




在斗争或竞赛中打败对方或事业达到预定目的:~利。得~。~券(指胜利的把握)。~负。无往不~。超过,占优势:~似。优~。以少~多。优美的:~地。~景。~境。~迹。~状(胜景)。古代妇女的饰物:花~。彩~。能承担,能承受(旧读shēng ):~……



汉语拼音:zhàn shèng








  1. 在战争中取胜;经战斗而获胜。

    《孙子·虚实》:“故其战胜不復,而应形於无穷。”《史记·陈丞相世家》:“吾用先生谋计,战胜剋敌,非功而何?” 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·阴沟水》:“逕 垣雍 城南,昔 晋文公 战胜于 楚 , 周襄王 劳之于此。” 魏巍 《谁是最可爱的人·冬天和春天》:“我们在过去的条件下,就已经战胜了优势装备的敌人。”

  2. 指一种思想克服另一种思想。

    《韩非子·喻老》:“ 子夏 见 曾子 , 曾子 曰:‘何肥也?’对曰:‘战胜故肥也。’ 曾子 曰:‘何谓也?’ 子夏 曰:‘吾入见先王之义,则荣之,出见富贵之乐,又荣之。两者战於胸中,未知胜负,故臞。今先王之义胜,故肥。’” 南朝 宋 谢灵运 《初去郡》诗:“战胜臞者肥,止监流归停。” 宋 苏辙 《次韵吕君兴善寺静轩》:“老僧战胜长幽寂,瘦骨缘何未肯肥?”

  3. 指科举考试登第。

    唐 岑参 《送严詵擢第归蜀》诗:“战胜真才子,名高动世人。” 唐 岑参 《送薛播擢第归河东》诗:“归去新战胜,盛名人共闻。”



  1. How could any of them truly prevail in pulling you down? For you know that you are an object worthy of love. The rest is just packaging.


  2. Quantitative finance's practitioners were trying to outwit the markets, using maths to eliminate risk by first using maths to calculate it.


  3. Should rational thought win out over romance, any relationship in question would surely fade as quickly as it had begun.


  4. But her story is always about a caring young woman who overcomes her difficult family life with the support of a magical helper.


  5. The hedgehog wins the tiger. After that, everyone wants to be good friends with him. No one looks down upon him.


  6. So she vanquished them, horse and foot, just as she had vanquished their fathers thirty years before about the smell.


  7. When he extended his arms in front of him in the heavy rain, I was excited, AT that moment, I saw the faith win the darkness.


  8. Summit host, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said the world had come together with a united plan to combat the global recession.


  9. We believe that the world is here to be conquered and overcome but it is simply a flow of energy that has no judgment or agenda with us.


  1. mavericks战胜了Lakers。

    Mavericks Sweep Lakers!

  2. 战胜自然灾害

    conquer natural disasters

  3. 故其战胜不忒。

    He wins his battles by making no mistakes.

  4. 不可战胜的冠军

    invincible champion

  5. Phillies以7-0战胜了Braves。

    Phillies shut out Braves 7-0.

  6. 也是可以战胜的。

    This is beatable.

  7. 意志能战胜习惯。

    Will can conquer habit.

  8. 我们战胜了敌人。

    We have conquered the enemy.

  9. 善良将战胜邪恶。

    Good will prevail over evil.

  10. 我们战胜了客队。

    We thrashed the visiting team.

  11. 理智战胜了感情。

    Reason prevailed over emotion.

  12. 他们战胜了厄运。

    They triumphed over adversity.

  13. 战胜敌人的法宝

    magic weapon for defeating the enemy

  14. 正义必将战胜非正义。

    Justice will triumph over injustice.

  15. 爱能够战胜邪念。

    Love has the power to overcome the baser emotions.

  16. 美德必将战胜邪恶。

    Virtue will prevail against evil.

  17. 正义必将战胜暴虐。

    Justice will prevail over tyranny.

  18. 善定会战胜恶。

    Good must triumph over bad.

  19. 善定会战胜恶。

    Good must triumph over bad.

  20. 你是不可战胜的!

    You are invincible!

  21. 我队战胜了他队。

    Our team was victorious over theirs.

  22. 善最终会战胜恶。

    Good will win out evil.

  23. 你只需要战胜自己。

    Move on.

  24. 她会战胜病魔的。

    She's gonna lick this thing.

  25. 当魔鬼战胜了勇士

    When Demons kills the warrior

  26. 你无法战胜的力量

    you have no hope of defeating.

  27. 不可能被战胜, 超越。

    impossible to surmount.

  28. 战胜在比赛中战胜, 压倒

    To defeat or subdue, as in a contest.

  29. 不可能被战胜,超越。

    impossible to surmount.

  30. 战胜阻力而取得成果

    weather a point


  1. 问:战胜拼音怎么拼?战胜的读音是什么?战胜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:战胜的读音是zhànshèng,战胜翻译成英文是 overcome

  2. 问:战胜者拼音怎么拼?战胜者的读音是什么?战胜者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:战胜者的读音是,战胜者翻译成英文是 victor

  3. 问:战胜德国纪念章拼音怎么拼?战胜德国纪念章的读音是什么?战胜德国纪念章翻译成英文是什么?

    答:战胜德国纪念章的读音是zhàn shèng dé guó jì niàn zhāng,战胜德国纪念章翻译成英文是 Medal of the Victory over Germany



基本信息词目战胜拼音zhànshèng拼音 [defeat;triumph over; win; vanquish]基本解释在战争竞争或竞赛中取得胜利或取得成功详细解释在战争竞争或竞赛中取得胜利或取得成功战胜而得宋· 苏洵六国论燕 赵 韩 魏闻之,皆朝于 齐此所谓战胜于朝廷战国策·齐策1. 在战争中取胜经战斗而获胜孙子·虚实故其战胜不复而应形於无穷史记·陈丞相世家吾用先生谋计战胜克敌非功而何 北魏 郦道元水经注·阴沟水迳 垣雍 城南昔 晋文公 战胜于 楚 周襄王 劳之于此 魏巍谁是最可爱的人·冬天和春天我们在过去的条件下就已经战胜了优势装备的敌人