







汉语拼音:shòu mài







  1. 出售;卖出。

    清 富察敦崇 《燕京岁时记·玫瑰花芍药花》:“芍药乃 丰台 所产,一望瀰涯。四月花含苞时,折枝售卖,遍歷城坊。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致曹靖华》:“小说写得不坏,而售卖不易。”



  1. Vending machines, believed to be the source of cigarettes for up to a fifth of young smokers, will also face a ban or age-proofing measures.


  2. How much did you take in at the garage sale?


  3. In the 1950s, it was not uncommon for a band to make money off an ancient bit of technology known colloquially as an "album. "


  4. When confronted, the restaurant accepted responsibility for serving whale, and now faces a fine of up to $200, 000.


  5. Of course your inventory space will dictate how much you keep and how much you sell, especially early in the life of your character.


  6. Many of Body Shop's younger customers were disgusted that this beacon of green and fair trade could sell out to a French multinational.


  7. Many feared it had been looted, sold or blown up in missile strikes.


  8. The ones Gamboa sells seem to be tuned to a Latino palate that likes very sweet desserts.


  9. A key problem seems to be that many mass-market vitamins are vastly different from those found naturally in food or plants.


  1. 售卖转易契

    conveyance on sale.

  2. 产品独售卖点

    The only USP products sales place.

  3. 从事毒品的非法售卖

    To engage in the illicit sale of.

  4. 附近有饮料售卖机吗

    Is there a soda machine around here?

  5. 大厅里有糖果售卖机。

    There's a candy machine in the lobby.

  6. 它在商场里,售卖鱼卵。

    It's in a shopping mall, and it sells fish eggs.

  7. 我让我女儿帮助教堂售卖。

    I will volunteer my daughters for helping with the church sale.

  8. 你们有没有售卖好迪发胶?

    Do you carry any HAODI hair gel?

  9. 他们已商订了售卖之事。

    They have negotiated a sale.

  10. 香港没有立法管制售卖楼花。

    Hong Kong has no legislation to regulate sales of unfinished flats.

  11. 他们也售卖木头和木制产品。

    They also sold wood and wood products.

  12. 食物种植,加工及售卖方式的变迁

    A change in how food was grown, processed and sold

  13. 此外, 含铅汽油得售卖亦被禁止。

    The sale leaded petrol is prohibited.

  14. 此外,含铅汽油的售卖亦被禁止。

    The sale leaded petrol is prohibited.

  15. 我们是高级服饰的制造商兼售卖商。

    We're a manufacturer and seller of quality fabrics.

  16. 他们得售卖资产使企业免于负债。

    They had to sell their assets to keep the business afloat.

  17. 售卖牛肉,羊肉以及骆驼肉的常驻肉铺。

    Residents shop for beef, mutton and camel meat.

  18. 适用于售卖食物类货品的小贩牌照。

    Applicable to hawker licence for the sale of foodrelated commodities.

  19. 此外,这里每逢星期四将会售卖擂茶。

    Besides, here also sell Lei Cha every Thursday.

  20. 我们对香烟的售卖恐怕得分开记录。

    I'm afraid we keep a separate record for cigarette sales.

  21. 餐厅外面大门左边有一部自动售卖机。

    There is a vending machine outside the restaurant entrance to the left.

  22. 最后, 藏有及售卖与康乐将毒品合法化。

    Eventually, possession and sale of recreational drugs will be decriminalized.

  23. 谈判商谈关于售卖和交换等合同的条款。

    To negotiate the terms of an agreement, as to sell or exchange.

  24. 工艺人员服务公司也售卖纱线和绣花丝线。

    Craft Resources also sells yarn and embroidery floss.

  25. 指出售卖一本书籍或杂志的四个步骤。

    What four steps are taken in the sale of a book or a magazine?

  26. 指出售卖一本书籍或杂志得四个步骤。

    What four steps are taken in the sale of a book or a magazine ?

  27. 有些人为了钱重新包装我的工作, 然后售卖。

    Some people are repackaging and selling my work for money.

  28. 儿时记忆中, 商店是售卖酱油和醋的地方

    As far as I can recall from my childhood memories, a shop was where one could buy soy sauces and vinegar

  29. 集团内部宽免转让或售卖香港证券及不动产

    Intra group relief transfer or sale of hong kong stock and immovable property

  30. 抱歉, 我们不再单独售卖法术了, 那样争议太多。

    Man Sorry, we dont sell individual spells anymore.Too much hassle.


  1. 问:售卖拼音怎么拼?售卖的读音是什么?售卖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:售卖的读音是shòumài,售卖翻译成英文是 to sell

  2. 问:售卖受托人拼音怎么拼?售卖受托人的读音是什么?售卖受托人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:售卖受托人的读音是shòu mài shòu tuō rén,售卖受托人翻译成英文是 trustee for sale




【读音】shòu mài


