







汉语拼音:fàng rù








放入 [fàng rù]
  1. 进去。




  1. Sang-xiao and Li Wan put her body in a fine coffin and gave her a very respectful funeral spending as much as they could afford.


  2. Next I took an old sack and put a lot of big rocks in it. I dragged it to the door and through the woods down to the river.


  3. In reality, data is most often brought out of the database and into a different tier, where an application works with it.


  4. It is often more efficient to put CSS in its own external file, rather than in-line it on a page so browsers can cache it.


  5. If you find yourself out of ice, a good tip is to put warm water in the ice tray and pop it in the freezer, as it will freeze quicker.


  6. Heat the olive oil in a wide, shallow pan and then add the onion with a bit of seasoning and cook for a few minutes until softened.


  7. Now let's try to put this into a little bit of context.


  8. So he made a little bamboo cage to keep him in when he had to leave him alone.


  9. After some time, he comes back with a small stone in his mouth. He goes up to the bottle and puts the stone into the bottle.


  1. 放入车库, 存入车库

    To put or store in a garage.

  2. 放入车库,存入车库。

    To put or store in a garage.

  3. 放入坦克的组合。

    Put the mix into a tank.

  4. 放入坦克得组合。

    Put the mix into a tank.

  5. 把桨放入船内

    ship the oars

  6. 灵柩被放入墓地。

    The coffin was lowered into the grave.

  7. 把放入皮套里

    To put in a holster.

  8. 放入小虾,煮30秒。

    Add the shrimp and cook for 30 seconds.

  9. 鱼丸放入滚水中。

    Add the fish balls into boiling water.

  10. 放入欧芹丁装饰。

    Garnish soup with chopped parsley and serve.

  11. 把钱放入某人腰包

    to put money in somebody's pocket

  12. 把杂志放入抽屉里。

    Put the magazine into the drawer.

  13. 将封皮放入夹具中。

    Place cover over book in CreateABook jig.

  14. 愤然放入全部的天堂。

    Puts all Heaven in a Rage.

  15. 将文件放入保险柜里。

    Put the document in the safe.

  16. 把爆米花放入爆米花机中。

    Put the popcorn into the popcorn popper.

  17. 用炮塞将放入位置

    To holdin place with a wad.

  18. 将硬币放入投币口。

    Put a coin in the slot.

  19. 放入嘴里, 使在嘴里动

    To take or move around in the mouth.

  20. 放入嘴里,使在嘴里动

    To take or move around in the mouth.

  21. 放入碗中用布遮盖。

    Set in a bowl and cover with cloth.

  22. 捉一只蜻蜓, 放入瓶。

    Caught a dragon fly inside a jar.

  23. 捉一只蜻蜓,放入瓶。

    Caught a dragon fly inside a jar.

  24. 将内存卡放入读卡器。

    Place the card in the card reader.

  25. 移植在体内移植或放入

    To graft or insert within the body.

  26. 并把录像放入冰箱里

    Tape a set to your refrigerator.

  27. 我们把酒精放入灯里。

    We put spirits in the lamp.

  28. 将空盘放入烤箱预热。

    Preheat plates in the oven.

  29. 收殓放入或要放入棺材之中。

    To place in or as if in a coffin.

  30. 她把种子放入土壤里。

    She put the seeds in the earth.


  1. 问:放入拼音怎么拼?放入的读音是什么?放入翻译成英文是什么?

    答:放入的读音是,放入翻译成英文是 interpose

  2. 问:放入壁橱拼音怎么拼?放入壁橱的读音是什么?放入壁橱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:放入壁橱的读音是,放入壁橱翻译成英文是 niche

  3. 问:放入狗屋拼音怎么拼?放入狗屋的读音是什么?放入狗屋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:放入狗屋的读音是,放入狗屋翻译成英文是 kennel

  4. 问:放入钱袋拼音怎么拼?放入钱袋的读音是什么?放入钱袋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:放入钱袋的读音是,放入钱袋翻译成英文是 imburse