




输,失利,不成功,与“胜”相对:~北。~退。~绩(a.连队溃败;b.事业的失利)。~诉。~笔。~局。两~俱伤。战胜,使失败:大~敌军。毁坏:~坏。~露。解除,消散:~火。~毒。破旧,衰落,腐烂:~絮。~落。~兴(xìng )(情绪低落)。腐……



汉语拼音:zhàn bài









  1. 打败仗,在战争中失败。

    《战国策·魏策二》:“ 梁君 田侯 恐其至而战败也,悉起兵从之,大败 赵氏 。”《史记·陈涉世家》:“ 齐王 曰:‘闻 陈王 战败,不知其死生。’”《水浒传》第九九回:“ 马灵 战败逃生。”

  2. 犹打败。战胜了敌人。如: 孙行者 战败了 铁扇公主 。



  1. After the war, the victory thank the oracle for celebrating the victory, the defeated seek the oracle to ask the way of restoring strength.


  2. The general suffered several defeats before finally beating the enemy.


  3. Thaurissan and his Dark Irons did not fare as well. Humiliated and enraged by their defeat, they vowed revenge against Ironforge.


  4. Adult videos The collapse of the Ottoman Empire at the end of World War I led to Greater Syria being carved into a half-dozen states.


  5. Eli was now very very old and was almost blind in both eyes. When he heard the terrible news of the defeat, he broke his neck.


  6. There had been, long before Marx, doctrines teaching the total war leading to the radical extinction or enslavement of the defeated.


  7. In war the event is all, and Germany lost the war. This has obscured her victories in the field.


  8. The 1st factor was that after the defeat in World War 1 there were enough open minds in the German higher ranks ready to examine new ideas.


  9. The most unbelievable result of having started the war was that the starter himself turned out to be the underdog.


  1. 因战败而绝望。

    Despair in Defeat.

  2. 延误使他们战败。

    The delay lost them the battle.

  3. 他嘲笑战败的敌人。

    He jeered at the defeated enemy.

  4. 因军火不足而战败。

    The war is lost because of a shortage of munitions.

  5. 战败的士兵们投降了。

    After their defeat in battle, the soldiers surrendered.

  6. 战胜国总是掠夺战败国。

    The victor always plundered the vanquished.

  7. 嘲弄一个战败的敌人

    to jeer at a defeated enemy

  8. 给予战败者的恩典

    the honours of war

  9. 向战败的敌人指定条件。

    dictate terms to a defeated enemy

  10. 战败的消息开始传出来。

    The news of the defeat started to filter through.

  11. 战败得消息开始传出来。

    The news of the defeat started to filter through.

  12. 战败将军缴剑表示投降。

    The defeated general showed his submission by giving up his sword.

  13. 这支军队从未战败过。

    The army has never yet suffered a defeat.

  14. 战败是早已看出的结果。

    Defeat is a foregoneconclusion.

  15. 在那里,我的儿子,我战败了。

    There, my son, I lost the fight.

  16. 直到1301年他最终战败被杀。

    It was only in 1301 that he was finally defeated and killed.

  17. 战败得士兵逃跑躲了起来。

    The outnumbered soldiers took to the hills after their defeat.

  18. 战败的士兵逃跑躲了起来。

    The outnumbered soldiers took to the hills after their defeat.

  19. 战败的士兵逃跑躲了起来。

    The outnumbered soldiers took to the hills after their defeat.

  20. 将军设法减低战败的严重性。

    The general tried to play down the military defeat.

  21. 旁白奥匈帝国战败,帝国也解体了。

    NARRATOR Austria had lost the war and its empire.

  22. 有些战败比胜利更值得庆祝。

    There are some defeats more triumphant than victories.

  23. 战胜国无情地瓜分了战败国。

    The victorious country dictated the terms of peace to the defeated country.

  24. 投降的白旗表示公开宣称战败。

    The white flag of surrender is an avowal of defeat.

  25. 对战败国极为苛刻的和约

    Carthaginian peace

  26. 那次战役以敌人战败而告终。

    The enemy ended in defeat in that campaign.

  27. 战败的人得到拇指朝下的手势。

    And the thumbs down sign to the defeated.

  28. 战败得人得到拇指朝下得手势。

    And the thumbs down sign to the defeated.

  29. 战败后, 残余得部队逃回老家。

    After their defeat, the remaining troops fled home.

  30. 战败后,残余的部队逃回老家。

    After their defeat, the remaining troops fled home.


  1. 问:战败拼音怎么拼?战败的读音是什么?战败翻译成英文是什么?

    答:战败的读音是zhànbài,战败翻译成英文是 defeat; be defeated




【读音】zhàn bài


【出处】《战国策·魏策二》:“ 梁君田侯恐其至而战败也,悉起兵从之,大败赵氏 。”《史记·陈涉世家》:“ 齐王曰:‘闻陈王战败,不知其死生。’”

【示例】《水浒传》第九九回:“ 马灵战败逃生。”