




仰,高抬:~首。~然。高,贵:~贵。价~。情绪高:~扬。高~。~藏(cáng )(形容人的仪表雄伟,气宇不凡的样子)。~奋。气~~。……



汉语拼音:jī áng








  1. 亦作“ 激卬 ”。振奋激励,激励。

    汉 刘向 《列女传·王章妻女》:“妻呵怒曰:‘ 仲卿 尊贵。在朝廷谁愈於 仲卿 者?今疾病困厄,不自激昂,乃反涕泣,何鄙也!’” 唐 怀素 《自叙》:“屡蒙激昂,教以笔法。” 清 陈康祺 《郎潜纪闻》卷一:“盖昇平之际,物色人才,危急之秋,激昂忠义。”

  2. 激怒而使之感悟。

    《文选·扬雄<解嘲>》:“ 范雎 , 魏 之亡命也……激卬万乘之主,介 涇阳 抵 穰侯 而代之,当也。” 李善 注引 如淳 曰:“激卬,怒也。”

  3. 奋发昂扬。

    汉 傅毅 《舞赋》:“明诗表指,嘳息激昂。”《新唐书·李训传》:“ 仲言 持诡辩,激卬可听,善鉤揣人主意。” 清 李渔 《玉搔头·止兵》:“精忠既满腔,更有这力纵横助激昂。” 曹禺 《雷雨》第一幕:“他说话微微有点口吃似的,但是在他的感情激昂的时候,词锋是锐利的。”



  1. Last night, after finally resigning, Mr Berlusconi slipped out of a side door of the president's palace to dodge a raucous mob.


  2. The country was up, ready to drive out the enemy.


  3. By the end of his rousing speech, supported by the thunderous applause of fervent patriots, the Republic was no more.


  4. Your mood is upbeat for most of the day, making it easier for you to accomplish your work with a smile.


  5. During an appearance on the Fox News Sunday television program, he said the nation has been galvanized.


  6. for the mastery with him . he threw off all assistance , and stepped passionately forward a pace before the woman and the child.


  7. feeling Paleontology is much like politics: passions run high, and it's easy to draw very different conclusions from the same set of facts.


  8. My actions were uncalled for. I let my emotions get the best of me in a heated situation.


  9. They had not noticed that Iran's poor, more concerned with economic inequality than reform, were responding to a fiery young fundamentalist.


  1. 群情激昂。

    Popular feeling ran high.

  2. 他谈吐激昂。

    He spoke with heat.

  3. 人们群情激昂。

    The crowd was at fever pitch.

  4. 人们群情激昂。

    The crowd was at fever pitch.

  5. 一时间群情激昂。

    A buzz of excitement ran through the crowd.

  6. 他们激昂地起来。

    They rose with agitation.

  7. 群情激昂的气氛

    an emotionally charged atmosphere

  8. 会议上气氛激昂。

    There was an air of excitement at the meeting.

  9. 全国民族情绪激昂。

    A flame of strong nationalist feeling swept through the country.

  10. 激昂的政治语言风格

    fiery political rhetoric.

  11. 号角激昂锐利的吹奏。

    And the bugle wild and shrill.

  12. 他的情绪仍旧很激昂。

    His blood was still too hot.

  13. 他的发言使群情激昂。

    His speech inflamed the crowd

  14. 以悲壮激昂的语言讲话

    speak in a buskined language

  15. 他们对这种事群情激昂。

    They are up in arms about it.

  16. 她声音激昂,目光如火。

    Her voice is passionate. Her eyes are ablaze.

  17. 这消息顿时使群情激昂。

    The news had an electric effect.

  18. 演讲者使听众情绪激昂。

    The orator set the audience on fire.

  19. 她对他的激昂感到惊讶。

    She was astonished at his vehemence.

  20. 文森激昂地发誓要报仇。

    Vincent vowed vengeance very fervently.

  21. 观众听了他的话群情激昂。

    The audience took fire at his words.

  22. 他激昂的演说鼓动了听众。

    His fiery speech agitated the crowd.

  23. 但是, 这景象似乎让他激昂。

    But this seems to make him giddy.

  24. 听了他的话,听众群情激昂。

    The audience caught fire at his words.

  25. 那激昂的音乐使学生们情绪激昂。

    The inspiring music acted on the emotions of the students.

  26. 那个时候,他们全神贯注,神情激昂。

    At that time, be absorbed in them, look up.

  27. 她激昂地抗辩, 恳求获得公正。

    She made an impassioned plea for justice.

  28. 演说者力图使听众群情激昂。

    The orator tried to set the audience on fire.

  29. 激昂的音乐使听众的情绪激奋。

    The stirring music acted on the emotions of the audience.

  30. 观众听了他得话群情激昂。

    The audience took fire at his words.


  1. 问:激昂拼音怎么拼?激昂的读音是什么?激昂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:激昂的读音是jī'áng,激昂翻译成英文是 aroused

  2. 问:激昂地拼音怎么拼?激昂地的读音是什么?激昂地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:激昂地的读音是,激昂地翻译成英文是 heatedly

  3. 问:激昂的拼音怎么拼?激昂的的读音是什么?激昂的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:激昂的的读音是,激昂的翻译成英文是 heated

  4. 问:激昂地说拼音怎么拼?激昂地说的读音是什么?激昂地说翻译成英文是什么?

    答:激昂地说的读音是,激昂地说翻译成英文是 rant

  5. 问:激昂慷慨拼音怎么拼?激昂慷慨的读音是什么?激昂慷慨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:激昂慷慨的读音是jī'ángkāngkǎi,激昂慷慨翻译成英文是 Impassioned and ebullient.




【拼音】:jī ’ áng

【近义词】:激动 振奋 高昂 兴奋

【反义词】:低沉 悲观 颓废 消极