







汉语拼音:chéng xí








  1. 继承。

    《后汉书·质帝纪》:“ 孝安皇帝 承袭统业。”《宣和书谱·唐宣宗》:“故诸宗承袭 太宗 之学,皆以翰墨流传。”《醒世恒言·蔡瑞虹忍辱报仇》:“今有幼子 蔡续 ,合当归宗,俟其出效承袭。” 清 吴振棫 《养吉斋丛录》卷一:“八旗世职袭次完时,有赏恩骑尉承袭罔替之例, 汉 世职则否。”

  2. 指沿袭。



  1. The system is set up to mimic that of an MMORPG, with a similar feel as Runecast or World of Warcraft.


  2. My peace of mind is often troubled by the depressing sense that I have borrowed too heavily from the work of other men.


  3. All ready to toast, will is more for my dead father purposely set table, report to him I have followed the ambition of his possessions.


  4. And pointed out that: This system, unique for the Gaochang until the yeast's kingdom, is still to some extent inherited.


  5. All this enmity and passion had Pearl inherited, by inalienable right, out of Hester's heart.


  6. Of course one must act if the situation as you describe it is one of accrued or inherited responsibility.


  7. an almost standard woman, but for the slight incautiousness of character inherited from her race.


  8. There's a tendency among worshipers of every religion to take on the character of their God.


  9. Later, this was picked up by the great painter, Picasso. In many of his paintings, existentialism was clearly evident.


  1. 他承袭了他父亲的聪明头脑。

    He is heir to his father's fine brain.

  2. 部族的传统由长者承袭相传。

    Tradition is pass on by the elders of the tribe.

  3. 部族得传统由长者承袭相传。

    Traditions were passed on by the elders of the tribe.

  4. 她没有承袭她母亲的宽厚天性。

    She had not inherited her mother's forgiving nature.

  5. 接受通过承袭拥有或取得所有权

    To hold or take possession of an inheritance.

  6. 没说明帕森承袭了家族传统。

    Was that Seaver Parsons had come into a family inheritance.

  7. 现在的公爵承袭的是他父亲的爵位。

    The present duke inherited the title from his father.

  8. 他承袭了二战时期播音员的口音。

    He has adopted the accent of a Second World War newscaster.

  9. 他的书法承袭了魏晋的流风。

    His calligraphy follows the prevailing customs of the Wei and Jin dynasties.

  10. 他的书法承袭了魏晋的流风。

    His calligraphy follows the prevailing customs of the Wei and Jin dynasties.

  11. 原则上,子女承袭父亲的姓氏和出身。

    In principle, the child follows the surname and origin of the father.

  12. 正如你们所指出的,承袭的传统可以改变。

    As you have stated, the legacy can change.

  13. 休谟在很多方面都承袭于霍布斯。

    Hume in many ways follows Hobbes.

  14. 芳廷承袭了芭蕾舞艺术得最优秀得传统。

    Fonteyn represents the best traditions of ballet.

  15. 芳廷承袭了芭蕾舞艺术的最优秀的传统。

    Fonteyn represents the best traditions of ballet.

  16. 我们的字母表, 从希腊人那儿承袭之物。

    Our alphabet, an inheritance from the greeks.

  17. 承袭的祖先传给合法继承人的由继承传下来的

    Descending from an ancestor to a legal heir passing down by inheritance.

  18. 玛丽承袭了向别人赠送植物的家族传统。

    Mary has carried on the family tradition of giving away plants.

  19. 它创造于民间,传承于社会,并世代延续承袭。

    It created in the civil, passing in the community and the continuation inherited from generation to generation.

  20. 宋、明、清的监狱承袭唐制,并进一步完善。

    The succeeding Dynasties like Song, Ming and Qing followed and furthered the Tang's prison system.

  21. 现代很多观点认为休谟承袭于牛顿和洛克。

    Now in many ways Hume can be seen as building on Newton and Locke.

  22. 就蒙古而言,它承袭了丰富的古代游牧文化。

    In the case of Mongolia, it has inherited the rich culture of an ancient nomadic civilization.

  23. 燎祭之典后被周族人所承袭并有所增益。

    Liao sacrifice was inherited anddeveloped by Zhou clansman.

  24. 由于他父亲于1990年前后入了籍,他也承袭了公民权。

    He had derivative citizenship from his father s naturalisation around 1990.

  25. 罗马人不仅承袭了希腊人的哲学而且还承袭了他们的艺术。

    Romans took over from the Greeks not only their philosophy but their arts.

  26. 他们代代承袭的是带着促铃的颈轭和叱鞭。

    Their heritage from generation to generation is the belled yoke and the lash.

  27. 家谱是说明家族成员血缘承袭关系的明细分支图。

    A family tree is a diagram with branches, showing how the members of a family are descended and related.

  28. 同时对二者间承袭与疏离的原因试做讨论。

    At the same time, the reason between adopting and dispersing were discussed.

  29. 委员会主席承袭前任的做法,与新闻部保持定期接触。

    The Chairman of the Committee on Information had maintained periodic contacts with the Department, continuing the practice established by his predecessor.

  30. 欧洲早期的基督教徒承袭了更古老的一些异教的许多习俗。

    Early Christians in Europe adopted many of the practices of the older, pagan religions.


  1. 问:承袭拼音怎么拼?承袭的读音是什么?承袭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:承袭的读音是chéngxí,承袭翻译成英文是 follow; adopt

  2. 问:承袭海拼音怎么拼?承袭海的读音是什么?承袭海翻译成英文是什么?

    答:承袭海的读音是chéng xí hǎi,承袭海翻译成英文是 patrimonial sea

  3. 问:承袭分类拼音怎么拼?承袭分类的读音是什么?承袭分类翻译成英文是什么?

    答:承袭分类的读音是chéng xí fēn lèi,承袭分类翻译成英文是 inherited class

  4. 问:承袭封地拼音怎么拼?承袭封地的读音是什么?承袭封地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:承袭封地的读音是chéng xí fēng dì,承袭封地翻译成英文是 ancient feud; feudum antiquum

  5. 问:承袭记号拼音怎么拼?承袭记号的读音是什么?承袭记号翻译成英文是什么?

    答:承袭记号的读音是chéng xí jì hào,承袭记号翻译成英文是 continuation notation




拼音:chéng xí

注音:ㄔㄥˊ ㄒㄧˊ同义词:承继、继承、秉承、承受