







汉语拼音:fàn mài








  1. 商人买进货物再加价卖出以获取利润。

    《史记·秦本纪》:“ 郑 贩卖贾人 弦高 ,持十二牛将卖之 周 。” 宋 司马光 《涑水记闻》卷十三:“会通判 孟造 素不悦 固 ,乃按 固 所率舟中之民,私载盐鮝于上流贩卖,及县中官钱有出入不明者,摄 固 下狱治之。”《说岳全传》第六八回:“我们俱是在江湖上贩卖杂货的客商。” 韩北屏 《非洲夜会·奴隶和奴隶海岸》:“贩卖黑人奴隶的事虽然过去了,但创伤犹在,遗迹犹存。”

  2. 喻宣扬他人的某种学说或主张。含贬义。

    孙犁 《澹定集·读冉淮舟近作散文》:“有些借调查研究之名,贩卖主观唯心之实,实在不乏其例。”



  1. Kennedy found there was a significant "intelligence gap" in the police and enforcement agencies about the scale and nature of trafficking.


  2. Dr Noel Gomes, also a member of the association, said the practice of organ trading was barbaric and should be condemned and stopped.


  3. How much does your buddies make dealing drugs at all the fancy places you get them into?


  4. Child trafficking is rampant in Southeast Asia, with hundreds of thousands of children caught up in this lucrative and shadowy business.


  5. In January a 21-year-old woman was jailed for 16 months for kidnapping a child and trying to sell him to a witch-doctor for a large sum.


  6. "I sit right here and watch people crash all day long, " said Mohammed Nabi, who fries fresh fish in an open-air stall along the road.


  7. The man had been arrested while trying to sell marijuana to undercover officers, one of the officials familiar with the investigation said.


  8. Heroin cut with acetaminophen is often sold as "cheese. "


  9. Blue topaz is often sold as aquamarine and a variety of brown quartz is widely sold as topaz.


  1. 贩卖艺术品

    deal in art

  2. 其实是贩卖

    Selling, actually.

  3. 贩卖腐朽思想

    peddle decadent ideas

  4. 禁止奴隶贩卖

    prohibition of slave trade.

  5. 他们贩卖赃物。

    They trafficked in stolen goods.

  6. 制弓者, 贩卖弓者

    One who makes or sells bows for archery.

  7. 毒品的非法贩卖。

    the illicit sale of drugs

  8. 毒品得非法贩卖。

    the illicit sale of drugs.

  9. 出售货物, 从事贩卖

    To engage in selling.

  10. 妇女, 贩卖妇女和卖淫

    Women, trafficking and prostitution

  11. 出售货物,从事贩卖。

    To engage in selling.

  12. 酒店不可贩卖牛奶。

    Liquor stores may not sell milk.

  13. 法律禁止贩卖毒品。

    The sale of narcotics is proscribed by law.

  14. 他贩卖毒品多年。

    He has trafficked in drugs for many years.

  15. 他因贩卖毒品被捕。

    He was pinched for pushing drugs.

  16. 他贩卖图画和铜器。

    He deals in pictures and bronzes.

  17. 贩卖私盐是违法的。

    It is illegal to sell salt without paying the tax.

  18. 贩卖私盐是违法的。

    It is illegal to sell salt without paying the tax.

  19. 他已经开始贩卖存粮。

    He's started selling the grain reserves.

  20. 当我说人口贩卖时

    When I say human trafficking.

  21. 贩卖军火发展民族经济

    to develop the national economy to peddle munitions

  22. 论贩卖毒品罪之目的

    The Purpose of Drug Trafficking

  23. 她因贩卖毒品而入狱。

    She went to prison for peddling drugs.

  24. 毒贩非法贩卖毒品的人

    One who sells drugs illegally.

  25. 尤其是那些被贩卖者。

    Each one of us is more than what we have lived through.

  26. 她因贩卖海洛因而被捕。

    She was arrested for pushing heroin.

  27. 可能还涉猎过贩卖人口

    might have dabbled in some human trafficking.

  28. 在冰淇淋贩卖机获得1200分。

    Score 1200 points in Ice Cream Machine.

  29. 她因贩卖海洛英而被捕。

    She was arrested for pushing heroin.

  30. 禁止贩卖白奴国际公约。

    International Convention for the suppression of the white slave traffic.


  1. 问:贩卖拼音怎么拼?贩卖的读音是什么?贩卖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贩卖的读音是fànmài,贩卖翻译成英文是 deal in

  2. 问:贩卖丝绸拼音怎么拼?贩卖丝绸的读音是什么?贩卖丝绸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贩卖丝绸的读音是fànmàisīchóu,贩卖丝绸翻译成英文是 be in the silk trade

  3. 问:贩卖机拼音怎么拼?贩卖机的读音是什么?贩卖机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贩卖机的读音是fànmàijī,贩卖机翻译成英文是 vending machine

  4. 问:贩卖的拼音怎么拼?贩卖的的读音是什么?贩卖的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贩卖的的读音是,贩卖的翻译成英文是 vending

  5. 问:贩卖者拼音怎么拼?贩卖者的读音是什么?贩卖者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贩卖者的读音是,贩卖者翻译成英文是 dairyman

  6. 问:贩卖人口拼音怎么拼?贩卖人口的读音是什么?贩卖人口翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贩卖人口的读音是fàn mài rén kǒu,贩卖人口翻译成英文是 traffic in persons

  7. 问:贩卖军火拼音怎么拼?贩卖军火的读音是什么?贩卖军火翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贩卖军火的读音是fàn mài jūn huǒ,贩卖军火翻译成英文是 Arms Trafficking

  8. 问:贩卖奴隶拼音怎么拼?贩卖奴隶的读音是什么?贩卖奴隶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贩卖奴隶的读音是fàn mài nú lì,贩卖奴隶翻译成英文是 slave trading

  9. 问:贩卖妇女拼音怎么拼?贩卖妇女的读音是什么?贩卖妇女翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贩卖妇女的读音是fàn mài fù nǚ,贩卖妇女翻译成英文是 traffic in women

  10. 问:贩卖毒品拼音怎么拼?贩卖毒品的读音是什么?贩卖毒品翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贩卖毒品的读音是fàn mài dú pǐn,贩卖毒品翻译成英文是 trafficking in narcotics

  11. 问:贩卖要约拼音怎么拼?贩卖要约的读音是什么?贩卖要约翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贩卖要约的读音是fàn mài yào yuē,贩卖要约翻译成英文是 offer-to-sell

  12. 问:贩卖商关系拼音怎么拼?贩卖商关系的读音是什么?贩卖商关系翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贩卖商关系的读音是fàn mài shāng guān xì,贩卖商关系翻译成英文是 dealer relationship

  13. 问:贩卖宗教书拼音怎么拼?贩卖宗教书的读音是什么?贩卖宗教书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贩卖宗教书的读音是,贩卖宗教书翻译成英文是 colotage

  14. 问:贩卖机咖啡拼音怎么拼?贩卖机咖啡的读音是什么?贩卖机咖啡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贩卖机咖啡的读音是fànmài jī kāfēi,贩卖机咖啡翻译成英文是 Vending Machine Coffee

  15. 问:贩卖毒品罪拼音怎么拼?贩卖毒品罪的读音是什么?贩卖毒品罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贩卖毒品罪的读音是fàn mài dú pǐn zuì,贩卖毒品罪翻译成英文是 drug offences



《史记·秦本纪》:“ 郑 贩卖贾人 弦高 ,持十二牛将卖之 周 。” 宋 司马光 《涑水记闻》卷十三:“会通判 孟造 素不悦 固 ,乃按 固 所率舟中之民,私载盐鲞于上流贩卖,及县中官钱有出入不明者,摄 固 下狱治之。”《说岳全传》第六八回:“我们俱是在江湖上贩卖杂货的客商。” 韩北屏 《非洲夜会·奴隶和奴隶海岸》:“贩卖黑人奴隶的事虽然过去了,但创伤犹在,遗迹犹存。”