


有效验:~验。~丹妙药。聪明,不呆滞:~巧。机~。~慧。敏捷的心理活动:~机。~感。~性。精神:~魂。心~。英~。旧时称神或关于神仙的:神~。精~。反映敏捷,活动迅速:~活。~犀。~便(biàn )。关于死人的:幽~。~魂。~柩。……





汉语拼音:líng dòng








  1. 犹灵活。

    清 纳兰性德 《渌水亭杂识》卷四:“ 庾子山 句句用字,固不灵动。”《清史稿·兵志十一》:“或此种不甚灵动,则洋匠必另购一机以救之。” 李大钊 《五一纪念日于现在中国劳动界的意义》:“譬如‘平民主义’、‘自由’、‘平等’等思想,都是空明灵动的人生的态度。” 柳青 《铜墙铁壁》第五章:“他心眼灵动,胆头又大。”



  1. But her eyes were still clear and unwearied, and she still moved like a shadow on the sea.


  2. At the moment when the poetry is flowing, all the intrinsic fragrant of times unfolds with the wind.


  3. is wonderful unscramble: Drape agitation blots out the sky and cover up the earth and come, in be temperament, added charm and clever.


  4. But most striking were the wide amber eyes, so like his own, that regarded him with intelligence and without fear.


  5. He's a lively and clever young boy, and he finds himself in many exciting adventures.


  6. Only "useful" knowledge is valuable. And the useful knowledge should be changing along with the reality, like the flowing water.


  7. He felt that he had been extraordinarily witty over lunch, encouraged by her flashing eyes.


  8. "moving" refers to the body in movement, refreshing feeling, the change of artistic development.


  9. Lively. Term applied to a fresh wine with medium acidity and good keeping qualities. Wine having a brilliant colour.


  1. 沧桑灵动时尚。

    A new comes from an old, a fashion comes from a tradition.

  2. 灵动的空竹、水流星。

    Smart diabolo, water meteor.

  3. 玉是感觉,灵动、飘逸。

    Jade is a feeling spiritual and graceful.

  4. 灵动而舞蹈的光带

    moving, dancing light pattern.

  5. 灵动挖宝游戏攻略

    Intelligent digging up treasure Introduction

  6. 是因为圣者的灵动。

    Because of the vibration of the holy man.

  7. 我喜欢这种灵动的感觉

    I love the sense of the movement.

  8. 鲜花栩栩如生,孔雀自然灵动。

    Vivid flowers and a lively peacock.

  9. 灵动,静谧环境的创造者!

    The creator of a vibrant yet tranquil ambience!

  10. 我说灵动,是特意这么说的。

    And I use that word, soulful, deliberately.

  11. 正如你为漆黑注入飘逸灵动

    As you fill inkiness with ethereality

  12. 若苍林之优雅,似碧海之灵动。

    The grace of the forest and the spirit of the sea.

  13. 玄妙灵动的胡河清文学批评

    The Abstruse and Intelligent Criticism of Hu Qinghe

  14. 爱国者灵动技术, 让科技化繁为简

    Patriots Dexterity Makes the Technique simplified

  15. 挺喜欢这种装饰画,很有灵动的气息。

    Like the rhythm of these paintings.

  16. 这座小岛清新,灵动的另一种风情。

    A fresh and sprightly aspect of the island.

  17. 弧线动感,灵动,代表科技与速度,激情与飞跃。

    Arc dynamic, Smart, on behalf of and technology and speed, passion and leap.

  18. 灵动饰条点缀面板色彩, 更添动感活力。

    The resilient decorative line dotted panel color adds vitality and dynamic power.

  19. 画有看得见的姿态,它是人性的,是灵动的。

    The paint has visible gestures, it is human, it moves.

  20. 也可以用草书表现, 展示内容的灵动, 节奏。

    To appear dynamic and rhythmic, the handwriting should be cursive.

  21. 这幅长卷线条准确流畅,工细灵动,充满表现力。

    This picture scroll fluent, exquisitely clever lines accurate, full of expression.

  22. 生命是灵动的,在活泼的流动中,问题不再浮现。

    Life lives; and in the living flow, no questions are raised.

  23. 意念的每回灵动, 都让智慧更加行者无疆

    And force of Will increases with each work of wit

  24. 翘曲飘洒的屋顶, 像搏击长空的鹰翼般灵动。

    The warped roofs look like an eagle's wings striking the vast sky.

  25. 翘曲飘洒得屋顶,像搏击长空得鹰翼般灵动。

    The warped roofs look like an eagle's wings striking the vast sky.

  26. 项链以完美弧度环绕颈口,轻盈灵动,佩戴舒适。

    Necklace surrounds with perfect radian neck, lightsome and clever, adorn comfortable.

  27. 教育者角色的强化, 使生命的灵动与创造被泯灭。

    Aggrandizement of pedagogue part will hinder the intelligence and creativity of the educatee.

  28. 舞台设计灵动多变,充分展现声、光、影的完美整合。

    The flexibly designed stage shows the perfect integration of sound, light and pictures.

  29. 她们的脸好像也因为风的吹拂而变得清晰,灵动。

    They seem to have the face the winds because the wind has become clear, Smart.

  30. 图木结构和玻璃的组合,稳重而不失灵动。

    Graph The combination of timberwork and glass, sedate and do not break clever.


  1. 问:灵动拼音怎么拼?灵动的读音是什么?灵动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灵动的读音是língdòng,灵动翻译成英文是 Fresh, vigorous; vivid.

  2. 问:灵动:鬼影实录拼音怎么拼?灵动:鬼影实录的读音是什么?灵动:鬼影实录翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灵动:鬼影实录的读音是,灵动:鬼影实录翻译成英文是 Paranormal Activity



“灵动”是个多义词,它可以指灵动(王治川著诗集), 灵动(汉语词语)。