







汉语拼音:nà rù







  1. 放进;归入。

    清 赵翼 《瓯北诗话·杜少陵诗》:“东西数千里,上下数百年,尽纳入两个虚字中,此何等神力!” 洪深 《戏的念词与诗的朗诵》六:“声音表现者须将诗文内容所要求的强调,一一纳入那节奏形式所规定的部位。”



  1. All that said, Google probably could have had Groupon if it had upped its offer one more time.


  2. Therefore, it has been a very important subject to bring negative crime into the system of modern criminal theories.


  3. The MBA at Oregon's Warsaw Sports Marketing Center was one of the first and entwines sports modules around a full two-year programme.


  4. Since the Ka-band Wideband Global Satcom (WGS) satellite is now in service, GBS has added WGS to its broadcast network.


  5. "The main impact we wanted to have was to put this on the agenda of the candidates, " he says.


  6. Headlamps had to be bigger for adequate lighting, and wrapping them around the front end let side markers be incorporated.


  7. Given that most MDR-TB occurs in impoverished countries, this expensive treatment is often not an option.


  8. It would be useful to have such a term, and maybe that's reason enough for simply adopting the word samvega into our language.


  9. Goldman put Microsoft on its top stock picks list -- calling it a "conviction buy" last month.


  1. 附图纳入诊断试验流程

    Fig The flow chart of including diagnostic tests

  2. 妇女也被纳入了土地改革。

    Women were also included in agrarian reforms.

  3. 对新纳入的伴侣进行削发。

    shave the head of a newly inducted monk.

  4. 他的提议被纳入议事范围。

    His suggestion was incorporated into the agenda of the meeting.

  5. 他的提议被纳入议事范围。

    His suggestion was incorporated into the agenda of the meeting.

  6. 他们把他的建议纳入他们的计划。

    They incorporated his proposals into their plan.

  7. 西班牙语已纳入课程内容。

    Spanish is on the curriculum.

  8. 符合纳入标准的文章32篇,排除71篇。

    We accepted 32 articles and precluded 71 others.

  9. 符合纳入标准得文章32篇,排除71篇。

    We accepted 32 articles and precluded 69 others.

  10. 这个词现在已被采纳入英语。

    The word is now English by adoption.

  11. 我将纳入变化和发布新版本。

    I'll incorporate the changes and post a new version.

  12. 这些建议被纳入了行为条例中。

    These proposals are embodied in the act.

  13. 现在得教师得纳入国家退休金体系。

    Teachers now have to come under the State Superannuation Scheme.

  14. 评估纳入法律规范的轨道势在必行

    It is Imperative for Valuation to be Subject to Law and Regulation

  15. 病毒自身有时候也被纳入共生。

    Viruses themselves are sometimes taken in symbiotically.

  16. 我需要把它纳入一个行动中

    I needed to put it into a context.

  17. 军队试图选派农民纳入民防队。

    The army tried to co-opt peasants into civil defence groups.

  18. 他把顾问的若干建议纳入他的计划。

    He integrated his advisors suggestions into his plan.

  19. 单位应该纳入本罪的犯罪主体。

    This unIt'should be incorporated into the main criminal offense.

  20. 你提出的方案将纳入重建的范畴。

    Your program will come within the general heading of redevelopment.

  21. 你的很多建议已纳入计划中。

    Many of your suggestions have been incorporated in the plan.

  22. 现在的教师得纳入国家退休金体系。

    Teachers now have to come under the State Superannuation Scheme.

  23. 幼儿园和小学都将纳入这种学校。

    Both the kindergarten and primary school level will be integrated into these schools.

  24. 留置盘问应纳入刑事诉讼强制措施

    Lien and Interrogation Should be Concluded into the Criminal Compulsory Measure

  25. 我们会把你的建议纳入考虑范围。

    We will take your proposal into consideration.

  26. 开本尺寸规格已纳入国际标准轨道。

    Foliosize specifications have been incorporated into international standards track.

  27. 学官管理被纳入了国家职官管理体系。

    Instructors Administration was put into the national officers systems.

  28. 法官会把这些事情都纳入考虑之中。

    All these things the judge takes into consideration.

  29. 她把每一个细节都纳入她的记忆。

    She was storing every detail in her memory.

  30. 本草案中纳入了两个新执行段。

    Two new operative paragraphs are included in this draft.


  1. 问:纳入拼音怎么拼?纳入的读音是什么?纳入翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纳入的读音是nàrù,纳入翻译成英文是 be incorporated into

  2. 问:纳入研究范围拼音怎么拼?纳入研究范围的读音是什么?纳入研究范围翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纳入研究范围的读音是nàrù yánjiū fànwéi,纳入研究范围翻译成英文是 coverage initiated




【拼音】nà rù

【基本解释】 1、[bring into]:归入。多用于抽象事物 纳入国家计划。 2、[foist into]:偷偷地或没有根据地引入或插入 把主航道我方一侧大片领土纳入了他们的版图。