







汉语拼音:gāo shēn








  1. 指高度与深度。

    《文选·卢谌<赠刘琨>诗》:“每凭山海,庶覿高深。” 李善 注:“ 李斯 上书曰:‘ 太山 不让土壤,故能成其高; 河 海不择细流,故能成其深。’” 宋 陈鹄 《耆旧续闻》卷四:“ 子长 谓‘上 会稽 ,探 禹穴 ’,言极其高深也。探者,取极深之义。” 清 沉大成 《<九章>解》:“以句股中容方容圜,求山水之高深,城涂之广远。”

  2. 高的和深的。指高山和江海。

    《文选·谢朓<郡内高斋闲坐答吕法曹>诗》:“结构何迢遰,旷望极高深。” 李善 注:“高深,谓江山也。” 吕延济 注:“言远尽见江山也。”

  3. 指山峰与山谷。

    唐 萧颖士 《游马耳山》诗:“高深变气候,俯仰暮天晴。入谷烟雨润,登崖云日明。”

  4. 高大深邃。

    唐 高适 《同郭十题杨主簿新厅》诗:“华馆曙沉沉,惟良正在今。用材兼柱石,开物像高深。”

  5. 指夜深之时。

    唐 杜甫 《送严侍郎到绵州同登杜使君江楼宴》诗:“灯光散远近,月彩静高深。” 仇兆鳌 注:“更深月出。”

  6. 水平高,程度深(多指学问、技术的造诣)。

    宋 欧阳修 《答陈知明书》:“尝辱示诗及书,读而爱之不已,以谓閎博高深,必有放纵奔驰而可喜者。” 明 方孝孺 《赠周礼素序》:“圣人之道虽高深博大,然其要不过乎脩己以治人。” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》七:“在政治上,艺术上,他都并没有高深的见解。”

  7. 指学问博大精深的人。

    清 顾炎武 《与潘次耕札》:“接手书,具感急难之诚,尤钦好学之篤。顾惟鄙劣,不足以裨助高深,故从游之示,未敢便诺。”

  8. 高低深浅的略语。

    唐 张九龄 《题画山水障》诗:“良工适我愿,妙墨挥巖泉。变化合羣有,高深侔自然。” 宋 曾巩 《谢中书舍人表》:“岂伊凡庶,可测高深。” 清 平步青 《霞外攟屑·掌故·洪更生》:“书内所称如先法 宪皇帝 之严明,后法 仁皇帝 之宽仁等语,妄测高深,意存轩輊,狂谬已极。”



  1. The word "okay" is known and used by millions of peoples all over the world. However, language experts do not agree on where it came from.


  2. Drucker's writings avoid formal theories of management and organisation and instead encourage managers to ask basic questions.


  3. Frank was always like that: friendly and just a little bit over your head.


  4. In the four years of university study, I deeply feel that the financial discipline of this profound and complex.


  5. In this peaceful area he had been meditating for a long time, until he had come to enjoy the inner happiness of a high mental state.


  6. In a land of hardship and resignation and deep faith, the disaster along the Shatt al Arab appears to some as the work of a higher power.


  7. Marilyn had been admitted to the Actors Studio, and was studying the deep-dish Stanislavsky Method.


  8. Still, there's reason to wonder how far below the surface Dagong's wisdom actually stretches.


  9. One is if face reading is a science, so it must be better than "geological investigation" more advanced.


  1. 高深的造诣

    high attainments

  2. 高深的研究

    advanced studies

  3. 高深的方法

    scholarly approach

  4. 高深的讨论

    a sophisticated discussion

  5. 高深莫测的秘密。

    a deep dark secret

  6. 高深莫测的神秘。

    A mystery shrouded in uncertainty.

  7. 学识高深的人

    a man of great learning

  8. 这听起来非常高深

    which is like, you know, is like very high concept and everything like that.

  9. 他是个高深莫测的人。

    He is utterly unpredictable.

  10. 学识高深的人书本知识

    A man of great learning

  11. 他正在从事高深的研究。

    He was engaged in advanced studies.

  12. 革命的基础在于高深的学问。

    The success of revolution hinges on profound learning.

  13. 高深莫测的天空可真美啊!

    Inscrutable sky really the United States and ah!

  14. 教授正忙于高深的学术研究。

    The professor is busy with advanced studies.

  15. 你可以试试,他高深莫测地说道。

    You can try,'he said enigmatically.

  16. 你太高深,老兄,这激励了我。

    You've got a gift, man. it's inspiring.

  17. 年, 普林斯顿大学高深研究所

    Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton

  18. 有高深学问或文化素养的人

    one who possesses or affects a high degree of culture or learning

  19. 他们和我一样受过高深的教育。

    They are quite as well educated as myself.

  20. 为了表现他的学问高深, 他故弄玄虚。

    In order to show his profound knowledge he talks over my head.

  21. 该电影绝不高深, 只有快乐而已。

    Not highbrow but enjoyable nonetheless.

  22. 他们为自己学问高深而感自豪。

    They prided themselves in their superior learning.

  23. 这些事情看来高深不已, 神秘莫测。

    These things appear enigmatic and mysterious.

  24. 孩子们能够接触到高深的思想吗??

    Will the children ever be exposed to a profound idea at home.

  25. 该教授正进行高深得学术研究。

    The professor is engaged in advanced studies.

  26. 这本书显示了作者的高深学问。

    The book shows the writer's depth of learning.

  27. 我从来不喜欢读意义高深的小说。

    I never enjoys reading sophisticated novels.

  28. 要读高深教科书, 你必须先读基础教科书。

    To read a textbook for advanced students, you have to read an elementary textbook first.

  29. 那其实很简单,一点也不高深。

    It's very, very simple. It's not rocket science.

  30. 你以前可不曾认为我是高深莫测的。

    You didn't use to think I was puzzling.


  1. 问:高深拼音怎么拼?高深的读音是什么?高深翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高深的读音是gāoshēn,高深翻译成英文是 profound

  2. 问:高深莫测拼音怎么拼?高深莫测的读音是什么?高深莫测翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高深莫测的读音是gāoshēnmòcè,高深莫测翻译成英文是 unfathomable

  3. 问:高深形式拼音怎么拼?高深形式的读音是什么?高深形式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高深形式的读音是gāo shēn xíng shì,高深形式翻译成英文是 Learned form

  4. 问:高深构词拼音怎么拼?高深构词的读音是什么?高深构词翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高深构词的读音是gāo shēn gòu cí,高深构词翻译成英文是 learned formation

  5. 问:高深莫测的拼音怎么拼?高深莫测的的读音是什么?高深莫测的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高深莫测的的读音是,高深莫测的翻译成英文是 enigmatic