如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 吐 [tǔ]2. 吐 [tù]吐 [tǔ]使东西从口里出来:~痰。吞~。~刚茹柔(吐出硬的,吃下软的;喻欺软怕硬)。放出,露出:高粱~穗。~故纳新。说出:~话。一~为快。吐 [tù]内脏里的东西从口里涌出:呕~。上~下泻。把吞没的东西……
汉语拼音:tǔ yīn
Attempt to sustain the note with the air, allowing the tongue to "ride" on the stream of air, as relaxed as possible.
尽量让气流保持发音,通过舌头“骑”在气流上的感觉来吐音,务必要尽量放松。Spit sound. Hulusi spit sound is played the more important techniques. Audio and spit spit into a single, double spit, spit three of three.
吐音。吐音是葫芦丝演奏中较重要的技法。吐音又分为单吐、双吐、三吐三种。I will experiment a bit with "anchor tonguing" myself and see what I can come up with.
我会试着做一点“定点吐音”,看看能不能有什么发现。The differences of "jiao zi" also further influence the articulation, melody and singing, which create a different style of art enjoyment.
“叫字”的差异进一步影响两地南音演唱的咬字吐音及旋律唱腔,使两地南音展现出不同风格的艺术之美。This difference tended as well to pronunciation as to the choice of words and phrases.
她的这种特色也反映在她的吐音,选词和用语。Requirements of voice sound spit strong, clean, flexible, smooth rhythm to uniform.
吐音要求声音结实、干净、有弹性,节奏要均匀平稳。Spit spit Yinfen single sound (including single outer spit, spit within a single), double spit, Qingtu, gas, spit, spit and other lip.
吐音分单吐音(包括单外吐、单内吐)、双吐、轻吐、气吐、唇吐等多种。So "anchor tonguing" is physically the only way that he can tongue.
所以鉴于自身条件限制“定点吐音”是他唯一可以完成的吐音方式。Xun Tu is a common sound playing skills.