


1. 甲 [jiǎ]甲 [jiǎ]天干的第一位,用于作顺序第一的代称:~子。花~(六十岁的人)。居于首位的,超过所有其它的:~等。古代科举考试成绩名次的分类:一~(名为“进士及第”);二~(名为“进士出身”);三~(名为“同进士出身”)。古……





汉语拼音:jiǎ děng








  1. 第一等。

    《旧唐书·崔球传》:“ 崔氏 咸通 乾符 间,昆仲子弟紆组拖绅,歷臺阁,践藩岳者二十餘人。 大中 以来盛族,时推甲等。”



  1. Though often represented as fully armed, helmet and breastplate and all that, she favoured patriotic defense.


  2. Grain length, where the power of Class A semi-official role in the beginning and the elderly have similar functions.


  3. abstract: Objective To understand conflict management styles of nurses working in tertiary hospitals.


  4. Thus, the poor Jia woman finds herself unable to find a mate by virtue of her high income.


  5. What Anderson and Kilduff really wanted to see was how the alpha group members would emerge.


  6. Has received two A-level certificate and a Mandarin teacher qualification psychology and pedagogy examination certificate.


  7. Methods: Analyzed the medical cost of the male or the female inpatients hospitalized in a Type One Grade Three hospital of Chengdu.


  8. The committee approved her application for a teaching assistant position because she got straight As three semesters in a row.


  9. Objectives: , Understands the administrative offices directors degree of satisfaction of Urumqi five three levels of first-class hospitals.


  1. 三级甲等医院

    Grade III Class A hospital.

  2. 他的法语得了甲等。

    He got a first in French.

  3. 他的法语得了甲等。

    He got a first in French.

  4. 玛丽英语成绩得了甲等。

    Mary got an A in English.

  5. 最优秀的学生评为甲等。

    The best students are graded A.

  6. 我得业绩评定得了甲等。

    I got an Alevel ration in the performance evaluations.

  7. 我的业绩评定得了甲等。

    I got an Alevel ration in the performance evaluations.

  8. 甲等马铃薯是质量最好的。

    Grade A potatoes are the best in quality.

  9. 甲等马铃薯是质量最好得。

    Grade A potatoes are the best in quality.

  10. 她这礼拜得了三个甲等。

    She got three a's this week.

  11. 三级甲等医院护理质量控制办公室的建立

    The role of nursing quality control office in a first class tertiary level general hospital

  12. 某二级甲等医院内涵建设的战略性思考

    A Strategic Thinking of the Internal Construction for One Hospital

  13. 某二级甲等医院职工对医院发展战略的思考

    The Analysis on Strategic Vision of Staff in One Hospital

  14. 综合性三级甲等医院门诊护理管理改革探讨

    Reform exploration of outpatient management in the general Third Class A Level hospital

  15. 他是一个化验员,在一家三级甲等医院工作。

    He is a testing staff, and works in a Degree 1,Class 3 hospital.

  16. 并不是因为你都得甲等,你就是学校中的风云人物。

    You're not the whole show just because you got all A's.

  17. 在长途旅行中能有个甲等座位简直太舒服了。

    It is very comfortable to have a Class A seat during the long journey.

  18. 象年量申报这样的文件,用甲等纸制卡和会员卡制作。

    like the annual report of such a file, use the firstlevel paper cards and membership cards.

  19. 目的探讨三级甲等医院临床护士处理冲突的方式与方法。

    abstract Objective To understand conflict management styles of nurses working in tertiary hospitals.

  20. 捕食多种鳞翅目幼虫及其它农林害虫如蝗虫、金龟甲等。

    It can prey on many larvae and otherfarming and forestry pests such as locust, chafer etc.

  21. 由于当地医疗条件太差,医生建议他转诊到三级甲等医院治疗。

    Local medical conditions are so bad the doctor suggested he be transferred to a Three A-ranking hospital.

  22. 国内替代役甲等体位役男。

    Males eligible for alternative service who fall into alternative service health category A.

  23. 白香草木樨等植物对黑绒金龟甲诱集作用的研究

    A Study on the Attractive Effects of White Sweetclover and Other Plants to Chafer Beetle

  24. 鼻甲等离子凝固术

    PSN PLASMA solidification of nosepiece

  25. 他声称受到科威特安全部队的严刑拷问,包括被拔甲等。

    He has claimed he was tortured by Kuwaiti security forces, including having his fingernails pulled out.

  26. 甲你来吗 乙来,稍等一会儿!

    Are you coming by, half a tick!

  27. 如酒精, 丙酮, 汽油, 二甲苯等。

    alcohol, acetone, petrol, xylene.

  28. 如重铅, 杂醇油, 甲醛, 甲醇等。

    For example Heavy lead, fusel oil, formaldehyde, methyl alcohol and so on.

  29. 包含像二氧化碳, 甲烷甚至水等物质。

    It contains substances like carbon dioxde, methane and even water.

  30. 用于军事工业, 如穿甲弹弹芯等。

    Apply to military industry, such as armor piercer and so on.


  1. 问:甲等拼音怎么拼?甲等的读音是什么?甲等翻译成英文是什么?

    答:甲等的读音是jiǎděng,甲等翻译成英文是 first


拼音: jiǎ děng注音: ㄐㄧㄚˇ ㄉㄥˇ条目:甲等 引证解释:第一等。《旧唐书·崔球传》:“ 崔氏 咸通 乾符 间,昆仲子弟纡组拖绅,历台阁,践藩岳者二十馀人。 大中 以来盛族,时推甲等。”