needed to do was take a chance and break out of her ingrained (but outdated) patterns concerning dating stereotypes.


  9. Of course, it was a little bit expected that it would be so stereotypical.


  1. 还不老套吗

    Is that a cliche?

  2. 老套的通俗剧

    a conventional melodrama.

  3. 戏剧中旁白的老套

    The theatrical convention of the aside.

  4. 老套的穷学生的形象

    the hackneyed image of the poor student

  5. 如此老套的话, 但是如此正确。

    So corny but so true.

  6. 并未采用老套的措施

    against overwhelming numbers.

  7. 我的自传好老套。

    My autobiography is so monotonous.

  8. 道德观上狭隘而老套的。

    narrowly and conventionally moral.

  9. 歌词平淡老套,押韵生硬蹩脚。

    The lyrics are banal and the rhymes clumsy.

  10. 他们陷入了老套的对话中。

    They fell into a conversational rut.

  11. 我的爱情观渐显老套。

    This point of view is getting stale.

  12. 这种歌剧有点陈腐老套。

    this kind of opera has a cliche in it.

  13. 这听起来很老套, 是吧?

    It sounds trite, but its true.

  14. 你落伍了,亚瑟,你太老套。

    You're behind the times, Arthur, you're old-fashioned.

  15. 有点老套,但生活就是如此。

    Bit of a cliche, but such is life.

  16. 即使这些话听起来老套, 庸俗

    And even though it may sound cliche

  17. 这种办法可能有些老套, 但确实有效。

    It might be a cliche, but it works.

  18. 他讲了一些老套话作为开场白。

    He preluded with some banal remarks.

  19. 报纸要办得生动, 切忌死板老套。

    A newspaper should be lively and should avoid hackneyed stuff.

  20. 老套的方法投资钱而且赚附加的收入。

    Just another way to invest money and make additional income.

  21. 这是个老套的故事, 爱让人遍体鳞伤

    its the same old story, love gets gory

  22. 他讲了一些老套话作为收场白。

    He preluded with some banal remarks.

  23. 这个戏剧里的老套把戏再粗浅不过了

    it focused right on the water itself.

  24. 曾经似乎老套的衣服, 现在看来很合适。

    What once looked unwearable now seems ordinary, and what once seemed banal now looks right.

  25. 这个方法很明显,很老套 我们都见过

    The medium was apparent. It was banal. We saw it.

  26. 我不喜欢这部电影老套的大团圆结局。

    I don't like the conventional happy ending of this movie.

  27. 我不喜欢这部电影老套的大团圆结局。

    I don't like the conventional happy ending of this movie.

  28. 这样老套的自我介绍使我突然起疙瘩!

    Such a stereotypical introduction is making me break out in goose bumps!

  29. 老套得方法投资钱而且赚附加得收入。

    Just another way to invest money and make additional income.

  30. 最传统也最老套的方法是转弱为强。

    The traditional, but somewhat hackneyed approach is to turn the weakenss into strength.


  1. 问:老套拼音怎么拼?老套的读音是什么?老套翻译成英文是什么?

    答:老套的读音是lǎotào,老套翻译成英文是 Outdated manner, way, speech, etc; stereot...


老套,指陈旧的形式或办法。见鲁迅 《且介亭杂文末编·序续记》:“他仍在玩着骗取文稿的老套。”