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1. 恶 [è]2. 恶 [wù]3. 恶 [ě]4. 恶 [wū]恶 [è]不好:~感。~果。~劣。~名。丑~。凶狠:~霸。~棍。险~。凶~。犯罪的事,极坏的行为:~贯满盈。恶 [wù]讨厌,憎恨,与“好(hào )”相对:可~。厌~。好……
汉语拼音:è guǐ
《史记·秦始皇本纪》:“方中,人主时为微行以辟恶鬼,恶鬼辟,真人至。”《红楼梦》第八一回:“看见满屋子里都是些青面獠牙、拿刀举棒的恶鬼。” 夏衍 《克农同志二三事》:“你得认清这个时期、这个地方,和菩萨要打交道,和恶鬼也要打交道。”
The woman was a Greek, of Syrophoenician origin. She asked him to cast the demon out of her daughter.
这妇人是一个希腊人,源于叙利非尼基人。她问求他为她的女儿驱赶恶鬼。And in that same hour he cured many of their infirmities and plagues, and of evil spirits; and unto many that were blind he gave sight.
正当那时候,耶稣治好了许多有疾病的,受灾患的,被恶鬼附着的。又开恩叫好些瞎子能看见。They illustrate the clown : volumes are very kind-hearted person, what they do on Christmas Eve? With a magic solution in the small devil!
游戏介绍:童话里的小丑们都是非常善良的人物,他们在圣诞前夕做些什么呢?在用魔术解决小恶鬼哦!So they lit the sky of fire, and close surveillance of these evil spirits.
于是他们点起冲天的篝火,并严密监视这些恶鬼。The goblin-monk opened eyes that glowed yellow even in the light of noon-day, and sprang to feet that now ended in claws rather than toes.
恶鬼修士张开了发光黄色甚而根据中午天的眼睛,并且反弹了对在爪现在结束而不是脚趾的脚。They had to carry the poor devil to the hospital when it was over.
打完这一架后他们不得不把这可怜的恶鬼送到医院去。Strong smelling herbs and spices were used to keep away evil spirits during the wedding celebration.
在婚礼庆祝期间,强的嗅到的草本和香料用保留去恶鬼。In the old times, the sound of burning bamboo tubes was used to scare away wild animals and evil spirits.
在古代,人们用燃烧竹管的声音来吓走野兽和恶鬼。insomuch that unto the sick were carried away from his body handkerchiefs or aprons, and the evil spirits went out.
I'm possessed with by an evil spirit now!
I'm possessed with by an evil spirit now!
The spook who goes bump in your night.
Be thou a spirit of health or goblin damned.
The background of that devil is most decisive.
Ghosts and evil spirits are supernatural.
The shaman sics sorcerers on the evil spirits.
I did unoot mmarry Aun evil mmaun!
提示, 小狗吃骨头, 火光吓恶鬼。
Suggest that the puppies to eat bones, flames threatened the devil.
留着活人的脑子, 但还有恶鬼的道行!
Stay to live the person's brain, but still have the way of devil the line!
Work Banishes those three great evils Boredom,vice and poverty.
灾祸, 现在同时可将降低恶鬼缠身的施法时间。
Bane now reduces the cast time of your Haunt spell.
He declined to discuss any measures to protect the president from a malevolent ghost.
The abbess, a spectre, sanctifies them and terrifies them.
于是他们点起冲天的篝火, 并严密监视这些恶鬼。
So they lit the sky of fire, and close surveillance of these evil spirits.
操作指南给个小提示哦, 小狗吃骨头, 火光吓恶鬼。
Operate guidebookGive a small hint, the puppy eats bone, the light of fire frightens devil.
如果那个小恶鬼从窗户爬了进来, 她肯定会掐死我的!
If the little fiend had got in at the window, she probably would have strangled me!
After hearing this sentence, I be imperceptible also produced the evil spirit loom over the queen the eerie feeling.
Now, because oni do not swim, they thought of a plan to stop her.