


1. 邪 [xié]2. 邪 [yá]3. 邪 [yé]4. 邪 [yú]5. 邪 [xú]邪 [xié]不正当,不正派:~恶(è)。~念。~说。中医指引起疾病的环境因素:寒~。风~。迷信的人指鬼神给予的灾祸:中(zhòng)~。妖异怪诞:……


1. 教 [jiào]2. 教 [jiāo]教 [jiào]指导,训诲:~习。~头。~正。~师。~导。管~。请~。~学相长。因材施~。使,令:风能~船走。指“宗教”:~士。~主。~皇。~堂。姓。教 [jiāo]传授:~课。你~给我做。……



汉语拼音:xié jiào








  1. 旁门左道,不正派的宗教派别。

    《敦煌变文集·维摩诘经讲经文》:“然后示其正法常王,遂讽人陈以直言,无施邪教命。” 清 俞蛟 《梦厂杂著·临清寇略》:“时逆匪 王伦 ,以清水邪教煽聚亡命至数千人,阴布其党於 东昌 、 兗州 二郡。” 陈夔龙 《梦蕉亭杂记》卷一:“会京师大旱,謡言蠭起,谓某县某村镇邪教起事,勾结 山东 、 河南 教匪,剋期入京。”



  1. However, the MLM people brainwash you, as if you were in a cult.


  2. So far, Sarkozy's actions in court have had the apparently unintended consequence of turning the voodoo doll into something of a cult item.


  3. David and Victor immediately went to the place she said, the results of a group of fanatical been kidnapped by the cult followers.


  4. I remember Cult turning his head a quarter hearing my cry for help but in the stress we all were in no one had the time to stop.


  5. In future China will continue to get rid of its backwardness and shortcomings. And cults are no doubt the most backward and dirtiest stuffs.


  6. There were some rough patches in there-- like when Richard had a mid-life crisis, left his wife, Betty, and joined a cult.


  7. A judge should not join any organisation with a nature of evil religion.


  8. A decade ago Miyano's lifestyle would have been considered if not heretic, than at least contemptible.


  9. Texas authority has found a document indicating marriages between one man and more than 20 wives who resided at a polygamist compound.


  1. 不,不是邪教。

    No, it's not a cult.

  2. 不允许邪教存在。

    No room for evil cults.

  3. 邪教存在的原因

    reasons for the evil cult existing

  4. 让青少年远离邪教

    Lead Young People far off CULT

  5. 坚决取缔邪教组织。

    We have resolutely banned evil cults.

  6. 认清邪教远离邪教抵制邪教

    To Recognize the Evil Religion, Keep away from It and Resist It

  7. 目前邪教的发展趋势

    The developing tendency of heresy

  8. 邪教泛滥原因探析

    On the Causes of the Wild Spread of Heretical Religion

  9. 就是普通的邪教把戏。

    You know,the usual cult ritual hoopla.

  10. 合法宗教与迷信邪教

    The Legal Religion And The Superstitious Cult

  11. 催眠术与邪教之比较

    Comparison between Hypnotism and Wicked Religions

  12. 邪教痴迷的原因分析

    Analysis of the Causes of Infatuation for Evil Sect

  13. 邪教头目,别说了,妈妈。

    The cult leader. I need you to stop, Ma.

  14. 指一个组织为邪教

    Label a group as an evil cult

  15. 取缔邪教组织惩治邪教犯罪

    Banning the Heresy Organization and Punishing Its Crime

  16. 邪教组织犯罪问题研究

    Research on offence commited by Orgnization of Heretics

  17. 她诱导尼娜加入这一邪教。

    She inducts Nina into the cult.

  18. 邪教群体心理机制研究

    Researches on Psychological Mechanism of the Weird Religious Organization Groups

  19. 校园当以科学拒绝邪教

    Resisting evil Cult with Science in the School

  20. 宗教与邪教的法律界定

    The Legal Definitation between Religion and Evil Religion

  21. 关于邪教犯罪的若干问题

    Some Problems On Crime of Evil Religions

  22. 邪教为什么要关心克隆人

    Why Wicked Religions Give an Eye to Human Cloning

  23. 这是邪教的一大特征。

    This is an essential feature of a cult.

  24. 邪教自杀案件的刑法分析

    The Criminal Observation of the Suicidal Case Committed by the Heretics

  25. 邪教现象的心理学探析

    Psychological Exploration of Heretical Phenomena

  26. 弘扬科学精神铲除邪教土壤

    Expanding Spirit of Science and Eradicating Soil Of Heresy

  27. 外国传媒与反邪教斗争

    Foreign Media and Their Struggle against Wicked Religions

  28. 提倡科学思维抵制邪教诱惑

    Encourage Scientific Thinking and Keep away from the Lure of Falungong

  29. 剖析披着宗教外衣的邪教

    Analyzing of Heresy under the Cover of Religion

  30. 谈美国政府对邪教的态度

    On the Attitude of American Government Towards Cult Groups


  1. 问:邪教拼音怎么拼?邪教的读音是什么?邪教翻译成英文是什么?

    答:邪教的读音是xiéjiào,邪教翻译成英文是 heresy

  2. 问:邪教组织拼音怎么拼?邪教组织的读音是什么?邪教组织翻译成英文是什么?

    答:邪教组织的读音是xiéjiàozǔzhī,邪教组织翻译成英文是 cult: illegal organization that uses religion t...

  3. 问:邪教合唱团拼音怎么拼?邪教合唱团的读音是什么?邪教合唱团翻译成英文是什么?

    答:邪教合唱团的读音是,邪教合唱团翻译成英文是 Bad Religion

  4. 问:邪教仪式虐待拼音怎么拼?邪教仪式虐待的读音是什么?邪教仪式虐待翻译成英文是什么?

    答:邪教仪式虐待的读音是xié jiào yí shì nüè dài,邪教仪式虐待翻译成英文是 ritual abuse