


1. 分 [fēn]2. 分 [fèn]分 [fēn]区划开:~开。划~。~野(划分的范围)。~界。~明。条~缕析。~解。由整体中取出或产生出一部分:~发。~忧。~心劳神。由机构内独立出的部分:~会。~行(háng )。散,离:~裂。~离。……





汉语拼音:fēn cun







  1. 一分一寸。比喻微小。

    《战国策·齐策三》:“ 孟尝君 重非诸侯也,而奉我四马百人之食。我无分寸之功而得此,然吾毁之以为之也。” 唐 韩愈 《孔君墓志铭》:“凡在幕府,唯公无分寸私。” 明 方孝孺 《答郑仲辩书》二:“僕守一官,无分寸补世教,近髮有白者而已。”

  2. 短暂的时间。

    《北史·高允传》:“ 允 闻之,谓著作郎 宗钦 曰:‘ 閔湛 所营,分寸之间,恐为 崔 门万世之祸,吾徒无类矣。’未几而难作。” 李大钊 《青春》:“其他风骚雅士,或秉烛夜游;勤事劳人,或重惜分寸。”

  3. 说话或做事应掌握的尺度,界限。

    元 王实甫 《西厢记》第五本第三折:“横死眼,不识好人,招祸口,不知分寸。”《儿女英雄传》第二三回:“你我向来相怜相爱,相敬如宾,就説闺房之中甚於画眉,也要有个分寸。” 草明 《乘风破浪》第四章:“他似乎怕伤她的心,很注意讲话的分寸。”



  1. I would like to seek a woman who tolerates multi-culture, with a sense of humor but detail-oriented.


  2. The American legal system also seems to have lost any sense of proportion.


  3. A mature person, whether men or women, will be in the heart of a guideline, in doing things must be measured to grasp their own behavior.


  4. They are the sign of a governing class that has lost its sense of proportion and its sense of accountability to the public.


  5. It's never been a big issue for me to have no holds barred and to talk the way I want to.


  6. " I do not know if South Korea continues to be measured provocation, " anytime, anywhere may be subject to severe punishment.


  7. "I think I pulled back at the right time, " she said. "I do not think there was anything abusive in my house. "


  8. There's going to be a massive culture clash and Google need to be very careful in finding the right balance between innovation and humility.


  9. Very proper. The next time you see a man on a horse, don't run out in the middle of the road till he's passed.


  1. 她没有分寸感。

    Eg. She have no sense of propriety.

  2. 我自有分寸。

    I got everything under control.

  3. 幽默感就是分寸感。

    A sense of humour is a sense of proportion.

  4. 你女友得懂分寸

    Your girlfriend needs to know her place.

  5. 骨度分寸折量法,骨度法

    bone measurement

  6. 表示不知分寸, 爱占便宜。

    I gave him an inch, and he wanted to take a mile.

  7. 他说话很有分寸。

    He knows what to say and what not to say.

  8. 经理说话很有分寸。

    The manager talks in a measured way.

  9. 他是个懂分寸的老手。

    He was a careful operator.

  10. 嗯。特洛伊自己知道分寸的。

    Gabby Yeah. Troy can handle himself.

  11. 这一次, 董事会掌握了分寸。

    This time the board drew the line.

  12. 我的朋友也都有分寸。

    My friends can handle their highs.

  13. 我在求职面试中分寸大乱。

    I blundered during the job interview.

  14. 其次, 交往要适当, 要有分寸。

    Secondly, exchanges should be appropriate, a sense of propriety.

  15. 他相信曼克奈斯是懂得分寸的。

    Magnus, he could trust to be dignified.

  16. 但他们从来都注意分寸, 避免僭越。

    But they have always been careful not to go too far.

  17. 这一讲究的就是分寸, 就是整体的配合。

    This is fastidious is the discretion, is the overall coordination.

  18. 不用为我着急, 妈妈, 我自有分寸。

    Don't rush on my account, Mom, I have a sense of propriety.

  19. 红楼梦人物刻划的情理分寸

    The Sense Propriety in Portraying Characters in the Novel of Dream of the Red Chamber

  20. 我喜欢有礼貌、有分寸的男孩子。

    I like a courteous guy who knows his manners.

  21. 我认为我难以把握给你的回答的分寸。

    I do think it is a difficult issue of how much to tell you.

  22. 但我喝酒一直都有分寸的。

    But I've totally got my drinking under control now.

  23. 他待人接物,严格掌握亲热随便的分寸。

    He had a finely graduated scale of informality and friendship, which improved from the How do you do?

  24. 她对掌握分寸, 也有自己的奇特标准。

    Her sense of delicacy was singular.

  25. 因为你看起来象个有分寸的人。

    Because you seem like a decent person.

  26. 措施是否得力首先取决于分寸拿捏是否得当。

    Sound policy starts with a sense of proportion.

  27. 美国的司法系统似乎已掌握不了分寸。

    The American legal system also seems to have lost any sense of proportion.

  28. 他原先认为必须那样才能使我懂得分寸。

    What he had fancied was essential to my sense of proportion.

  29. 奥巴马对耶拿少年的支持持有分寸。

    Barack Obamas support for the Jena teens is guarded.

  30. 第一,这些措施应该有确切的目标和分寸。

    First, the measures must be accurately targeted and calibrated.


  1. 问:分寸拼音怎么拼?分寸的读音是什么?分寸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:分寸的读音是fēncun,分寸翻译成英文是 one's status in certain environment; limit...





【拼音】fēn cùn

【基本解释】说话或做事的适当标准或限度。详细解释1、说话或做事的适当标准或限度。如草明《乘风破浪》:“他似乎怕伤她的心,很注意讲话的分寸。”2、比喻义:微小。如韩愈 《孔君墓志铭》:“凡在幕府,唯公无分寸私。”3、短暂的时间。如李大钊《青春》:“其他风骚雅士,或秉烛夜游;勤事劳人,或重惜分寸。”4、茶叶。如在天《百茶联》:“分寸无遗传粹美,煎烹有度显精神。”出处