







汉语拼音:chóu chàng







  1. As for the rest of it . . . I'll admit it, it makes me a little melancholy, just as the Wizarding World of Harry Potter made me melancholy.

  2. " Looming straight melancholy of the long dark night did not leave a " security Linglong dice red beans, Such is Life crassicarpa know?

  3. I was agonisingly close to leaving Russia but I had no idea where I should check in, or what time the ship would depart.

  4. "It was just a wish, " said Penny wistfully. "We could sail away. There are ships again, now that the war is over. "

  5. In the deep shadows of his eyes floated some reminiscences that did not seem to give him much joy.

  6. Even if the film is brilliant is all dream, the dream of the people do not depressed, but good memories.

  7. Melancholy, some have been indifferent between the Wind and the sad, like and litter at the moment my feelings.

  8. Send him on the train, I was melancholy sense. " See you in Beijing! " He waved and said.

  9. How much melancholy Temple Liu, spring air fighting thrush long.


  1. 惆怅无人试宽窄。

    No trial melancholy width.

  2. 我对你思念惆怅。

    I am the thought of you melancholy.

  3. 一夜惆怅如此委婉

    So beautifully the night was saddened

  4. 一丝惆怅叹长情!

    A disappointed sigh long feeling!

  5. 带着深深的惆怅想起

    I think with the deepest regret.

  6. 有的人以沉默叙述迷茫和惆怅。

    Some silence, means to depict their disorientation and melancholy.

  7. 我的行李孤孤单单散散惹惆怅。

    Solitary merely leisurely, my luggage cause more melancholia.

  8. 他很惆怅。你知道他在苦恼什么吗?

    He is sad. Do you know where the shoe pinches

  9. 让胸膛的温热烤干她所有的惆怅。

    Letting the warm of chest dissipate all her sorrows.

  10. 挥不去的是惆怅, 暂不断的是情思。

    Cannot wield is disconsolate, unceasing is temporarily the emotions.

  11. 他醒来时总是满怀哀愁,抑郁惆怅。

    He always woke with a sense of deep sorrow and depressing loss.

  12. 我的锦食欢娱,也只是一碟惆怅。

    My feast of joy is but a dish of pain.

  13. 我得锦食欢娱,也只是一碟惆怅。

    My feast of joy is but a dish of pain.

  14. 空白画面留下的是惆怅,难忘的往事吗?

    The screen is left blank melancholy and memorable past it

  15. 我有一种极度惆怅和失落的感觉。

    I have a great sense of sadness and of loss.

  16. 我勾画你的轮廓,描绘数不尽的惆怅。

    I sketched the outline of your depicts endless melancholy.

  17. 铜壶漏报天将晓,惆怅佳期又一年。

    Copper pot omitted days will dawn, melancholy wedding day after year.

  18. 她勉强露出颇带惆怅的一丝笑容。

    She managed a rueful little smile.

  19. 人生的欢乐与苦闷, 惶惑与悲哀, 惆怅与无奈

    The joy of life with boredom, apprehensive and sad, melancholy and helplessness

  20. 想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅。

    Miss you, and is the sadness of a kind of beauty sweet and disappointed.

  21. 心情就像屋外绵绵的细雨,伤感,惆怅。

    and my feeling is sad and melancholy as the continuous drizzle outside.

  22. 至尊含笑催赐金,圉人太仆皆惆怅,

    The Emperor rewarded you with smiles and with gifts,While officers and men of the stud hung about and stared.

  23. 他离开时依依不舍,只留下更多的惆怅。

    He was reluctant to part, which left behind more disconsolation.

  24. 他离开时依依不舍,只留下更多的惆怅。

    He was reluctant to part, which left behind more disconsolation.

  25. 惆怅庙前多少柳, 春来空斗画眉长。

    How much melancholy Temple Liu, spring air fighting thrush long.

  26. 一曲相思,两种惆怅,万般妩媚,终究断肠。

    Acacia, two kinds of melancholy, worth of charming, after all heartbroken.

  27. 直道相思了无益,未妨惆怅是清狂。

    Straight road love sickness useless, has not hinered disconsolately is clear crazy.

  28. 心绪不宁, 忧上心头, 人在彷徨惆怅中。

    Very jittery mood, worry about our hearts, people in the melancholy of a loss.

  29. 一切幸福可让头脑空场, 一切悲哀可以让泪水惆怅。

    All the happiness make mind empty, all the sadness make tears melancholy.

  30. 月亮弯的时候, 心情也常常变的失落而惆怅。

    The moon curve, the mood also often become frustrated and disappointed.


  1. 问:惆怅拼音怎么拼?惆怅的读音是什么?惆怅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惆怅的读音是chóuchàng,惆怅翻译成英文是 melancholy



“惆怅”是个多义词,它可以指惆怅(徐林肖像章), 惆怅(汉语词语), 惆怅(冰心现代诗)。