





行走:~兵。~行(xíng )。徒~。信~。闲~。固~自封。望而却~。踏着别人的足迹走,追随:~韵。~其后尘。~武前贤。行走时两脚的距离:~伐。~测。寸~难行。事情进行的程序、阶段、程度:~骤。初~。中国旧制长度单位,一步等于五尺。古同“埠……



汉语拼音:tuì bù







  1. But she never caved--if he hit a sibling, no matter how much he screamed or banged his head, his mother would not let him out of time-out.


  2. He backtracked near the end of that fireside chat and highlighted the data export issue as a potential mistake.


  3. "I can call him once a week, " says Fang. "I ask him about progress at school; if his grades have gone down, I tell him to improve. "


  4. He heaved a sigh and picked up a biscuit, nibbling at it before grinning at me. Dad's decline puzzled the doctor, too.


  5. After years of languishing, Europe's biggest economy is beginning to feel the benefit of reforms, particularly to its financial system.


  6. Some worry that this marks a first step in the secession of the county's rich, mostly white north from its poorer, mostly black south.


  7. Now formation wise it's not so much of a problem as we only play with one up front now anyway, but it's still a little step backwards.


  8. At least there will be a retreat secured for her in case the worst should ensue.


  9. You will get tired, your technique will deteriorate, and you might as well call it a day.


  1. 进步还是退步?

    Progress or Retrogression

  2. 后退步掖帽

    Step backward and tuck in hat.

  3. 他思想退步了。

    He has slipped back ideologically.

  4. 他功课退步了。

    He's lagged behind in his studies.

  5. 没有退步得进步!

    No retrogressive progress!

  6. 没有退步的进步!

    No retrogressive progress!

  7. 球队一年一年的退步。

    The team got worse annually.

  8. 球队一年一年得退步。

    The team got worse annually.

  9. 这真是巨大的退步。

    It's really hugely attenuated.

  10. 这孩子功课退步了。

    The boy's not doing so well in his studies as he used to.

  11. 你不能再退步了。

    You mustn't get ieft back again.

  12. 但胡先生不愿退步。

    Mr. Hu would not budge.

  13. 技术上这是个退步。

    Technologically, this is a step backwards.

  14. 退步的行为或事例,如。

    The act or an instance of lapsing, as.

  15. 退步,不能代表我认输。

    Retrogress, can't give up on behalf of me.

  16. 我的法语退步不小呢

    I've gotten quite rusty.

  17. 你现在学习退步, 视力下降。

    You are now learning decline, decline in visual acuity.

  18. 工厂的关闭是一大退步。

    The closure of the factory is a retrograde step.

  19. 她的后退步跳得多美!

    How beautiful she performs the backward step!

  20. 你的成绩怎么退步的这么厉害?

    How can your grade drop this much?

  21. 我们不但没进步,反而退步了。

    Instead of progressing, we're going backwards.

  22. 德人心和经济日益退步和恶化!

    German people and increasing economic retrogression and degradation!

  23. 我们比上一场比赛退步了。

    We have taken a step back in respect to the last game.

  24. 谦虚使人进步, 反之, 骄傲使人退步。

    Modesty helps one advance, whereas conceit makes one fall behind.

  25. 谦虚使人进步,反之,骄傲使人退步。

    Modesty helps one advance, whereas conceit makes one fall behind.

  26. 她似乎好起来了,后来又退步了。

    She seemed better until her set back.

  27. 父亲的退步也令大夫感到困惑。

    Dad's decline puzzled the doctor, too.

  28. 父亲得退步也令大夫感到困惑。

    Dad's decline puzzled the doctor, too.

  29. 我的国语进步了, 但是英文退步了。

    My Mandarin has improved, but my English has regressed.

  30. 并退步位置的后退交叉进入翼步

    Back Cross in Fallaway position leading to Wing


  1. 问:退步拼音怎么拼?退步的读音是什么?退步翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退步的读音是tuìbù,退步翻译成英文是 lag behind; leeway

  2. 问:退步的拼音怎么拼?退步的的读音是什么?退步的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退步的的读音是,退步的翻译成英文是 degenerative

  3. 问:退步{计}拼音怎么拼?退步{计}的读音是什么?退步{计}翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退步{计}的读音是tuì bùjì,退步{计}翻译成英文是 regression