




1. 尽 [jìn]2. 尽 [jǐn]尽 [jìn]完毕:用~。说不~。取之不~。达到极端:~头。山穷水~。~情。自~(自杀)。全部用出,竭力做到:~心。~力。~瘁。~职。~忠。~责。人~其才。物~其用。都,全:~然。~是白的。~收眼底。……



汉语拼音:lì jìn







  1. After the war against Japan, he made an arduous journey back to China and created an educational system in mechanical science in hardships.


  2. There was something in her face-a look of life hard--lived, the mysterious impress of emotions, experience, and suffering.


  3. But, as many investors have learned the hard way, letting emotion trigger a buying or selling decision is often a money-losing strategy.


  4. sometimes, to get the best out of life, you go through some of the worst. no one said it would be easy. be strong.


  5. Just like the long march for China, rise from a semi-colony up to a modern independent country, with countless difficulties.


  6. But only a man of such wealth and wisdom as Solomon could have gone through all the experiences recorded here.


  7. passionate a love. Love that matures sympathetic through hardships is the most passionate He took sympathetic attitude toward my situation.


  8. The arms race is now imbedded in the fabric of international affairs and can only be contained with the greatest of difficulty.


  9. The very first Thanksgiving was a celebration of community during a time of great hardship, and we have followed that example ever since.


  1. 我历尽苦难。

    My cup is full with bitterness.

  2. 历尽沧桑一美人

    Elena et Les Hommes

  3. 你历尽艰苦来到这。

    You have fought hard to reach here.

  4. 你们饱经风霜, 历尽苦难。

    You have been the veterans of creative suffering.

  5. 他们曾经一起历尽艰难。

    Together they went through thick and thin.

  6. 流过多少泪水历尽多少苦痛

    So many tears and the snakes on my jack

  7. 看看这些历尽沧桑的梦想。

    Look at these dreams so beaten and so battered.

  8. 他已经历尽人间沧桑。

    Hes run the whole gamut of human experience.

  9. 她历尽坎坷才达到目的。

    It had been an uphill struggle to achieve what she had wanted.

  10. 旅行者们历尽了千辛万苦。

    The travellers underwent many difficulties.

  11. 他们历尽艰辛才取得胜利。

    They achieved success only after having experienced all kinds of hardships.

  12. 历尽生活试验, 爱情挫折难免,

    Even though going through the hoops, living through the afflictions

  13. 这些朋友历尽甘苦而忠贞不渝。

    The friends are faithful through thick and thin.

  14. 这段城墙是历尽沧桑得了。

    This Wall has been exposed to a lot of weather.

  15. 他历尽艰辛始终都忠实於我。

    He remained loyal to me through thick and thin.

  16. 各人质历尽磨难后安然生还。

    The hostages emerged from their ordeal unscathed.

  17. 历尽沧桑的情景,谁人来可怜

    The extreme adversities of which none has yet to sympathize.

  18. 历尽沧桑, 你要学会忽略过去。

    Go through vicissitudes of life, your needing to learn to ignore over.

  19. 这段城墙是历尽沧桑的了。

    This wall has been exposed to a lot of weather.

  20. 他历尽艰辛始终都忠实于我。

    He remained loyal to me through thick and thin.

  21. 过去的五年中, 他历尽辛酸。

    He has walked through thick and thin during the past five years.

  22. 过去得五年中,他历尽辛酸。

    He has walked through thick and thin during the past five years.

  23. 我们镇在内战中历尽灾难。

    Troubles hailed down on our town in the civil war.

  24. 中华文学实可谓源远流长,历尽沧桑。

    Chinese literature has a very long history and has witnessed some turbulent times.

  25. 我们公司在经济衰退时期历尽艰辛。

    In the recession, our firm went through a bad time.

  26. 历尽艰辛后总是能够看到希望的。

    Theres light at the end of the tunnel.

  27. 从而开始了历尽悲伤的艰难之旅

    Thus began the grueling journey through grief

  28. 历尽七层洗尽死罪, 以致人间天堂。

    Seven deadly sins. Seven ways to die.

  29. 她历尽艰难终于找到了一份工作。

    After great difficulty, she finally found a job.

  30. 她历尽艰难终于找到了一份工作。

    After great difficulty, she finally found a job.


  1. 问:历尽拼音怎么拼?历尽的读音是什么?历尽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:历尽的读音是lìjìn,历尽翻译成英文是 experience and suffer



历尽lìjìn[experience and suffer] 多次经历或遭受历尽沧桑