




技能好,灵敏:~妙。~思。~劲。~干(gàn )。精~。轻~。乖~。心灵手~。~发奇中。美好:~笑(指美好的笑貌)。虚伪(特指语言):~言。~诈。~辩。~言令色。恰好:~合。~遇。恰~。……



汉语拼音:guāi qiǎo









  1. 聪明机灵。

    《警世通言·金令史美婢酬秀童》:“他原是个乖巧的人,待人接物,十分克己。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷二十:“兄弟日渐长成,十分乖巧。” 赵树理 《小二黑结婚》:“ 小芹 当两三岁时候,就非常伶俐乖巧。”

  2. 合人心意;讨人喜欢。

    《醒世恒言·两县令竞义婚孤女》:“﹝ 贾 婆﹞只为看上 月香 生得清秀乖巧,自己无男无女,有心要收他做个螟蛉女儿。”



  1. And, teacher, the someone else still loathes to give up to leave you, you are ambitioning to give up I the Tu son of this lovely amiability?


  2. But since the birth mother has never been to a parade grandmother Laoye heart, has always been a tame disobedient Cute thoughtful girls.


  3. Two weeks later, she had become a gentle child. She was ready to learn.


  4. You have been a great kid ever since you were born, always quiet, empathetic, attentive, and well-mannered.


  5. At home, she became obedient to her mother and did a lot of housework for her.


  6. "You know, the children of the community here are fantastic, they love their animals, " she told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.


  7. She was so skilled with her hands that she tolerated no challenge to her skill in thellos respect.


  8. hes just as nice as can be . but hes . . well now hes a year old and hes a big maltese.


  9. Songwriter William Gilbert, in the musical "Princess Ida" , wrote: " Darwinian man, though well-behaved, at best is only a monkey shaved. "


  1. 我憎恶耍弄乖巧。

    I detest artifice

  2. 你得要承认你很乖巧。

    You got to admit you are whipped.

  3. 他是个很乖巧的孩子。

    He is a cute child.

  4. 女儿也是十分乖巧,惹人疼爱。

    Daughter is also very clever, pathetic love.

  5. 聪慧乖巧的孩子成就开心的父母。

    Good children make glad parents.

  6. 那就恰恰证明她比你乖巧。

    That just proves she's smarter than you.

  7. 蝉是一种非常乖巧的小虫。

    The cicada is a clever little insect.

  8. 那小女孩像兔子一样善良,乖巧。

    The little girl is harmless as a pet rabbit.

  9. 她的耐心和乖巧是出了名的。

    Her patience and tact are legendary.

  10. 你还不像你自己想的那样乖巧。

    You are not so cute as you think.

  11. 你一直是一个乖巧的小女孩。

    Are you always such a good little girl.

  12. 他是个非常乖巧、非常特别的男孩。

    He's a very sweet very special boy.

  13. 尽管他不是真人,但他很听话,很乖巧。

    Though he does not be real person, he is obedient very much, is very cute.

  14. 不会生一堆乖巧的犹太孩子。

    Not gonna have those nice Jewish kids.

  15. 我们认为亚洲小孩都很听话, 很乖巧。

    We think that Asian kids are very obedient and quiet.

  16. 你要学会如何做一个乖巧的宠物。

    You learn how to be a good pet.

  17. 他一头灰发, 谈吐乖巧伶俐, 举止小心翼翼。

    He was a greyhaired man, with a plausible voice and careful manners.

  18. 有钱有势的公家律师, 一个乖巧的选民

    he was a great provincial lawyer, wealthy and influential, a wise elector,

  19. 这些并不是乖巧之词, 也不是空洞得理论。

    And those are not just clever words, and those are not just empty theories.

  20. 这些并不是乖巧之词, 也不是空洞的理论。

    And those are not just clever words, and those are not just empty theories.

  21. 老先生和老夫人被她的乖巧骗住了。

    The old lady and gentleman were taken in by her cordial ingenuity.

  22. 她是个聪明乖巧的姑娘。多向她学吧,安妮。

    She's a good, clever girl. Try to be like her, Anne.'

  23. 星期日出生的孩子漂亮,愉快,乖巧又有朝气。

    Sundays child is bonny, blithe and good and gay.

  24. 丽丽的女儿才六岁, 但是很乖巧, 讨人喜欢。

    Though Lily's daughter is only six, she is very clever and lovely.

  25. 丽丽的女儿才六岁,但是很乖巧,讨人喜欢。

    Though Lily's daughter is only six, she is very clever and lovely.

  26. 她的样子文静而乖巧,但却有点过于顺从。

    Her manner is quiet and ingratiatory and a little too agreeable.

  27. 他在开列名单,他会仔细检查。他会发现谁顽皮谁乖巧。

    He making a list, he's checking it twice. Gonna find out who's naughty or nice.

  28. 两个小家伙一直兴奋又乖巧的守在厨房边。

    Two little guys have been excited and unobtrusive the guard at the kitchen side.

  29. 我有一个漂亮乖巧的女儿, 你要绑架她吗?

    I have a beautiful and smart daughter, what are you going to do with her?

  30. 我在他眼中也早已不是那个乖巧的女儿了。

    In his eyes, I also was not that long ago the daughter of a clever.


  1. 问:乖巧拼音怎么拼?乖巧的读音是什么?乖巧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乖巧的读音是guāiqiǎo,乖巧翻译成英文是 clever; lovable



详细解释 1. 聪明机灵; 《警世通言·金令史美婢酬秀童》:“他原是个乖巧的人,待人接物,十分克己。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷二十:“兄弟日渐长成,十分乖巧。” 明 冯梦龙 《喻世明言》第一卷:“这蒋世泽割舍不下,又绝不得广东的衣食道路,千思百计,无可奈何,又得带那九岁的孩子同行作伴,就教他学些乖巧。”赵树理《小二黑结婚》:“小芹当两三岁时候,就非常伶俐乖巧。” 2. 合人心意,讨人喜欢。 《醒世恒言·两县令竞义婚孤女》:“﹝贾婆﹞只为看上月香生得清秀乖巧,自己无男无女,有心要收他做个螟蛉女儿。”