


仰,高抬:~首。~然。高,贵:~贵。价~。情绪高:~扬。高~。~藏(cáng )(形容人的仪表雄伟,气宇不凡的样子)。~奋。气~~。……


簸动,向上播散:~水。~场(cháng )。~汤止沸。高举,向上:~手。~帆。趾高气~。~眉吐气。在空中飘动:飘~。称颂,传播:~言。~威。颂~。~弃。~名。姓。……



汉语拼音:áng yáng









  1. 奋发向上;激昂。

    郭小川 《送同志们》诗:“同他们一起迈着昂扬的步伐。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第七章:“声音完全听清楚了!像山洪、像裂帛,昂扬、悲壮,透过监牢层层的铁壁,传到四个青年的耳朵里。” 杜鹏程 《在和平的日子里》第四章:“浪花拍击工人们,好像要使人们的情绪更加昂扬!”



  1. For a country that has spent years wallowing in a sense of its own decline, France celebrates Bastille Day today with a renewed swagger.


  2. The only problem for a Gemini gal is that if you want to experience the passionate love then you might as well get a Scorpio man.


  3. No one is talking about Silverlight with any enthusiasm. The excitement is over, now it is just a promising replacement for Flash.


  4. From unhappiness at feeling stuck, feelings of anger rise in dialectical response, and with them a sense of liberation.


  5. In summer, though, the lake is a shimmering jewel adorning the long, preening neck of this skyscraping queen.


  6. She said that Serbians have quite a combustible character and maybe that's what is driving us.


  7. Our socialist motherland is showing a vigorous, full of vigorous activity, high-spirited attitude to stride into the next century.


  8. Military students of the performing style coordinated, Hu Hu Sheng - wei, a high-spirited show up, the hard work of the spirit of the times.


  9. To his right was a high sunny window, through which you could see the high green leaves of St James's Square.


  1. 昂扬的歌声

    spirited singing.

  2. 昂扬拼搏之骨

    hardworking and striving for excellence.

  3. 我们斗志昂扬。

    Our fighting spirit soars aloft.

  4. 昂扬向上的精神状态

    enterprising spirit

  5. 她总是斗志昂扬。

    She is always militant in struggle.

  6. 昂扬的心是最好的药。

    A cheerful heart is good medicine.

  7. 昂扬得心是最好得药。

    A cheerful heart is good medicine .

  8. 保持昂扬向上的精神状态

    be filled with an enterprising spirit

  9. 战士们斗志昂扬, 准备应战。

    The soldiers were at concert pitch for war.

  10. 他们毫不沮丧,反倒精神昂扬。

    They were not at all depressed, but in high spirits.

  11. 这个好消息让她的精神昂扬。

    The good news sent her spirits aloft.

  12. 军官激励了他的部下士气昂扬。

    The officer cheered his men on.

  13. 这里耕耘收获无私奉献士气昂扬。

    Here cultivation harvest selfless dedication morale competitiveness.

  14. 见一硬棒立起,斗志昂扬。

    I see Yingbang erected, and high morale.

  15. 在他的带动下,战士们斗志昂扬。

    His example kept the fighters in high spirits.

  16. 请保持你的激情,热心和昂扬的士气。

    Please go on with your enthusiasm, your eagerness, and your high spirit.

  17. 我们以更加昂扬的斗志去迎接奥运。

    We have a more high morale to greet the Olympic Games.

  18. 创建健康、激励员工的企业文化,昂扬士气。

    Creating a healthy company culture aiming at high morale and employee motivation.

  19. 共产主义垮台后,年青人们都斗志昂扬。

    After the collapse of communism a bright young person could aim high.

  20. 她不管多么艰难继续斗志昂扬地工作。

    She continued to work in a blithe spirit in spite of all difficulties.

  21. 我们从来没有像现在这样意气风发, 斗志昂扬。

    We have never been so inspired and militant.

  22. 我们在赛场上斗志昂扬,他们不可能打败我们。

    They couldn't defeat us because we were full of fight on the field.

  23. 尤其是美国的强力协助,使联盟斗志昂扬。

    Above all, the alliance has been energised by america's intensified commitment.

  24. 你上次斗志昂扬去工作是什么时候了

    When was the last time you were excited about going to work?

  25. 在战斗中他斗志昂扬,从不怀疑他会胜利。

    He exulted in the battle and never doubted he would win.

  26. 为你照亮人生的旅途,找准方向,斗志昂扬。

    Lightening your life journey, aiming at your direction encouragingly.

  27. 虽然他们失败过很多次,但仍然斗志昂扬。

    In spite of numerous defeats, they still had plenty of fight left in them.

  28. 我斗志如此昂扬,有时候我还被那样的自己吓到。

    I am so motivated, and sometimes I scare myself with that.

  29. 匈牙利电影界的上层, 充满了昂扬和热情洋溢的气氛。

    At the top of the countrys film industry, the mood is both bullish and ebullient.

  30. 但这些球员却斗志昂扬, 因为由我们的英雄指引。

    But something rose up in these players, led by our hero.


  1. 问:昂扬拼音怎么拼?昂扬的读音是什么?昂扬翻译成英文是什么?

    答:昂扬的读音是ángyáng,昂扬翻译成英文是 upbeat


