







汉语拼音:mài chū







  1. Around the time we sold Wallstrip, Howard asked Jenny to do a real painting of it which I now have in my office at Union Square Ventures.


  2. With his head start, Mr. Barnett says within a week of opening his salesroom last month, he had two signed contracts for $45 million condos.


  3. You decide which companies you want to invest in and when the time is right for you to see your shares.


  4. Your portfolio needs to be evaluated and monitored on a periodic basis or you could miss signals that it may be time to sell.


  5. Brands which sold "blingy" easy-to-sell products, milking old names, he says, will fare particularly badly in the new environment.


  6. Clark, who has sold more than 100 of the bags and is now looking for a production firm to help her keep up with orders.


  7. Similarly, producing many types of goods also aids you to be able to trade something during the trading phase.


  8. I got this house at a very low price and sold it for a $20, 000 profit a week later. Talk about my easy money!


  9. 'Auto makers, whether foreign or domestic Chinese, are teed up to sell a lot of smaller cars, ' he said.


  1. 用现价卖出。

    Sell it at present price.

  2. 然后转手卖出

    and then sell it off again.

  3. 商人买进卖出。

    Merchants buy and sell.

  4. 外汇卖出逾额

    amount oversold

  5. 卖出保值期货, 卖期保值

    hedge selling

  6. 贫苦卖出,社会买进。

    Misery offers, society accepts.

  7. 卖出外汇分录簿

    foreign exchange sales journal

  8. 低价买进,主价卖出。

    Buy low and sell high.

  9. 你怎样卖出你的产品?

    How should you sell your product

  10. 全部在当前价位卖出,

    Sell all at current price

  11. 这些债券以低价卖出。

    These Bondswere sold at a premium.

  12. 这是加二卖出得。

    It'sells at a premium of 20 percent.

  13. 这是加二卖出的。

    It'sells at a premium of 20 percent.

  14. 他们低价买进,高价卖出。

    They buy cheap and sell dear.

  15. 买入和卖出保值价格

    Buying and selling prices for hedging

  16. 现在卖出了一大笔钱。

    selling for an enormous amount of money.

  17. 他已卖出企业的股权。

    He has closed out his share of the business.

  18. 空头套期保值或卖出套期保值

    Selling hedge or short hedge

  19. 加酸豆很难卖出60块

    for lobster chowder with capers.

  20. 你可以高价卖出你的商品。

    You sell your products more expensively.

  21. 是得,一份也没有卖出。

    Didn't sell a single one.

  22. 是的,一份也没有卖出。

    Didn't sell a single one.

  23. 卖出石油以换取人道物资

    Sell oil in exchange for humanitarian supplies

  24. 我们通常低价买进高价卖出。

    We usually buy low and sell high.

  25. 投资者似乎没有兴趣卖出。

    Investors show appear to have little interest in selling.

  26. 好了!我已经卖出20张票了。

    All right! I have already sold 20 tickets.

  27. 照票面价值卖出这张债券

    sold the bond at par.

  28. 您想买入还是卖出美金?

    Would you like to buy or sell dollar?

  29. 差异买入和卖出的价格。

    Difference between Bid and Ask prices.

  30. 他卖出每样东西都获利。

    He has a profit on everything he sells.


  1. 问:卖出拼音怎么拼?卖出的读音是什么?卖出翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卖出的读音是màichū,卖出翻译成英文是 place on the market

  2. 问:卖出价拼音怎么拼?卖出价的读音是什么?卖出价翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卖出价的读音是mài chū jià,卖出价翻译成英文是 selling price

  3. 问:卖出头寸拼音怎么拼?卖出头寸的读音是什么?卖出头寸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卖出头寸的读音是mài chū tóu cùn,卖出头寸翻译成英文是 oversold position

  4. 问:卖出对冲拼音怎么拼?卖出对冲的读音是什么?卖出对冲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卖出对冲的读音是màichū duìchōng,卖出对冲翻译成英文是 selling hedge

  5. 问:卖出期权拼音怎么拼?卖出期权的读音是什么?卖出期权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卖出期权的读音是mài chū qī quán,卖出期权翻译成英文是 put

  6. 问:卖出期货拼音怎么拼?卖出期货的读音是什么?卖出期货翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卖出期货的读音是mài chū qī huò,卖出期货翻译成英文是 sell short

  7. 问:卖出汇率拼音怎么拼?卖出汇率的读音是什么?卖出汇率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卖出汇率的读音是mài chū huì lǜ,卖出汇率翻译成英文是 selling rate

  8. 问:卖出现货拼音怎么拼?卖出现货的读音是什么?卖出现货翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卖出现货的读音是mài chū xiàn huò,卖出现货翻译成英文是 spot sale

  9. 问:卖出远期外汇拼音怎么拼?卖出远期外汇的读音是什么?卖出远期外汇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卖出远期外汇的读音是mài chū yuǎn qī wài huì,卖出远期外汇翻译成英文是 forward exchange sale