




在斗争或竞赛中打败对方或事业达到预定目的:~利。得~。~券(指胜利的把握)。~负。无往不~。超过,占优势:~似。优~。以少~多。优美的:~地。~景。~境。~迹。~状(胜景)。古代妇女的饰物:花~。彩~。能承担,能承受(旧读shēng ):~……



汉语拼音:qǔ shèng








  1. 取得胜利;获得成功。

    《汉书·赵充国传》:“以逸击劳,取胜之道也。”《水浒传》第一○五回:“倘贼人以精鋭突至,我兵虽十倍于众,必不能取胜。” 孙犁 《欧阳修的散文》:“ 中国 古代散文,其取胜之处,从不在于诗,而在于理。”



  1. Then, in a commentary in February of nineteen sixty-eight, he said the war seemed unwinnable.

  2. HIstory shows that Russia cannot be successfully invaded from the west (Europe), but she is fairly easy to conquer from the east (Asia).

  3. "It would be a great achievement for this team to get another good result at Stamford Bridge, " he said.

  4. To be successful in the long run, we have to take a far broader approach that emphasizes political, social and economic forces.

  5. UK officials are instead beginning to turn their attention to how a triumphant Col Gaddafi can be contained in the months and years ahead.

  6. The cub, who was just a few months old, even tried to scramble up again but was thwarted by his victorious sibling.

  7. Letting your customers set your standards is a dangerous game, because the race to the bottom is pretty easy to win.

  8. The Children of Israel had been victorious at Jericho and later at Ai. It would be easy to think they could go on in the same way.

  9. Yes ah, such a decline, as three feet of frozen cold day in the hope of a short- term action group will be able to win in one fell swoop?


  1. 靠毅力取胜

    to succeed by willing

  2. 他们轻松取胜。

    They romped home.

  3. 他们急于取胜。

    They were keen to win.

  4. 取胜并不是全部。

    Winning is not everything.

  5. 那匹马轻易取胜。

    The horse won in a romp.

  6. 以特取胜, 以质见长

    excel others in feature and quality

  7. 他有信心取胜成功。

    He is confident of victorysuccess.

  8. 努力工作并希望取胜。

    Work hard and hope to win.

  9. 我要堂堂正正地取胜

    I'm gonna win it fair and square.

  10. 我们队下定决心取胜。

    Our team made a stern resolve to win.

  11. 这是你取胜的机会。

    This is your chance to win.

  12. 我们希望正义终将取胜。

    We hope that in the end righteousness will triumph.

  13. 我们取胜的可能性很

    Our chances of winning are slim.

  14. 在速度比赛中轻易取胜

    romp home in a race

  15. 他取胜是毫无疑问的。

    It is out of question that he will win.

  16. 这个队今天一定要取胜。

    The team must win today.

  17. 这个队觉得有把握取胜。

    The team feels confident of winning.

  18. 他的对手毫无取胜的机会。

    His opponent did not stand a chance.

  19. 以智取胜吗,罗里先生

    outsmart them,Mr.Rory?

  20. 以智取胜吗?罗里先生?

    Outsmart them, Mr. Rory?

  21. 她想到取胜就摩拳擦掌。

    She was rubbing her hands together at the thought of winning.

  22. 没人对你取胜有信心。

    Nobody thought you had it in you.

  23. 没人对你取胜有信心。

    Nobody thought you had it in you.

  24. 以智取胜吗?,罗里先生?

    Outsmart them, Mr. Rory?

  25. 没问题,我们队肯定会取胜。

    Depend on it, our team will certainly win.

  26. 坏人取胜,杰夫珀尔曼的

    The Bad Guys Won by Jeff Pearlman

  27. 宁可委屈求和, 不可恃强取胜。

    Better a lean peace than a fat victory.

  28. 国际象棋不是靠运气取胜的。

    Chess is not a game of chance.

  29. 用喊声鼓励运动队取胜。

    yell the team to victory

  30. 战争不能用忧郁来取胜。

    Wars are won not by gloom.


  1. 问:取胜拼音怎么拼?取胜的读音是什么?取胜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:取胜的读音是qǔshèng,取胜翻译成英文是 to win victory; to achieve success

  2. 问:取胜局面拼音怎么拼?取胜局面的读音是什么?取胜局面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:取胜局面的读音是qǔ shèng jú miàn,取胜局面翻译成英文是 winning position




【注音】:qǔ shèng




【示例】:孙犁《欧阳修的散文》:“ 中国古代散文,其取胜之处,从不在于诗,而在于理。”1983年《袁家山简介》:“(袁可立)许愿修盖庙宇,随即风平浪静,一仗取胜。”