




1. 越 [yuè]越 [yuè]度过,超出:~过。~冬。~级。~轨。~权。~境。~位。~狱。~俎代庖。声音、情感扬起,昂扬:激~。声音清~。表示程度加深:~发(更加)。~加。~快~好。消散:“精神劳则~”。失坠,坠落:陨~。“射其左。~于……



汉语拼音:jī yuè








  1. 高亢清远。

    汉 班固 《西都赋》:“櫂女謳,鼓吹震,声激越,謍厉天。” 唐 柳宗元 《陪永州崔使君游宴南池序》:“羽觴飞翔,匏竹激越。” 清 江炳炎 《琵琶仙·乙巳二月》词:“谈往事,苍凉激越,更呼饮 武功 遗宅。” 叶圣陶 《倪焕之》二六:“他说到末了,声音转为激越,神色也颇飞扬,正像一个在行的煽动家。”

  2. 激扬;激动。

    三国 吴 杨泉 《物理论》:“犹人之内气,因喜怒哀乐激越而发也。” 宋 苏轼 《清风阁记》:“风起於苍茫之间,彷徨乎山泽,激越乎城郭道路,虚徐演漾,以汎汝之轩窗栏楯幔帷而不去也。” 清 戴名世 《<张贡五文集>序》:“归视所为文,见其辞采工丽可爱也,议论激越可爱也。” 秦牧 《艺海拾贝·辩证规律在艺术创造上的运用》:“只有在感情激越的时候,才能够说出新鲜感人的语言。”



  1. If I speak strongly, please do not misunderstand me, it is not through lack of compassion.


  2. Symptoms of a mixed state often include agitation, trouble sleeping, significant change in appetite, psychosis, and suicidal thinking.


  3. Many professional athletes thrive on intimidation, Reilley says, so be prepared to stand your ground.


  4. Passions and affections , my lonely feelings are still hot and strong blooming in the earnest embrace of the land .


  5. Agitation-type patients with depression, speech movements are significantly increased, anxiety, fear, excitement, self-injury, risk is high.


  6. Full of turning points, the ballet builds to a climax whereby an excess of passion leads the male dancer to kill his lover.


  7. A loud commotion suppressed emotions entangled in bright colors , disturbing atmosphere upheavals .


  8. Ford started anew to tell how he had first read "The Ring of Bells, " and Mr.


  9. The music horns, rough, clear and firm, its rich and vivid, pungent, intense and bold, simple language, easily understood, real moving.


  1. 新生儿激越

    Neonatal agitation.

  2. 激越性行为

    agitation behaviors.

  3. 激越性抑郁症

    agitated depression.

  4. 动作朴质, 喊声激越。

    The movements are simple and the shouts vehement.

  5. 动作朴质,喊声激越。

    The movements are simple and the shouts vehement.

  6. 熟悉的旋律, 演绎时代的激越。

    The familiar melodies embody the spirit of this era.

  7. 他感情激越,提笔作诗。

    In the grip of intense emotion, he picked up his pen and wrote a poem.

  8. 曲调凄厉哀婉, 感情悲怆激越。

    This moving and understated composition is performed as a solo piece by two flutes.

  9. 草原上扬起清亮激越的歌声。

    Songs were heard ringing loud and clear over the grasslands.

  10. 草原上扬起清亮激越得歌声。

    Songs were heard ringing loud and clear over the grasslands.

  11. 乐曲时而激越高亢, 时而像瀑布飞泻。

    The melody surged and spoke like waterfalls.

  12. 愿激越的心灵静静体验无言的欢乐。

    We hope our exiting hearts will enjoy the wordless happiness silently.

  13. 现代电休克治疗激越行为对照研究

    A comparative study of the effect of modern electroconvulsive therapy on the agitated behavior of psychotic patients

  14. 爱一个人的时候, 情感都是激越的。

    When we love a person, the sensibilities are aboil.

  15. 我喜欢舒缓柔和的音乐, 多于旋律激越的。

    I like music with an ebb and flow, more than super rhythmic.

  16. 这是不落的歌,雄浑激越,凝聚力量。

    This is not off the song, vigorous agitation, and gathering strength.

  17. 披读信札,一种殷切激越之情,溢乎言表。

    The letters show an eagerness, an animation.

  18. 再配以激越的锣鼓,渲染了热烈欢腾的气氛。

    In addition, intense gonging and drumming produces a heated and jubilant atmosphere.

  19. 阿立哌唑治疗伴激越的精神分裂症对照研究

    Comparative study between aripiprazole and olanzapine in the treatment of agitated schizophrenia

  20. 音乐疗法对老年性痴呆患者激越行为的影响

    Effect of Musicotherapy on Agitation Behaviors in Patients with Aged Dementia

  21. 新时代的先锋颂歌正在这方土地激越唱响。

    The pioneer of new era is odic this land is intense sing noisy.

  22. 熟悉得旋律,演绎时代得激越,回荡情怀不改得真切。

    The familiar melody deducts the stirring times and expressing the unchanging sincerity.

  23. 熟悉的旋律,演绎时代的激越,回荡情怀不改的真切。

    The familiar melody deducts the stirring times and expressing the unchanging sincerity.

  24. 与曲调声情相配合的顿挫激越的语言结构。

    And it is concerted with the melodic sentiment in the cadenced and impassioned language structure.

  25. 老人院痴呆患者激越行为的观察与描述性研究

    An observational and descriptive study of the agitation in nursing home dementia elders

  26. 氟哌啶醇与氯丙嗪静滴治疗急性激越的对照研究

    The comparision study on curing agitation by haloperidol and chlorpromazine venoclysis

  27. 个性化服务对老年痴呆病人住院期间激越行为的影响

    Influence of individualized care service on agitating behavior of senile amentia patients during hospitalization

  28. 愿意看那激越的对抗, 看那美丽而动人的阳刚之气的迸发。

    Look at the confrontation is willing to agitation, look beautiful and moving burst masculinity.

  29. 戴妃,我敢说你一定还记得那盲目、激越、痛苦的爱。

    Yes, Concubine Dai. I bet you still remember that blind, passionate, miserable, longing love!

  30. 假如我言辞激越, 请各位不要误解, 这不是由于没有慈悲心。

    If I speak strongly, please do not misunderstand me, it is not through lack of compassion.


  1. 问:激越拼音怎么拼?激越的读音是什么?激越翻译成英文是什么?

    答:激越的读音是jīyuè,激越翻译成英文是 intense; vehement; loud and strong

  2. 问:激越性躁狂拼音怎么拼?激越性躁狂的读音是什么?激越性躁狂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:激越性躁狂的读音是jī yuè xìng zào kuáng,激越性躁狂翻译成英文是 agitated mania

  3. 问:激越性忧郁症拼音怎么拼?激越性忧郁症的读音是什么?激越性忧郁症翻译成英文是什么?

    答:激越性忧郁症的读音是jī yuè xìng yōu yù zhèng,激越性忧郁症翻译成英文是 agitated melancholia

  4. 问:激越性抑郁症拼音怎么拼?激越性抑郁症的读音是什么?激越性抑郁症翻译成英文是什么?

    答:激越性抑郁症的读音是jī yuè xìng yì yù zhèng,激越性抑郁症翻译成英文是 agitated depression



激越:注音jīyuè,英文intense,基本解释[intense; vehement] 情绪强烈、激昂;声音高亢清越、感情激越。




[释义] (形)(声音、情绪等)强烈、高亢。

[构成] 并列式:激+越 [例句] 军号声激越雄浑。(作谓语)