







汉语拼音:wēn xùn








  1. 温和顺服。

    清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·胭脂》:“何来恶少,必非 鄂郎 ;果是 鄂郎 ,其人温驯,知妾病由,当相怜恤,何遂狂暴如此!” 萧乾 《一本褪色的相册》七:“可是我那时已经不再是个温驯的受气包了。”



  1. The girl who has got to make her way in life has got to be dauntless, and if she has a pretty, demure manner with it, then luck girl.


  2. The little girl from the convent was in her prim white dress, with her small submissive face.


  3. Her mother was kind and sweet, but her father was a businessman who had little time for paternal duties.


  4. Consortium members have had to offer higher rates of interest to borrowers and turn to docile retail investors for funds.


  5. The lovely henny surety, the hensureness which is the real bliss of every female, has been denied her: she had never had it.


  6. Men have loved to dwell, in fiction at least, on the demure maiden whose inevitable reply is: Oh, yes, if you please, kind sir!


  7. Panda is such a beautiful, cute, docile animal that most of us would fall in love with it at first sight.


  8. They had a friend and comforter. Patrasche was his name. He was strong and kind and loyal. He was not a man, but a great yellow dog.


  9. Little Tim was so tame that he would hop on my finger and eat candied cherries out of my hand.


  1. 松鼠是非常温驯的。

    The squirrels are very tame.

  2. 驱策温驯的马是愚蠢的。

    It is foolish to spur on a willing horse.

  3. 驱策温驯得马是愚蠢得。

    It is foolish to spur on a willing horse.

  4. 容易管理的或处理的温驯的

    Easily managed or handled docile

  5. 野鹅生不出温驯的蛋。

    A wild goose never laid a tame egg.

  6. 温驯隼尤指游隼的雌鸟

    A female falcon, especially a peregrine falcon.

  7. 通常我变成狗时非常温驯的。

    Normally, I have a very sweet disposition as a dog.

  8. 温驯的替罪羊正是布什先生本人。

    The easy scapegoat is Mr Bush himself.

  9. 骑着一头比雪还白得温驯得白驴。

    Upon a lowly Asse more white then snow.

  10. 骑着一头比雪还白的温驯的白驴。

    Upon a lowly Asse more white then snow.

  11. 文狮重形象的刻画,动态温驯有趣

    Wenshidepicts the images of a lion, which is docile and funny.

  12. 不要害怕我的狗,它温驯得很。

    Don't be afraid of my dog. He wouldn't hurt a fly.

  13. 最温驯得动物原来是兔子和小羊。

    The most docile animal was originally the rabbit and lamb.

  14. 最温驯的动物原来是兔子和小羊。

    The most docile animal was originally the rabbit and lamb.

  15. 这只狗如此温驯,因此我不感到害怕。

    The dog is so gentle that I am not afraid of it.

  16. 一匹温驯的马在农场迎接我们。

    A friendly horse came to meet us at the farm.

  17. 我觉得他父亲太温驯,并说它很无聊。

    I guess his father was intame, and said it was boring.

  18. 说完它温驯的坐了下来,面对着门口。

    He lay down meekly in the in the manure, facing the door.

  19. 黄金猎犬大多个性温驯而且对孩子很温和。

    Golden Retrievers are mostly docile and gentle with children.

  20. 电取蜂毒对意蜂温驯性的影响

    The Influences of Collecting Bee Venom by Electricity on Italy Bee Docility

  21. 繁殖期驯养母蓝狐的温驯行为与繁殖率

    Gentle Behavior and Reproductive Rate of Domesticated Female Alopex lagopus in Seminal Period

  22. 你太不温驯了, 说想帮助我不就行了吗?

    You are not docile, isn't okay to say you want to help me?

  23. 麋鹿得主人汤姆。威廉担心麋鹿会太温驯。

    Tom Williams, who owns the reindeer, is worried that the reindeer will just be docile.

  24. 麋鹿的主人汤姆。威廉担心麋鹿会太温驯。

    Tom Williams, who owns the reindeer, is worried that the reindeer will just be docile.

  25. 原本你认为很温驯的小狗咬了孩子, 等等。

    a dog you thought would be a great obedience prospect biting a young child.

  26. 何韵诗认为太过温驯的男友不要也罢。

    Denise Ho doesnt like her boyfriend being too meek.

  27. 海豚和鲸鱼同样被知晓为一种温驯的生物。

    Dolphins and whales have been known also as a gentle creature.

  28. 基本上,他们希望我们军训后能够更加温驯和顺从。

    Basically, we're supposed to be more tamed and obedient after the training.

  29. 可是同那里的头头相比, 我的头头就像只温驯的小猫。

    But the supervisor there makes mine look like a pussycat.

  30. 他经常希望能有更加温驯的方法来保证这些特点。

    She often wished that there were a gentler way of insuring such traits.


  1. 问:温驯拼音怎么拼?温驯的读音是什么?温驯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:温驯的读音是wēnxùn,温驯翻译成英文是 docile; tame



拼音:wēn xùn 词义:温和顺从。 温: 温 wēn 不冷不热:温带。保温。降温。温泉。温和。温床。性情柔和:温柔。温存(抚慰体贴)。 驯: 驯(驯) xùn 顺从,使顺从:驯化。驯兽。驯顺。桀骛不驯。善良,温顺:驯良。驯和。驯谨。驯熟。 基本解释 [tame] 温和驯顺 性情温驯 详细解释 温和顺服。 清 蒲松龄《聊斋志异·胭脂》:“何来恶少,必非 鄂郎 ;果是 鄂郎 ,其人温驯,知妾病由,当相怜恤,何遂狂暴如此!”萧乾《一本褪色的相册》七:“可是我那时已经不再是个温驯、受气的我了。”