




1. 柜 [guì]2. 柜 [jǔ]柜 [guì]一种收藏东西用的家具,通常作长方形,有盖或有门:~子。~橱。电视~。掌~(称商店老板或掌管商店的人。亦称“掌柜的”)。柜 [jǔ]〔~柳〕落叶乔木,羽状复叶,小叶长椭圆形,枝韧,可以编筐。……



汉语拼音:zhǎng guì










  1. 亦称“ 掌柜的 ”。称店主或经理。

    《老残游记》第六回:“这事我已明白,自然是捕快做的圈套,你们掌柜的自然应该替他收尸去的。” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》十四:“他原想在寿日来的人不过是铺户中的掌柜与先生们。” 曹禺 《北京人》第二幕:“这些个地方没有一个掌柜的我不熟。”

  2. 指店员,营业员。

    赵树理 《小经理》:“第二是小村子的小合作社只有一个经理和一个掌柜。”

  3. 称地主。

    阮章竞 《漳河水》诗:“羊儿长膘快,掌柜笑,笑呵呵。”

  4. 称别人的丈夫。

    周立波 《暴风骤雨》第二部三:“ 白大嫂子 ,记不记挂你家掌柜的呀?” 柳勉之 《张家畔的妇女轮校》:“写个条条,也能帮你掌柜成个事。”

  5. 白莲教起义军中首领的称呼。

    清 魏源 《圣武记》卷十:“其老教 樊人杰 、 戴仕杰 为掌柜。”

  6. 对男子的泛称。

    张天翼 《清明时节》三:“别忙,掌柜的!咱们来干他一家伙!--瞧着罢!要是他俩不肯干--我一个人也得干!来!”



  1. All this had been watched for a whole year by a neighbour, a fat shopkeeper, and not a humble one but the owner of two grocer's shops.


  2. On the Malaysian Sheng Zhai Qi treasurer said that if the rent is not high, they are happy to return to the front door.


  3. Simultaneously think, part but favour arch hand way: "Match the friend on the word, but Long Shan Wu old shopkeeper under charge? "


  4. " the stone The shopkeeper said, the enthusiasm " don't know sir which to take?


  5. The innkeeper set his beer in front of him.


  6. Manager: No need for a check today you are my guest. Hey, have the car pull around to the door and wait.


  7. The men who listened to him, ranchers, country people, storekeepers, attentive though they were, were not once sympathetic.


  8. Zhao the shopkeeper swiftly will inform the matter was doing training classes to learn SunYuTian.


  9. He also announced that the committee will hold a hearing next month to look into mortgage servicing and foreclosure processing.


  1. 掌柜的? ? 松开了手。

    The manager took his hands away from the old man's shoulders.

  2. 这家糖果店的女掌柜。

    The old girl who owns the sweet shop.

  3. 掌柜得 说, 松开了手。

    The manager took his hands away from the old man's shoulders.

  4. 掌柜得生气了, 常常骂他。

    The shop owner was infuriated and often took him to task.

  5. 掌柜的生气了,常常骂他。

    The shop owner was infuriated and often took him to task.

  6. 老婆当然是我们家的内掌柜。

    My wife is of course in charge of our family.

  7. 反正你明白这个意思,掌柜的!

    You understand what that means, landlord!

  8. 掌柜还可提供英语翻译服务。

    And the products to sell will be added continuously.

  9. 您可以通过以下方式联系掌柜。

    The instant ways of contacting us are suggested as below.

  10. 他形容自己有如中药店的掌柜。

    He described himself as a shopkeeper in a Chinese herb shop.

  11. 这件事情还是请少掌柜定夺吧。

    This should be decided by our junior boss.

  12. 我老婆当然是我们家的内掌柜。

    My wife is of course in charge of our family.

  13. 我老婆当然是我们家得内掌柜。

    My wife is of course in charge of our family.

  14. 我老婆当然是我们家的内掌柜。

    My wife is of course in charge of our family.

  15. 唐铁嘴王掌柜,捧捧唐铁嘴吧!

    SOOTHSAYER TANG Proprietor Wang, show a little kindness to ole Soothsayer Tang a bit.

  16. 马达加斯加的新掌柜尚未大功告成。

    Madagascar's new boss is not yet home and dry.

  17. 马达加斯加得新掌柜尚未大功告成。

    Madagascar's new boss is not yet home and dry.

  18. 如需团购,请直接与掌柜联系。

    If you have big order, contact with me directly.

  19. 客店掌柜的把啤酒放在他的前面。

    The innkeeper set his beer in front of him.

  20. 茶馆掌柜的有经验, 拦住了大家。

    The teahouse manager, an experienced man, stopped the crowd.

  21. 茶馆掌柜得有经验,拦住了大家。

    The teahouse manager, an experienced man, stopped the crowd.

  22. 掌柜的小破酒馆被人拆干净了

    The tavern was small manned and clean

  23. 女掌柜面带歉意,连忙解释说。

    Female palm counter with the apology, he explained.

  24. 喝点水!掌柜的对着他耳朵说。

    Drink some of this! the manager said in his ear.

  25. 掌柜的小破酒馆被人拆了东墙

    The tavern was small manned removed the east wall

  26. 酒店掌柜是和当地所有的大政客沆瀣一气的。

    The saloonkeeper stood in with all the big politics men in the district.

  27. 雇佣制度主要包括学徒制度和掌柜聘用制度两方面。

    The employment system includes apprenticeship system and the treasurer appointment system.

  28. 此时已经聚集了几个人, 便和掌柜都笑了。

    By then, there were already a few people around, they laughed along with the tavern keeper.

  29. 她靠掌柜坐着, 算得不落言诠的好广告。

    Sitting up against the counter she made an excellent living advertisement.

  30. 朱掌柜是唐山丰润人,祖上就做豆腐生意。

    Zhu shopkeeper Tangshan rich, people, ancestors to make tofu business.


  1. 问:掌柜拼音怎么拼?掌柜的读音是什么?掌柜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:掌柜的读音是zhǎngguì,掌柜翻译成英文是 manager


