


1. 嚼 [jiáo]2. 嚼 [jué]3. 嚼 [jiào]嚼 [jiáo]用牙齿咬碎:细~慢咽。味同~蜡。嚼 [jué]义同(一),用于某些复合词:咀~。嚼 [jiào]〔倒(dǎo)~〕反刍,牛等动物把粗粗咀嚼后咽下去的食物再反回到……


1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:jiáo zi






  1. 放在马口里的链形铁器,两端连在缰上,以便驾驭。古名曰“衔”。

    《红楼梦》第六八回:“你的嘴里难道有茄子塞着?不然他们给你嚼子衔上了?” 峻青 《海啸》第二章七:“你有笼头我有嚼子,反正你是得不了便宜的。”



  1. The pony is often outfitted with straps, a leather saddle, blinders, reins, and a bit in the mouth.


  2. To be uncontrollable, as a horse is when it clenches its teeth on the bit; to cast off or refuse restraint.


  3. a bit resembling a snaffle bit ; used with a separate curb .


  4. either of two straps of a bridle that connect the bit to the headpiece.


  5. a simple jointed bit for a horse; without a curb .


  6. bit. ted, bit. ting, bits To place a bit in the mouth of (a horse, for example).


  7. Chewing son's life , no appeals . This is the greatest help. Powerful life.


  8. Bit and spur shall rust forever.


  9. n. The horse was champing the bit .


  1. 阻舐式马嚼子

    tongue bit

  2. 咬嚼子的马

    a horse fretting its bit.

  3. 马的环形嚼子

    A round bit for a horse.

  4. 咬着嚼子的马。

    Horses champing at the bit

  5. 用或似用嚼子控制或抑制。

    To check or control with or as if with a bit.

  6. 控制用或似用嚼子控制或抑制

    To check or control with or as if with a bit.

  7. 这匹马格格地咬着马嚼子。

    The horse was champing the bit.

  8. 我应该给你戴上个嚼子。

    I ought to put a muzzle on you.

  9. 那匹马还不习惯戴马嚼子。

    The horse was not accustomed to a bit.

  10. 我还没准备好, 还得给马上嚼子。

    I'm not ready yet, I have to put the bit to my horse.

  11. 我还没准备好,还得给马上嚼子。

    I'm not ready yet, I have to put the bit to my horse.

  12. 这匹马在格格地嚼它得马嚼子。

    The horse champing its bit.

  13. 这匹马在格格地嚼它的马嚼子。

    The horse champing its bit.

  14. 像马嚼子的一种嚼子,使用单独的勒条。

    A bit resembles a snaffle,used with a separate curb.

  15. 有用于连接马勒和马嚼子的扣口的马嚼子。

    a bit with a bar mouthpiece that is designed to combine a curb and snaffle.

  16. 另一些胆小鬼却要给它们套上嚼子。

    While other cowards will force the brute into a muzzle.

  17. 教马跳跃之前必须小心使它习惯于马嚼子。

    A horse must be carefully mouthed before he is taught to jump.

  18. 马儿们得嚼子上都是泡沫,眼睛充满血丝。

    The horses'bits were covered with foam, their eyes bloodshot.

  19. 马儿们的嚼子上都是泡沫,眼睛充满血丝。

    The horses' bits were covered with foam, their eyes bloodshot.

  20. 马儿们的嚼子上都是泡沫,眼睛充满血丝。

    The horses' bits were covered with foam, their eyes bloodshot.

  21. 他们像对马一样给你们的嘴戴上嚼子!

    They put a bit into your mouths like horses!

  22. 连着马嚼子和头套的马勒的两条带子。

    Either of two straps of a bridle that connect the bit to the headpiece.

  23. 那个时候, 使用极端残酷的马嚼子是很普遍的。

    In that time the use of extremely cruel curb bits was widespread.

  24. 那个时候,使用极端残酷得马嚼子是很普遍得。

    In that time the use of extremely cruel curb bits was widespread.

  25. 那个时候,使用极端残酷的马嚼子是很普遍的。

    In that time the use of extremely cruel curb bits was widespread.

  26. 他放松了嚼子,双膝夹住这雌马的肚子。

    He eased off the bit, gripping the mare's flanks with his knees.

  27. 她把所有事搞砸之前你得给她戴上马嚼子。

    You put a snaffle bit on her before she brings the whole thing down.

  28. 马勒,嚼子放在嘴里的金属制马勒,用于控制约束和驾御牲畜

    The metal mouthpiece of a bridle, serving to control, curb, and direct an animal.


  1. 问:嚼子拼音怎么拼?嚼子的读音是什么?嚼子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:嚼子的读音是jiáozi,嚼子翻译成英文是 snaffle



【jiáo·zi】 名词 为便于驾驭,横放在牲口嘴里的小铁链,两端连在笼头上,多用于马、牛。
