


1. 行 [háng]2. 行 [xíng]行 [háng]行列:字里~间。罗列成~。兄弟姐妹的次弟;排行:我~二,你~几?步行的阵列。量词。用于成行的东西:泪下两~。某些营业所:银~。花~。商行。行业:同~。各~各业。用长的针脚成行地连缀……





汉语拼音:xíng xiāo







  1. 谓销售货物。

    清 林则徐 《严禁中外商民贩卖鸦片烟示》:“如其引诱华民铺户代为行销,独不思 澳门 蕞尔一隅,能销多少,一经发客,便有风声,立即查拏治罪。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致台静农》:“其实这期刊在此地是行销的,只是没有处买。” 姚雪垠 《李自成》第二卷第四一章:“经过 金 元 两代, 均窑 名瓷衰落,但是直到不久以前,这 神垕 一带仍然生产各种碗、碟、茶壶、杯、瓶之类的日用粗细瓷器,行销中原,远及邻省。”

  2. 引申为畅销。

    郭沫若 《万引》:“这种装订的起源大约是因为书太行销了,连裁截的余暇也没有罢。”



  1. But the farmers and florists who market them hope that customers know just how much of their love and hard work goes into Valentine's Day.


  2. Our product have been well sold to all over the world known as its diversification , good customer service and excellent quality.


  3. IKEA combines slick marketing with a solid concept to sell not just a product, but a lifestyle.


  4. This product HAS been sold all over the world without advertising, just as the proverb says, "Good wine needs no advertising" .


  5. Okay, I'm putting together a report on the Allied Marketing Co. failure, and I seem to have run into a stone wall . Can you help me out?


  6. Paggy: As you know, we produce electronics. Our company is involved in manufacturing and marketing electronic products.


  7. Situation: Helen, the company's marketing manager, talks with him and gives him a quote.


  8. Response rate to a campaign is often unreliable because it is dependent on a number of factors.


  9. Did you think it a good marketing strategy for Starbucks to launch the Starbucks tumblers?


  1. 服务业行销2。

    Essential of service marketing II.

  2. 维持性行销

    maintenance marketing.

  3. 行销与公益并举。

    Put both Marketing and Commonweal into Practice.

  4. 这个产品行销国内外。

    The product is sold both at home and overseas.

  5. 如何辨别和评估行销机会?

    How can one identify and evaluate marketing opportunities?

  6. 国际行销管理之理论研究。

    Theoretical research on International Marketing Management.

  7. 为什么置入行销如此风靡

    Max Sutherland Why is the Product Placement Marketing so Fashionable

  8. 美国网络广告行销经典案例。

    Classic Interactive Advertising Marketing Cases in the U. S. A.

  9. 我的行销企划提案完全失败。

    My marketing presentation was a total flop.

  10. 所承认的新加坡网络行销公司。

    Direct Selling Association of Singapore.

  11. 行销管理千禧年版, 第十版, 2000年。

    Philip Kotler, Marketing Management Millennium Edition, 10e, 2000.

  12. 具有一定网络行销传播知识背景。

    Elementary internet marketing communication knowledge background.

  13. 黄鹏飞译, 服务行销, 华泰书局。

    Lovelock, C. H. , Service Marketing, Prentice Hall, Inc., NY.

  14. 我需要跟我的行销部门商量一下。

    I need to meet with my marketing department.

  15. 还有新玩具和新游戏器具得行销。

    And the marketing of new toys and games.

  16. 还有新玩具和新游戏器具的行销。

    And the marketing of new toys and games.

  17. 你有任何业务与行销的经验吗?

    Do you have any experience in sales and marketing?

  18. 终究,产品的成功还是依赖好的行销。

    Ultimately, the success of the product depends on good marketing.

  19. 大音行销机构总经理伍文龙说。

    Da Yin Wu, general manager of marketing agency, said Long.

  20. 发展你在行销分析和计划的技巧。

    Develop your skills in marketing analysis and planning.

  21. 本课程为所有高等行销课程的先修课程。

    This course is a prerequisite for all of the advanced marketing courses.

  22. 本课程为所有高等行销课程得先修课程。

    This course is a prerequisite for all of the advanced marketing courses.

  23. 强化行销策略,面对新的挑战和学习。

    Strengthened marketing strategies, facing new challenge and study.

  24. 好。我们还希望听听贵公司的行销计划。

    Fine. We'd like you to tell us about your marketing plans.

  25. 继承传统特色的苏绣、杭绣,行销全球。

    Suzhou embroidery and Hangzhou embroidery with Chinese traditional features have been sold all over the world.

  26. 听说你们行销计划这个月就可以写完。

    A I heard youre finishing up your dissertation this month.

  27. 玉治出版社有2本新书要行销。徵 求行销合作。

    YuChih Publishing Firm are looking for marketing partnership for 2 new books.

  28. 购屋行为与建设公司行销策略之研究。

    House purchasing and real estate company's marketing strategical research.

  29. 我了解到行销不是我想投入余生的工作。

    I realized that marketing was not I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

  30. 你知道比尔要求调到行销部吗

    Do you know Bill requested to transfer to the marketing department


  1. 问:行销拼音怎么拼?行销的读音是什么?行销翻译成英文是什么?

    答:行销的读音是xíngxiāo,行销翻译成英文是 sell

  2. 问:行销管理拼音怎么拼?行销管理的读音是什么?行销管理翻译成英文是什么?

    答:行销管理的读音是,行销管理翻译成英文是 Marketing management

  3. 问:行销道德拼音怎么拼?行销道德的读音是什么?行销道德翻译成英文是什么?

    答:行销道德的读音是,行销道德翻译成英文是 Marketing ethics