







汉语拼音:shùn dào










  1. 谓趁势加以引导。

    《逸周书·小开武》:“ 周公 拜手稽首曰:‘在我 文 考,顺明三极,躬是四察,循用五行,戒视七顺,顺道九纪。’”《国语·楚语下》:“又能上下説於鬼神,顺道其欲恶,使神无有怨痛於 楚国 。”

  2. 顺从道义;遵循规律。

    《韩诗外传》卷七:“正直者顺道而行,顺理而言,公平无私,不为安肆志,不为危激行。”《淮南子·兵略训》:“顺道而动,天下为响。因民而虑,天下为鬭。” 南朝 梁 江淹 《草木颂·黄莲》:“鸿飞以仪,顺道则利。”

  3. 顺路。

    明 李贽 《又与从吾书》:“闻 霍丘 有高中门生,便一往贺,顺道至此,慰我渴怀,然后赴京,不亦可歟?”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第四四回:“次日, 继之 先到藩署谢委,又到督辕禀知、禀谢,顺道到各处谢寿。” 柯灵 《<阿英散文选>序》:“三年后他因访书去 浙江 ,还顺道到 澉浦 访旧。”

  4. 顺着河道。

    宋 洪迈 《容斋五笔·张吕二公文论》:“夫决水於 江 、 河 、 淮 、海也,顺道而行,滔滔汩汩,日夜不止。”



  1. Britain's Tony Blair dropped in on him in Tripoli in 2004, and was back again to sign an oil deal earlier this year.


  2. RALPH HARRIS: (laughs) Thatcher's office came on and said could she come and drop in to see him.


  3. Not long before the primary, Tom Campbell came for a visit on his way to Texas for his Marine Corps officer training.


  4. the visiting time has just about ended . ill pop in to see you again in the next couple of days.


  5. I almost envy you the pleasure, and yet I believe it would be too much for me, or else I could take it in my way to Newcastle.


  6. Sure. I mean they do often pop by to put it in context for themselves. They will drop in to see what is going on and have a little giggle.


  7. Now, what you also didn't see was that -- and you may have noticed in the pen beside him -- and -- by the way -- the camel's name is Suki.


  8. The actress Susan Sarandon dropped by Tuesday, and a crowd gathered to chat with her about bringing political change.


  9. "The rule is you can put up anything you want, and by the way your mother is coming in for a tour today, " Hoover said with a laugh.


  1. 我将顺道停留洛杉矶。

    I'll stop off at Los Angeles.

  2. 顺道来跟你聊聊天。

    Just drop in for a chat.

  3. 你只是顺道来看我?

    You just stopped by to see me?

  4. 昨晚,我的弟弟顺道来访。

    My brother dropped by my house last night.

  5. 顺道来看新办公室吗?

    Hey.Coming by to see the new offices?

  6. 顺道来看新办公室吗?

    Hey. Coming by to see the new offices?

  7. 昨晚我顺道去拜访了他。

    I went round to see him yesterday evening.

  8. 我会顺道到饭店来接你。

    I'll come by for you at the hotel.

  9. 昨天他们顺道来访,与我们聊天。

    Yesterday they dropped in and had a talk with us.

  10. 他们的一个朋友顺道过来了。

    A friend of theirs stopped by.

  11. 他们的一个朋友顺道过来了。

    A friend of theirs stopped by.

  12. 我在想也许午餐后我顺道过去

    I was thinking maybe I'd drop by.

  13. 最年轻的顺道拜访他的大兄弟。

    The youngest looking in on his big brothers.

  14. 最年轻得顺道拜访他得大兄弟。

    The youngest looking in on his big brothers.

  15. 顺道一提,它大概一世纪出现一次

    By the way, it happens about once every century.

  16. 我想顺道来看看你身体可好。

    I thought I'd just drop in and see how you were.

  17. 我顺道把你送回家,上车吧。

    I'll send you home on the way, so get into the car.

  18. 我顺道把你送回家, 上车吧。

    It was so dangerous, the car nearly turned over in the gully!

  19. 我下个月会找时间顺道去拜访。

    I'll drop by sometime next month.

  20. 我回家前将顺道去看望一下利。

    I'll stop by to see Leigh before going home.

  21. 清净信息顺道运转, 温暖我得情我得生命。

    The clean information revolves by the way, warm my feeling my life.

  22. 清净信息顺道运转,温暖我的情我的生命。

    The clean information revolves by the way, warm my feeling my life.

  23. 当我在附近时,可以顺道拜访你吗?

    When I am in your neighborhood, could I stop by to see you?

  24. 上星期他顺道来访,我们闲谈了一会。

    He come round last week and we chat for a while.

  25. 上星期他顺道来访, 我们闲聊了一会。

    He came round last week and we chatted for a while.

  26. 这里有一个特别得规则, 叫做走顺道。

    There is one special rule, called taking en passant.

  27. 这里有一个特别的规则,叫做走顺道。

    There is one special rule, called taking en passant.

  28. 我买完东西后会顺道来拜访的。

    I'll drop round when I've finished the shopping.

  29. 上周我的一位校友顺道来看了我。

    One of my alumni dropped over to me last week.

  30. 这座道场不是让你顺道造访的地方。

    This Ashram is not a place you can casually drop by and visit.


  1. 问:顺道拼音怎么拼?顺道的读音是什么?顺道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:顺道的读音是shùndào,顺道翻译成英文是 To be by the way; to direct route.

  2. 问:顺道儿拼音怎么拼?顺道儿的读音是什么?顺道儿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:顺道儿的读音是shùndào'ér,顺道儿翻译成英文是 direct route; on the way