


单纯、独一、集中在一件事上:~长(cháng )。~使。~心致志。独自掌握和占有:~利。~车。~有。~断。姓。……


规矩,法式:~式。~序。章~。规~。进展,限度:~度。进~。日~。过~。道路的段落:路~。行(xíng )~。里~。启~。前~。衡量,考核:计日~功。姓。……



汉语拼音:zhuān chéng








  1. 专为某事而去某地。程,旅程,路程。

    曹靖华 《飞花集·小米加步枪》:“一九三三年,我回国后,在该年底,利用寒假,专程由 京 赴 沪 ,去探望阔别已久,怀念殷切的 鲁迅 先生。” 赵熙 《长城魂》四:“为了 柳花 的事,我专程跑了公社。”



  1. Donna Chu visited him in Guangzhou and filled in a part of our missing memory with valuable first-hand sources.


  2. Typical of this was the arrival on Tuesday of a sizeable group of Japanese tourists who flocked to "Hope. "


  3. Due to the writer also on-site to meet a mummy, learnt that she came to the Heidelberg booth breathe clean fresh air and a bit of rest.


  4. He and his wife Martha, also a photographer, traveled the U. S. & Europe and displayed photos from their travels at local art fairs.


  5. As a country with a keen sense of its rightful place in world affairs, India believes it is worth a special trip in its own right.


  6. I came here on purpose to see you . 2. The doctor gave him a general anaesthetic. 3. Eating more vegetable is good for your health . 4.


  7. After divining, the future-teller told him that it was a sacred turtle for being confronted with trouble; it came to you asking for help.


  8. The other day, he made a special trip from Japan all Fuji Xerox will Beijing media communication.


  9. Glad to see you, too, Mr. Jackson. May I introduce you to our manager.


  1. 谢谢你专程过来

    Thanks for coming in.

  2. 专程前来陪同参观

    pay a special visit for company

  3. 我是专程来道歉的。

    I came by to apologize.

  4. 你还专程来看我。

    You came all the way down here just for me.

  5. 你还专程来看我。

    You came all the way down here just for me.

  6. 我们专程去上海接客。

    We made a special trip to Shanghai to welcome the guests.

  7. 他又去专程拜访了。

    He again put in his appearance.

  8. 专程前往北京迎接客人

    make a special trip to Beijing to welcome the honoured guests

  9. 她是专程来看你的。

    She came to see you on purpose.

  10. 我是专程来看你的。

    I came here specially to see you.

  11. 我是专程来看你得。

    I came here specially to see you.

  12. 我来是专程拜访他的。

    And I've come here to see him.

  13. 谢谢你专程送来给我。

    Thank you for sending it to me.

  14. 便专程去看庖丁宰牛。

    The Wei King takes a special trip to see how Pao Ding butchers a cow.

  15. 你不用专程把这些送来

    Oh, you did not need to bring these all the way up here.

  16. 我是专程去看老王的。

    I made a special trip to see Lao wang.

  17. 我们是专程来吊祭先生的。

    We are coming especially to pay our condolences to our teacher.

  18. 我们是专程来吊祭先生得。

    We are coming especially to pay our condolences to our teacher.

  19. 我们是专程来吊祭先生的。

    We are coming especially to pay our condolences to our teacher.

  20. 你真贴心还专程来看我。

    You came all the way down here just for me.

  21. 就专程来这儿洗了温泉澡。

    Took a special trip to bathe here.

  22. 感谢各位专程远道造访本公司。

    Thank you for coming all the way to our company.

  23. 他是专程来这里拜访她们的。

    He was purposely coming to visit them.

  24. 江苏一带农民专程乘轮船前来。

    Farmers made a special trip to come to sail across the Jiangsu area.

  25. 他上周从法国专程来看我们。

    He came over from France last week, just to see us.

  26. 谢谢你专程赶到机场来接我。

    Thank you for coming all the way to receive me in airport.

  27. 我是专程来办一件差事的。

    I've come on a special errand.

  28. 他专程来到桂林拍摄记录片。

    He made the journey to Guilin specially to shoot a documentary.

  29. 我是专程来这里向你请教的。

    I came here specially to ask you for advice.

  30. 他上周从北美专程来看我们。

    He came over from North America last week, just to see us.


  1. 问:专程拼音怎么拼?专程的读音是什么?专程翻译成英文是什么?

    答:专程的读音是zhuānchéng,专程翻译成英文是 specially




拼音:zhuān chénɡ 基本解释 [special trip] 专为某事到某地。 她专程前来为我送行 详细解释 专为某事而去某地。程,旅程,路程。 曹靖华 《飞花集·小米加步枪》:“一九三三年,我回国后,在该年底,利用寒假,专程由 京 赴 沪 ,去探望阔别已久,怀念殷切的 鲁迅 先生。” 赵熙 《长城魂》四:“为了 柳花 的事,我专程跑了公社。”