




1. 政 [zhèng]政 [zhèng]治理国家事务:~治。~府。~党。~权。~纲。~策。~令。~绩。~见。~客(为个人或某一集团利益从事政治活动的人)。~局。~变。参~。议~。国家某一部门主管的业务:财~。邮~。民~。家庭或集体生活中的……



汉语拼音:rén zhèng








  1. 儒家的政治主张。认为统治者宽厚待民,施以恩惠,有利争取民心。

    孔子 在对“仁”的解释中,已有关于“仁政”的思想。 孟子 发挥 孔子 学说,明确提出“仁政”的主张。《孟子·梁惠王上》:“王如施仁政於民,省刑罚,薄税敛,深耕易耨,壮者以暇日,修其孝悌忠信,入以事其父兄,出以事其长上。可使制梃以挞 秦 楚 之坚甲利兵矣。” 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·鲍丘水》:“ 魏 人置 豹 祀之义,乃遐慕仁政,追述成功。” 清 唐甄 《潜书·柅政》:“虽有仁政,百姓耳闻之而未尝身受之。” 鲁迅 《佚文集·随感录》:“一种是絮絮叨叨叙述些过去的荣华,皇帝百官如何安富尊贵,小民如何不识不知;末后便痛斥那些征服者不行仁政。”

  2. 用作称颂地方官吏施政的套语。

    唐 杜牧 《寄牛相公》诗:“六年仁政謳歌者,柳远春隄处处闻。”《西湖佳话·六桥才迹》:“水旱飢荒安得无?全亏仁政早先图。”

  3. 指仁慈的政治措施。

    清 林则徐 《拟谕英吉利国王檄》:“贵国王诚能于此等处,拔尽根株,尽锄其地,改种五穀,有敢再图种造鸦片者,重治其罪,此真兴利除害之大仁政。” 毛泽东 《论人民民主专政》:“我们对于反动派和反动阶级的反动行为,决不施仁政。”



  1. Mencius's idea of a benevolent government was only to strengthen the sovereign's control of his nation and the power of his rule.


  2. Apply benevolence to bind the pursuit of interests and put benevolence and interests into a proper order.


  3. Mencius thought of "benevolent government" occupies an important position in his ideological system.


  4. "The Benevolent Government" thought reflected the political thinking of "put the moral and the politics together" .


  5. It reflects his wishes to stop brutal wars and cruel government as well as to pursue stable society.


  6. By any historical standard, the recent epoch of Western domination, especially under American leadership, has been remarkably benign.


  7. The systematical development of the Mencius of the Confucius political thought is mainly included in the Benevolent Government system.


  8. To Promote the principles of good government and good citizenship.


  9. Why does he carry out the policy of benevolence? To me, it is totally unnecessary.


  1. 公正是仁政的要素。

    Justice is an important element of good government.

  2. 论汉赋中的仁政思想

    The kindness in politics in Hanfu works

  3. 但是,什么是最大的仁政呢

    But what was the policy of maximum benevolence.

  4. 当时最大的仁政是什么呢?

    What was the policy of maximum benevolence at that time ?

  5. 大仁慈王一直施行他的仁政。

    King Goodness the Great continued performing wholesome works.

  6. 我们对反动派决不施仁政。

    We definitely do not apply a policy of benevolence to the reactionaries.

  7. 说到施仁政,我们是要施仁政的。

    Speaking of the policy of benevolence, we are of course for it.

  8. 仁政思想的理论基础是性善论。

    The theory of benevolent governance is based on the conception of primary kindness.

  9. 其仁政措施主要体现在征税政策上

    His benevolent policies were mostly about taxation.

  10. 仁政学说是孟子、朱熹政治思想的核心。

    The theory of benevolent government is the core of both mencius's and zhuxi's political thoughts.

  11. 试论贾谊仁政思想的哲学基础

    Philosophical Basis of Jia Yi's Idea of Benevolent Policy

  12. 正义必须战胜邪恶, 自由必须战胜奴役, 仁政必须推翻暴政!

    Justice must prevail over evil, freedom must prevail over slavery, we must overthrow the benevolent tyranny!

  13. 李退溪仁政说的历史意义和现实意义。

    The historical and realistic significance of Li Tuixi's theory of benevolent government.

  14. 领导者以身作则、率先垂范是实现仁政的关键。

    Leaders set an example and take the lead in doing things, which is the key to realize benevolent government.

  15. 第二部分,深入分析仁政理论和仁政思想的评价。

    The second part, the thorough analysis of benevolent governance theory and policy of benevolence thought evaluation.

  16. 他们要求施仁政,好象他们代表农民利益似的。

    They demanded a policy of benevolence, as if they represented the interests of the peasants.

  17. 所以, 以政府的政策去推行仁政终归是有问题的。

    Therefore, it is of problem that benevolent governance is implemented through governmental policy.

  18. 因此, 照我看, 尧费力的推行仁政根本就是多余之举。

    Why does he carry out the policy of benevolence? To me, it is totally unnecessary.

  19. 现在,我们施仁政的重点应当放在建设重工业上。

    At present the emphasis in our policy of benevolence should be on the construction of heavy industry.

  20. 在深渊, 他带我们深海下迎来波段仁政太空旅行者。

    In The Abyss, he took us deep under the sea to greet a band of benevolent space travelers.

  21. 古代的先贤们都提倡天子施仁政来使四方归化。

    Scholars of ancient times suggested that the emperor should adopt a policy of benevolence as a way to make people of all walks of life come and pledge allegiance to the country.

  22. 古代的先贤们都提倡天子施仁政来使四方归化。

    Scholars of ancient times suggested that the emperor should adopt a policy of benevolence as a way to make people of all walks of life come and pledge allegiance to the country.

  23. 第三部分,研究仁政思想对当前社会主义和谐社会的启示。

    The third part, the research on the current of thought of socialist harmonious society enlightenment.

  24. 重做诚实仁善的人。重点应当放在大仁政上。

    To become honest and good once more; On the policy of greater benevolence.

  25. 我们对于反动派和反动阶级的反动行为,决不施仁政。

    We definitely do not apply a policy of benevolence to the reactionaries and towards the reactionary activities of the reactionary classes.

  26. 匾额上的字寿协仁符意思是施仁政者能长寿。

    The inscriptions in the plaque means only the benevolent emperor can live a long life.


  1. 问:仁政拼音怎么拼?仁政的读音是什么?仁政翻译成英文是什么?

    答:仁政的读音是rénzhèng,仁政翻译成英文是 policy of benevolence


