




行走:~兵。~行(xíng )。徒~。信~。闲~。固~自封。望而却~。踏着别人的足迹走,追随:~韵。~其后尘。~武前贤。行走时两脚的距离:~伐。~测。寸~难行。事情进行的程序、阶段、程度:~骤。初~。中国旧制长度单位,一步等于五尺。古同“埠……



汉语拼音:cùn bù






  1. 一寸之步。常喻极近的距离。

    《敦煌曲子词·浣溪沙》:“寸步如同云水隔,月轮高。” 唐 杜甫 《九日寄岑参》诗:“寸步 曲江 头,难为一相就。” 清 陆奎勋 《筑堤行》:“估船寸步不得进,挟貲惴惴萑符取。” 吴晗 《朱元璋传》第三章一:“ 汉军 在 洪都 城下苦战了三个月,不能前进寸步。”

  2. 缓慢的小步。

    宋 洪迈 《夷坚甲志·方禹冤》:“众舁 禹 ,寸步归家,困惙殆絶。”



  1. here ' s another way to look at it : one of the smallest parts of a car is the ignition key . yet , without it , you don ' t move forward.


  2. Love for you lack of progress did not leave.


  3. Younger than you, no cane Cunbu difficult to take a few.


  1. 他寸步不让

    he didn't give an inch

  2. 但我距死亡寸步之遥。

    But I was inches away from death.

  3. 他如胶似漆地寸步不离开她。

    He sticks to her like glue, ie never leaves her.

  4. 我们寸步不移的站在那儿。

    We stood riveted to the spot.

  5. 在家里不要跟著他寸步不离。

    Do not follow him around the house.

  6. 我们寸步不移地在那地方站着。

    We stood riveted to the spot.

  7. 在这一点上,我们是寸步不让的。

    On this point we should never have given way.

  8. 我想尽办法想说服她,但她寸步不让。

    I've tried everything to persuade her but she won't budge an inch.

  9. 愿快乐如同我们一样,与您寸步不离。

    May happiness follow you everywhere, just like we do.

  10. 电梯中有这么多的人,以致寸步难移。

    There were so many people in the lift that there wasn't room to move.

  11. 愿快乐随时与您同在如同我们与您寸步不离。

    May happiness follow you everywhere just like we do.

  12. 珍妮得数学课真是寸步难进, 因为她没有好好准备。

    Jane is hard sliding in her math course because she was poorly prepared.

  13. 珍妮的数学课真是寸步难进,因为她没有好好准备。

    Jane is hard sliding in her math course because she was poorly prepared.

  14. 他不失时机地告诉她他还是个寸步不让的严父。

    He lost no time in answering her that he was still an inflexible father.

  15. 我那腼腆的小妹在聚会上寸步不离地跟着我。

    My shy little sister clung to me like a leech all through the party.

  16. 当你寸步难行的时候,他们却在到处找乐子。

    While you can hardly move, they're running around having all kinds of fun.

  17. 我那腼腆的小妹在聚会上寸步不离地跟著我。

    My shy little sister stuck to me like a leech all through the party.

  18. 他寸步不离地紧盯着的这个人现在要离开他了!

    Separate himself from the man whom he had so persistently followed step by step!

  19. 旅行时带着两个孩子和一个沉重的手提箱,真是寸步难移。

    Travelling is difficult when you're encumbered with two small children and a heavy suitcase.

  20. 他们日日夜夜的看著蛤蟆, 而且总是有一个人和他寸步不离。

    Day and night they guarded Toad, and one of they was always with him.


  1. 问:寸步拼音怎么拼?寸步的读音是什么?寸步翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寸步的读音是cùnbù,寸步翻译成英文是 tiny step

  2. 问:寸步不离拼音怎么拼?寸步不离的读音是什么?寸步不离翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寸步不离的读音是cùnbùbùlí,寸步不离翻译成英文是 keep close to; follow somebody closely; foll...

  3. 问:寸步不让拼音怎么拼?寸步不让的读音是什么?寸步不让翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寸步不让的读音是cùnbùbúràng,寸步不让翻译成英文是 to refuse to yield a single inch; not budge...

  4. 问:寸步难行拼音怎么拼?寸步难行的读音是什么?寸步难行翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寸步难行的读音是cùnbùnánxíng,寸步难行翻译成英文是 be unable to move even a single step—be unable t...




拼音:cùn bù 基本解释 [a tiny step] 极小的步子,比喻极短或极小的距离 寸步难行 详细解释 1. 一寸之步。常喻极近的距离。 《敦煌曲子词·浣溪沙》:“寸步如同云水隔,月轮高。” 唐 杜甫 《九日寄岑参》诗:“寸步曲江头,难为一相就。”明 冯梦龙 清 蔡元放《东周列国志》第七十五回:“各要步迹相继,随鼓进退,左右回旋,寸步不乱。” 清 陆奎勋 《筑堤行》:“估船寸步不得进,挟赀惴惴萑符取。” 吴晗 《朱元璋传》第三章一:“汉军在洪都城下苦战了三个月,不能前进寸步。” 2. 缓慢的小步。 宋 洪迈 《夷坚甲志·方禹冤》:“众舁禹,寸步归家,困惙殆绝。” 3.MNDF基本步法之一,名称借鉴于寸拳。动作要点:左(右)脚抬起从右(左)脚前侧迈过,触地,右(左)脚顺势从左(右)脚后侧收回。此步法有左前寸步、右前寸步、左后寸步、右后寸步四种。