


丢:遗~。坐~良机。收复~地。流离~所。违背:~约。~信。找不着:迷~方向。没有掌握住:~言。~职。~调(tiáo )。没有达到:~望。~意。错误:~误。~策。过~。~之毫厘,谬以千里。改变常态:惊慌~色。……





汉语拼音:shī lì








  1. 丧失财利。

    《管子·山权数》:“故君无失时,无失筴,万物兴丰,无失利。” 五代 王定保 《唐摭言·自负》:“语曰:‘厚利可爱,盛时难再,失利后时,终必有悔!’”

  2. 战败;打败仗。

    《后汉书·西羌传·东号子麻奴》:“﹝ 马贤 ﹞初战失利,死者数百人。明復战,破之。” 宋 秦观 《将帅》:“ 开元 之盛而 哥舒翰 失利於 潼关 。”《明史·俞大猷传》:“贼犯 金山 , 大猷 战失利。” 杨朔 《雪花飘在满州》:“军事上暂时的失利,并不曾使 满洲 的同胞对于祖国感到失望。”

  3. 指比赛、考试中失败。

    《剪灯馀话·贾云华还魂记》:“遂偕二兄往就试, 鸑鷟 失利。”《小说选刊》1981年第12期:“别着急,考上当然好,万一失利也不要紧,再复习一年嘛,你还小。”



  1. The defeat was bad enough for Liverpool, but the injuries made it a much, much more damaging weekend.


  2. It was the only time the N. B. A. had lost games to a labor stoppage.


  3. A string of failed business ventures frequently left him in hock to his creditors.


  4. We are really disappointed to be out of the FA Cup, but we cannot talk too much about this because we have an important game against Stoke.


  5. I used to fail my PE test several times and my parents decided to do morning exercises together with me and encouraged me to try it again.


  6. "I would think a loss like this might take a little bit out of their sails, " said Jordan Farmar, dressing slowly.


  7. At times, that anger is exploited by politicians, to gin up votes along racial lines, or to make up for a politicians own failings.


  8. Everyone practiced for the Lakers today as the team began to shake off the ill effects of Sunday night's blowout loss to Boston.


  9. I am as frustrated as the fans are, but I feel as well that it is not the only target and only aim of a football club.


  1. 你们怎么会失利呢?

    How come you lost the game?

  2. 竞赛的失利使我灰心丧气

    Losing the contest deflated my ego.

  3. 球队失利时,球迷们感到沮丧。

    Fans get the hump when the team loses.

  4. 竞赛失利使他丢了脸。

    His failure in the competition humbled him.

  5. 退出比赛因失利而退出游戏

    To withdraw from a game in defeat.

  6. 苦战失利后, 船长降旗投降。

    After hard but unsuccessful fighting, the captain of the ship struck the flag.

  7. 我太紧张了。我害怕我会失利。

    I'm too nervous. I'm afraid I'll fail.

  8. 球队为他们的失利而哀叹。

    The team were wailing over their defeat.

  9. 军队打仗失利,他派去援兵。

    Armies fought badly; he sent them reinforcement.

  10. 该党在民意测验中大大失利。

    The party is trailing badly in the opinion polls.

  11. 我担心在比赛中再次失利。

    Im rather apprehensive of further defeat in the competition.

  12. 埃及反对派领导人选举失利

    Egyptian Opposition Leader Loses Parliament Seat

  13. 首次失利后,队员感到很沮丧。

    After the first defeat, the team felt disappointed.

  14. 他这么用功, 结果竟然考场失利。

    He studied hard only to fail in the exam.

  15. 我们队在上场比赛中失利了。

    Our team lost the last match.

  16. 我们队在上场比赛中失利了。

    Our team lost the last match.

  17. 他们仍在为比赛失利而悲叹。

    They are still wailing over their defeat.

  18. 比赛失利后, 他变得异常扫兴。

    He was a wet blanket after he lost the race.

  19. 比赛失利后,他变得异常扫兴。

    He was a wet blanket after he lost the race.

  20. 父亲很睿智, 因此他不会失利。

    He is too smart to lose all or most of his money.

  21. 乔在与莫利的辩论中失利。

    Joe got the worst of the argument with Molly.

  22. 他们因比赛失利而遭到严厉批评。

    They got roasted for losing the game.

  23. 我们在四分之一决赛中失利。

    We lost in the quarterfinals.

  24. 他似乎对最近的失利并不在乎。

    He seems unabashed by his recent defeat.

  25. 我们队得失利使大家都很伤心。

    Our team's being defeated saddened us all.

  26. 我们队的失利使大家都很伤心。

    Our team's being defeated saddened us all.

  27. 由于部队畏缩不前而招致的战斗失利

    A battle lost owing to the troops'cowardice

  28. 他在这次羽毛球比赛中失利了。

    He was behind the eigth ball in the badminton match.

  29. 我担心这次的比赛会再度失利。

    Im apprehensive about getting defeated in the competition.

  30. 我考试失利的气氛笼罩着我们家。

    An aura of my failed exam pervaded our home.


  1. 问:失利拼音怎么拼?失利的读音是什么?失利翻译成英文是什么?

    答:失利的读音是shīlì,失利翻译成英文是 lose

  2. 问:失利用性贫血拼音怎么拼?失利用性贫血的读音是什么?失利用性贫血翻译成英文是什么?

    答:失利用性贫血的读音是shī lì yòng xìng pín xǐè,失利用性贫血翻译成英文是 achrestic anemia


