




1. 解 [jiě]2. 解 [jiè]3. 解 [xiè]解 [jiě]剖开,分开:~剖。分~。瓦~。~体。把束缚着、系着的东西打开:~开。~甲归田。~囊相助。除去,除,废除,停止:~放(a.使广大人民群众脱离压迫;b.解除束缚而得到自由……



汉语拼音:róng jiě








  1. 熔化。

    章炳麟 《五无篇》:“有军器在,则人将借是以为杀掠之资,於是熔解銃炮,椎毁刀剑,虽未足以絶争心,而争具则自此失矣。”



  1. Mr. Chu said he believed the accident was 'more serious' than the 1979 partial core meltdown at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania.


  2. Previously, the utility had said there was a risk of a meltdown in the core after the quake cut off power to pumps providing cooling water.


  3. About half of the core melted during the early stages of that accident.


  4. The most dangerous emissions in a meltdown enter the body through inhalation, ingestion or absorption through the skin.


  5. And is able to balance the excess grease, effective dissolution of emulsified gambling plug the pores.


  6. At units 1 and 3, fuel rods were left exposed for long enough to allow at least some melting, experts believe.


  7. You can only ask of the metals that they be tender to the fire that melts them.


  8. If the Japanese nuclear core were to melt, certain radioactive materials, such as iodine, strontium and cesium, would also be released.


  9. In a partial meltdown, only some of the fuel or the reactor core melts, reducing the likelihood of breaching the containment structure.


  1. 熔解动力学

    melting kinetics.

  2. 熔解和凝固

    melting and freezing.

  3. 晶体熔解实验

    crystal fused experiment

  4. 熔解比潜热

    Specific latent heat of fusion.

  5. 用碱熔解, 用碱助熔

    fluxing with alkali

  6. 容易被熔解的铅

    metallic lead that readily liquates out

  7. 用硝饼熔解, 用硫酸氢钠熔解

    fluxing with nitre cake

  8. 铝和玻璃一样可被熔解。

    Aluminum can be remelted as successfully and as often as glass.

  9. 融化过程进行熔解的行动或过程

    The act or operation of melting.

  10. 我在长柄锅内熔解黄油

    I melted the Butter in a saucepan.

  11. 火熔解是指靠热度所完成的熔解。

    Igneous fusion is fusion by heat alone.

  12. 火熔解是指靠热度所完成得熔解。

    Igneous fusion is fusion by heat alone.

  13. 冷熔解是粒子物理的圣杯。

    Cold fusion is the Holy Grail of particle physics.

  14. 熔解熔解得行动或过程金属熔池, 金属熔体

    The act or process of melting. metal bath

  15. 熔解熔解的行动或过程金属熔池,金属熔体

    The act or process of melting. metal bath

  16. 并作重现性和熔解曲线分析。

    The reproducibility and melting curves of the genes were also analyzed.

  17. 蜡烛在太阳光下变软而熔解。

    The candle softened and melted in the sun.

  18. 冰在熔解时, 其温度连结稳定。

    Ice keeps the same temperature whellole melting.

  19. 熔解, 精炼通过加热减少, 转化或熔化

    To reduce, convert, or melt down by heating.

  20. 惰性气体的熔解温度随压强的变化

    Pressure Dependence of Melting Temperature of Rare Gas Solids

  21. 静态混合原理在松脂熔解过程中的应用

    Application of the Static Mixing Principle to Melt of Oleoresin

  22. 基于图形学陶瓷坯料熔解的动画设计

    The animation design of fusible pottery material based on graphics

  23. 暗火与炼金术中的熔解与裂解原理有关。

    Flux is associated with alchemical dissolution and disintegration.

  24. 熔解量一熔解过程所产生之物质或其质量

    The substance or quantity of a substance produced by a melting process.

  25. 我们认为硫酸熔解了石灰石形成这些通道,对吗?

    We've said thats acid dissolved limestone right? And formed passage waves.

  26. 禁止使用明火加温或在密闭状态下熔解漆料。

    Prohibit using a direct fire or liquating paint under airtight condition.

  27. 冰镇薄荷酒杯中, 搅拌苏打以及糖块直至糖开始熔解。

    In julep cup, stir together club soda and sugar until sugar just begins to dissolve.

  28. 气瓶。液化或熔解压缩气体气瓶的反复加压疲劳试验。

    Gas cylinders. Fatigue strength testing under repeated pressurizing for liquefied or dissolved compressed gases.

  29. 实验条件对荧光共振能量转移的探针熔解曲线影响

    Influence of experimental conditions on probe melting curves based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer

  30. 高分辨率熔解曲线技术及其在分子诊断中的应用进展

    Application of high resolution melting analysis in molecular diagnosis


  1. 问:熔解拼音怎么拼?熔解的读音是什么?熔解翻译成英文是什么?

    答:熔解的读音是,熔解翻译成英文是 liquate

  2. 问:熔解热拼音怎么拼?熔解热的读音是什么?熔解热翻译成英文是什么?

    答:熔解热的读音是róngjiěrè,熔解热翻译成英文是 melting heat

  3. 问:熔解物拼音怎么拼?熔解物的读音是什么?熔解物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:熔解物的读音是,熔解物翻译成英文是 liquefactent

  4. 问:熔解量拼音怎么拼?熔解量的读音是什么?熔解量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:熔解量的读音是,熔解量翻译成英文是 meltage

  5. 问:熔解频率拼音怎么拼?熔解频率的读音是什么?熔解频率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:熔解频率的读音是róng jiě pín lǜ,熔解频率翻译成英文是 fusion frequency

  6. 问:熔解而分离拼音怎么拼?熔解而分离的读音是什么?熔解而分离翻译成英文是什么?

    答:熔解而分离的读音是,熔解而分离翻译成英文是 liquate



熔解,是物质由固相转变为液相的相变过程。它是凝固的相反过程。在一定的压强下 ,固体(晶体)要加热到一定温度(熔点)才能熔解,熔解过程中温度不变,从外界吸热。单位质量晶体熔解成液体所吸收的热量称为熔解潜热,简称熔解热。 晶体熔解时对应的温度,称为熔点。