







汉语拼音:fāng cùn










  1. 方始一寸。极言矮小。


  2. 一寸见方。

    《淮南子·说山训》:“视方寸於牛,不知其大於羊;总视其体,乃知其大相去之远。” 唐 段成式 《酉阳杂俎·诺皋记上》:“有山蜘蛛垂丝如疋布,将及 旻 , 旻 引弓射杀之,大如车轮。因断其丝数尺,收之。部下有金创者,剪方寸贴之,血立止也。” 宋 赵彦卫 《云麓漫钞》卷十五:“《吴书》亦云,‘方围四寸’,则知 秦 璽方寸耳。”

  3. 指心。脑海。

    唐 刘知几 《史通·自叙》:“始知流俗之士,难与之言。凡有异同,蓄诸方寸。”参见“ 方寸心 ”。

  4. 心绪;心思;心得。

    《魏书·董绍传》:“老母在 洛 ,无復方寸,既奉恩贷,实若更生。” 唐 刘商 《胡笳十八拍》:“遂令边雁转怕人,絶域何由达方寸?” 元 张可久 《朝天子·春思》曲:“泪粉涕痕,伤春方寸,飘零寄此身。” 清 郑燮 《潍县署中寄舍弟墨第一书》:“读书以过目成诵为能,最是不济事。眼中了了,心下匆匆,方寸无多。” 姚雪垠 《李自成》第二卷第四十章:“你千万不要再存糊涂念头,乱我方寸。”参见“ 方寸乱 ”。



  1. The gas is does, endure is the enemy, but to leave the bitterest curse of ground, children in crops.


  2. A watched pot easily lead to "random heart" , "thrown into a position" , it's easy to make mistakes.


  3. Actually, when I was small, I do not know how to stamp collecting, is a father, my mother put me into a colorful square inch of the world.


  4. Restaurant layout and design mainly around the table started in the heart space between tables, tablecloths of visitors is crucial.


  5. A week before the Toronto meeting in July, China said it was abandoning its currency peg to the dollar, wrong-footing its critics again.


  6. It is called "changing diversely within an inch" . Now let's make a further step into this splendid art to take a deep look inside.


  7. No one at home against young my husband and I are the chaos in confusion, there is no point assertive.


  8. Because what really disturbed me at the time was the aspect of disorder that I saw on the street.


  9. A bad love shrinks your world into straitness, so much so that you are left with a spot under the eaves just for rain shelter.


  1. 他乱了方寸。

    He felt very troubled.

  2. 他乱了方寸。

    He felt very troubled.

  3. 将军没有乱了方寸。

    The General refused to be flustered.

  4. 方寸之上的水文化神韵

    Water Culture Charm on Stamps

  5. 面对困难,他方寸已乱。

    His mind is in a turmoil before the great difficulties.

  6. 方寸之间呈现自然之美

    It brings full display of the natural beauty in spite of its compact size

  7. 你的确懂得令我失去方寸。

    You know you really make me iose my train of thought.

  8. 车间起火时,他们乱了方寸。

    They lost their presence of mind when the workshop took fire.

  9. 就是面临危险,他也方寸不乱。

    He remained calm even in the face of danger.

  10. 世界又很小, 方寸之间尽显乾坤。

    The world is also very small, square inch between completely obviously universe.

  11. 演讲者受打扰后完全乱了方寸。

    The speaker was completely thrown off by the interruption.

  12. 你前额的方寸之地价值几何?

    How much is the space on your forehead worth?

  13. 接下来, 情绪很糟糕得他方寸大乱, 连连失手。

    Next, big chaos of his the mood is very bad heart, again and again accidentally drop.

  14. 接下来,情绪很糟糕的他方寸大乱,连连失手。

    Next, big chaos of his the mood is very bad heart, again and again accidentally drop.

  15. 他的演说把幽默性和严肃性的方寸掌握得恰到好处。

    His speech struck a perfect balance between humor and seriousness.

  16. 我不遗余力地利用自己的方寸之地来表达自己的想法。

    I take every opportunity to use my corner to say what I think.

  17. 在这个方寸空间内,字体的一笔一画对空间进行划分。

    In the loss to space, the font of each stroke of the space division.

  18. 不过他还是得以在方寸之间展示出并鼓励了创意。

    But he still manages to project and encourage creativity.

  19. 我在第一局的第一个发球失误,使我有点乱了方寸。

    I lost my first serve in the first set, it threw me off a bit.

  20. 把心情融进方寸之间,用双手创造属于自己的经典!

    The mood into confusion, with both hands to create their own classic!

  21. 相比之下, 这方寸士已不可救药地落后于时代了。

    This region has fallen sadly behind the times.

  22. 它用神奇的内部反手画法将乾坤融于方寸之间。

    By employing the seemingly miraculous backhand painting technique, the art compacts the universe into a small space.

  23. 竖直通栏广告每寸作26方寸计,横修广告每栏作20方寸计算。

    Horizontal column ad is 20 sq. in. while vertical column ad is 26 sq. in.

  24. 也希望能在这方寸间认识一些志同道合的朋友吧。

    I hope to make friends with the people who hold the same ideas as me in my blog.

  25. 到这儿好几天了三四天吧我不知道是几天我方寸太乱。

    Has been here some days three or four I don't know how many I can't collect my thoughts.

  26. 因为当时我在大街上见到的混乱场面就已乱了我的方寸。

    Because what really disturbed me at the time was the aspect of disorder that I saw on the street.

  27. 气是无明火, 忍是敌灾星, 但留方寸地, 把于子孙耕。

    The gas is does, endure is the enemy, but to leave the bitterest curse of ground, children in crops.

  28. 劳其力者,虽居茅庐陋室,耕方寸薄地,亦知修身饰居。

    The very laborer, with his thatched cottage and narrow slip of ground, attends to their embellishment.


  1. 问:方寸拼音怎么拼?方寸的读音是什么?方寸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:方寸的读音是fāngcùn,方寸翻译成英文是 mind



“方寸”是个多义词,它可以指方寸(词语释义), 方寸(《梦幻西游》的门派), 方寸(中国舞台美术学会副会长)。